Monday, October 29, 2012

Dying Satellites Could Lead to Shaky Weather Forecasts

WASHINGTON ? The United States is facing a year or more without crucial satellites that provide invaluable data for predicting storm tracks, a result of years of mismanagement, lack of financing and delays in launching replacements, according to several recent official reviews.

The looming gap in satellite coverage, which some experts view as almost certain within the next few years, could result in shaky forecasts about storms like Hurricane Sandy, which is expected to hit the East Coast early next week.

The endangered satellites fly pole-to-pole orbits and cross the Equator in the afternoon, scanning the entire planet one strip at a time. Along with orbiters on other timetables, they are among the most effective tools used to pin down the paths of major storms about five days ahead.

All this week, forecasters have been relying on such satellites for almost all the data needed to narrow down what were at first widely divergent computer models of what Hurricane Sandy would do next: hit the coast, or veer away into the open ocean?

Right on schedule, the five-day models began to agree on the likeliest answer. By Friday afternoon, the storm?s center was predicted to approach Delaware on Monday and Tuesday, with powerful winds, torrential rains and dangerous tides ranging over hundreds of miles.

New York and other states declared emergencies; the Navy ordered ships to sea to avoid damage. Mayor Michael R. Bloomberg of New York City warned that no matter where or when the storm landed, the city would not escape its effects. And from the Carolinas to New England, public safety officials were urgently advising tens of millions of residents to prepare for the worst, including the possibility of historic flooding, power failures and snow.

Experiments show that without this kind of satellite data, forecasters would have underestimated by half the huge blizzard that hit Washington in 2010.

?We cannot afford to lose any enhancement that allows us to accurately forecast any weather event coming our way,? said Craig J. Craft, commissioner of emergency management for Nassau County on Long Island, where the great hurricane of 1938 killed hundreds. On Thursday, Mr. Craft was seeking more precise forecasts for Sandy and gearing up for possible evacuations of hospitals and nursing homes, as were ordered before Tropical Storm Irene last year. ?Without accurate forecasts it is hard to know when to pull that trigger,? he said.

Experts have grown increasingly alarmed in the past two years because the existing polar satellites are nearing or beyond their life expectancies, and the launch of the next replacement, known as J.P.S.S.-1, has slipped to 2017, probably too late to avoid a coverage gap of at least a year.

Prodded by lawmakers and auditors, the satellite program?s managers are just beginning to think through alternatives when the gap occurs, but these are unlikely to avoid it.

This summer, three independent reviews of the $13 billion program ? by the Commerce Department?s inspector general, the Government Accountability Office, and a team of outside experts ? each questioned the cost estimates for the program, criticized managers for not pinning down the designs and called for urgent remedies. The project is run by the Commerce Department?s National Oceanic and Atmospheric Agency, and NASA.

The outside review team, led by A. Thomas Young, an aerospace industry leader, called the management of the program ?dysfunctional.?

In response, top Commerce and NOAA officials on Sept. 18 ordered what they called an urgent restructuring ? just the latest overhaul of the troubled program. They streamlined the management, said they would fill major vacancies quickly and demanded immediate reports on how the agency planned to cope with the gap. They have moved quickly to nail down the specific designs of the J.P.S.S.-1?s components, many of them already partly built. And they promised to quickly complete a new independent cost estimate to verify the program?s budget.

Ciaran Clayton, NOAA?s communications director, said in a statement that the agency?s top priority was to provide timely, accurate forecasts to protect the public, and that it would?continue to develop and update plans to cover any potential gap.

The under secretary of commerce responsible for NOAA, Jane Lubchenco, issued the memorandum ordering the changes. In it, she wrote that the administration had been trying all along to fix ?this dysfunctional program that had become a national embarrassment due to chronic management problems.?

?It is a long, sad history,? said Dennis Hartmann, the chairman of a broad review of earth-observing satellite programs released in May by the National Research Council. The report projected a dismal decline in what has been a crown jewel of modern earth and atmospheric science.

The Joint Polar Satellite System also includes important sensors for studying the global climate, and these too are at risk.

But its main satellites are most notable because they put instruments to sense atmospheric moisture, temperature and the like into what is known as the ?polar p.m.? orbit, a passage from lower altitude that provides sharp and frequent images of global weather patterns. (Other satellites stare continuously at one part of the globe from farther off, for short-term forecasting.)

Polar satellites provide 84 percent of the data used in the main American computer model tracking Hurricane Sandy.

For years, as the accuracy of this kind of forecasting has steadily improved, NOAA?s p.m. polar satellites have been a crucial factor, like the center on a basketball team.

But all the while, despite many warnings, the coverage gap has grown ever more likely.

The department told Congress this summer that it could not come up with any way to launch J.P.S.S.-1 any sooner. Kathryn D. Sullivan, assistant secretary of commerce, said it would ?endeavor to maintain the launch date as much as practicable.?

The Government Accountability Office, which views a gap as ?almost certain,? has been urging NOAA to come up with alternatives, like leaning on other commercial, military or government satellites for helpful data. But it said it would take a long time and more money to get any such jury-rigged system running.

For now, the agency is running on a stopgap bill that allows it to redirect money from other projects to the polar satellites. In approving it, Congress demanded a plan by next week showing how NOAA intended to stay on schedule and within a strict limit ? about $900 million a year.

?NOAA does not have a policy to effect consistent and reliable cost estimates,? the Commerce inspector general said. The outside review team said it could not tell ?if the current $12.9 billion is high, low, or exactly correct.?

The program?s problems began a decade ago with an effort to merge military and civilian weather satellites into a single project. After its cost doubled and its schedule slipped five years, that project was sundered by the Obama administration.

As its existing satellites aged and the delays mounted, NOAA finally put a new model named Suomi into orbit a year ago that now helps bridge the gap until the next launchings, in 2017 and in 2022 ? two and four years late, respectively.

But there are lingering concerns that technical glitches have shortened Suomi?s useful lifetime, perhaps to just three years. Predicting a satellite?s lifetime is like trying to guess when a light bulb will go out. The most likely timing of a gap in coverage is between 2016 and 2018, according to the best official estimates.

That would ?threaten life and property,? the independent review team warned.


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Friday, October 26, 2012

Isolation of Puerto Rico's manatees affects survival odds

ScienceDaily (Oct. 25, 2012) ? New evidence shows there is no cross-breeding between endangered manatees in Puerto Rico and those in Florida, resulting in less genetic diversity in Puerto Rico's small manatee population and impacting its odds of survival.

The findings, which come from a study of West Indian manatees by the U.S. Geological Survey and Puerto Rico Manatee Conservation Center, could help resource managers make decisions about how to conserve the endangered marine mammal.

"Wildlife management has been one of the fields to benefit greatly from the ability to determine relatedness of individuals from DNA analysis, allowing management decisions to be based on concrete scientific evidence for genetic diversity and prospects for it to increase," said USGS Director Marcia McNutt. "These results for Puerto Rico's manatees are a wake-up call."

One key management concern is the ability of Puerto Rico's manatees to absorb and rebound from population declines. Current estimates suggest as few as 250 individual manatees may currently live in Puerto Rico. Furthermore, the population's genetic diversity is low, a fact which decreases a wildlife population's capacity to adapt to changing conditions and rebound after critical events that can cause deaths, such as hurricanes, boat strikes, or disease.

This latest finding -- that Puerto Rico's manatees are genetically isolated -- shows the population's vulnerability to future ups and downs is not being offset by migration from Florida manatees, as was once hoped.

"Puerto Rico's Antillean manatees have low overall numbers and low genetic diversity, both of which present risks for the population's long-term survival," said Margaret Hunter, Ph.D., a USGS geneticist and lead author of the study. "The lack of gene flow is another risk factor. We detected no signs that the Puerto Rico population is being supplemented by Florida manatees, through migration or breeding. This means that Puerto Rico's population must absorb shocks -- such as environmental change or disease -- on their own. It's a trifecta of genetic vulnerability."

In their most recent 5-year review, released in 2007, the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service recommended that West Indian manatees be downlisted from endangered to threatened, although no decision was made at that time.

As of the last status review, it was difficult to determine whether the two populations were mixing. Puerto Rico's manatees were already considered a different subspecies -- the 'Antillean' subspecies, while those in the continental U.S. are the 'Florida' subspecies. Although the distinction had been based on different physical traits observed in the two types of manatees, this study confirms that there is indeed a strong genetic basis to those differences.

The research offers a clearer picture of breeding relationships because the research team compared Florida and Puerto Rico using nuclear DNA, which provides enough granular detail about diversity to draw conclusions about current breeding rates. Earlier genetic data on West Indian manatees came from analysis of mitochondrial DNA, a type of genetic material typically used to understand a species' ancient migratory past.

Among other findings in the study is the existence of two manatee populations within Puerto Rico itself that do not frequently interbreed. The two genetically different groups provide diversity that may improve the long-term prospects for manatees in Puerto Rico.

"This study provides solid data that allows us to better understand what Puerto Rico's manatee population faces internally to survive?both as individuals and as a population. It also directs us in developing and implementing future studies in health assessments and habitat use that will enhance current conservation efforts in the island on behalf of the species," said co-author Antonio Mignucci, Ph.D., director of the Puerto Rico Manatee Conservation Center and research professor at Inter American University of Puerto Rico.

Puerto Rico's manatees are not only isolated from Florida's population, but have little chance of receiving migrants from other nearby islands. The USGS has been working with the PRMCC and other biologists in Caribbean nations to gather new data about causes of death, habitat use, and breeding among manatees found on the surrounding islands. At this point, Jamaica and the Dominican Republic are believed to have small manatee populations while Guadeloupe, Haiti and the Virgin Islands have no known manatees.

"The more that we continue to learn about this unique mammal, the better we can enable managers to make decisions that ensure adequate protection," said Bob Bonde, Ph.D., a USGS research biologist and co-author of the research.

The study, "Puerto Rico and Florida manatees represent genetically distinct groups," is available online in the journal Conservation Genetics.

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The above story is reprinted from materials provided by U.S. Geological Survey.

Note: Materials may be edited for content and length. For further information, please contact the source cited above.

Journal Reference:

  1. Margaret E. Hunter, Antonio A. Mignucci-Giannoni, Kimberly Pause Tucker, Timothy L. King, Robert K. Bonde, Brian A. Gray, Peter M. McGuire. Puerto Rico and Florida manatees represent genetically distinct groups. Conservation Genetics, 2012; DOI: 10.1007/s10592-012-0414-2

Note: If no author is given, the source is cited instead.

Disclaimer: Views expressed in this article do not necessarily reflect those of ScienceDaily or its staff.


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Debt Management Plans | Personal Finance Blog - Personal ...

Most people will have heard of a debt management plan before. About 5 years ago, it was one of the most popular debt solutions out there, with plenty of major advertising campaigns based around them. However, do you actually know what it is and what happens when you are in a debt management plan?

What is a debt management plan?

A debt management plan is an informal agreement between you and your creditors (people you owe money too) to pay off your debts over an extended period of time, with regular affordable monthly payments. A debt management plan is useful when you are struggling to make payments towards your debt each month. This is because it allows you to pay back your debts over a longer period of time, so the amount you pay each month towards your debts is lower. You can arrange one yourself but this can often prove difficult.

What happens in a debt management plan?

The first step is sitting down with an insolvency practitioner or going to a debt advice centre and working out your income and expenditure. Income is simply how much money you earn/receive each month and expenditure is how much you spend on the essentials you need to live. It is important at this point to not include your creditors (debt) when you calculate your expenditure.

Once you?ve worked this out, then you can see your disposable income:


From this, your advisor will know how much you can reasonably afford to pay to service your debts. From this, they will create a proposal for your creditors, outlining how much you will pay each month and how much your creditors will receive.

The plan will last for an agreed amount of time, usually several years, but once this payment period is over, your debts will have been paid in full. It?s worth remembering though that your credit rating may be affected after this.

How do I know if it?s right for me?

A debt management plan is often a good solution when you?re struggling to pay all your bills every month and often find yourself short. You do need to have a regular source of income, however, as you need to be able to pay regular sums each month.

The best way to find out if a debt management plan is right for you is to get professional advice, whether that be from the Citizens Advice Bureau or through a debt solutions company. Our staff have years of experience of helping people deal with debt and have the knowledge to advise you on the right debt solution for your needs.

~Peter Dean


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Cuba to welcome back many who left

In order to normalize relations with Cubans abroad, Cuba's most recent policy is expected to allow the return of many now banned from the island, estimated any anywhere from 70,000 to 300,000.

By Juan O. Tamayo,?McClatchy / October 26, 2012

Cuba said Thursday it will welcome back tens of thousands of its citizens who left illegally ? including rafters, doctors, and baseball players ? in the second round of a migration reform it claims will help normalize relations with Cubans abroad.

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Havana has barred the return of rafters since its 1994 migration accord with the US government in order to deter risky escapes across the Florida Straits. But the ban is not part of the accord and is not expected to affect the agreement or US policy.

"We will normalize the temporary entry to the island of those who emigrated illegally after the 1994 migration accords," Homero Acosta, secretary of the ruling Council of State, announced in a television appearance late Wednesday.

Also allowed to return will be medical personnel and top athletes who left illegally or defected while abroad after 1990 and who have been out for more than eight years, as well as Cubans who left when they were 16 or younger and those who want to return for humanitarian reasons, such as caring for ailing relatives.

The change is expected to allow the return of many Cubans now banned from the island, estimated any anywhere from 70,000 - mostly rafters - to 300,000, including important Cubans branded by Havana as defectors and even traitors.

RELATED: Think you know Latin America? Take our geography quiz!

Still banned are those who escaped through the US Navy base in Guantanamo in southeastern Cuba, Acosta added, "for reasons of defense and national security." Havana also can ban the return of those who "organize, encourage, or participate in hostile actions against the political, economic, and social basis of the state," and anyone at all "when reasons of defense and national security require it."

Cuban ruler Raul Castro announced last year that he wanted to reform the country's migration regulations "as a contribution to the growth in the links between the nation and the communities of its emigrants."

But most analysts outside the island believe Castro wants to squeeze more money out of migration so that he can finance the dramatic economic reforms that he has been pushing since 2007.

"It is time to do justice to the poorest of the migrants, the rafters, even if this will generate tens of millions of dollars for the government by way of passport and other fees," said Pedro Gonzalez Munne, a Miami businessman who monitors travel to Cuba.

The fee for Cuban passports rose from $60 to about $110 in the first round of migration reforms announced last week, which lifted the hated requirement of exit permits for Cubans who want to travel abroad. Havana retained the right to block any travel.

"I have to submit a humanitarian request so that someone can decide whether to allow me to return to where I was born? ... Big deal!" said Juan Antonio Blanco, a former analyst with the Cuban Communist Party's Central Committee now living in Miami.

Although the number of Cubans living abroad is critically important for its economy ? cash remittances were estimated at more than $2 billion in 2011 alone ? the exact details of the migration flows are almost impossible to obtain.

Nearly 2 million Cubans are estimated to have emigrated since Fidel Castro seized power in 1959, and about 85 percent now live in the United States.

Cuba's National Statistical Office (ONE) reported that 400,000 citizens living abroad visited the island in 2011, including 300,000 who live in the United States. The emigre arrivals are sometimes listed in the official arrivals count as "other Caribbeans."

The number of rafters banned from returning has been estimated at 70,000 ? the 35,000 who left during the Rafter Crisis in 1994, when Fidel Castro opened the doors to anyone who wanted to leave, plus those who escaped afterward. About 14,500 rafters arrived on US shores in fiscal year 2005 to 2012 alone.

The US and Cuban government signed migration pacts in 1994 and 1995 to end that crisis and assure safe migration. The pact requires the US to deliver 20,000 visas to Cuban migrants per year.

Havana officials have told employees of Miami companies that handle trips to the island that the number of citizens on their don't-come-back list in fact totals 300,000, including senior government defectors, sports figures, and medical personnel.

One travel company employee said that 1 percent or 2 percent of Cuban Americans who request Havana's permission to visit the island get rejected, with notices from Cuban authorities saying "Cannot Board. Illegal Exit."

Acosta also complained that Cuba has an unfair image as a country that does not allow its people to travel abroad freely, "a great prison or tropical gulag."

He boasted that 99.4 percent of those who requested exit permits to make personal trips abroad between 2000 and 2012 received them ? a total of 941,953 people.

That works out to 78,496 Cubans allowed to travel abroad per year for a country with a population of 11.2 million people. The US Department of Commerce estimated that 30 million US residents traveled abroad in 2009 alone.

Acosta added that out of the 941,953, those who did not return totaled 120,705, for a defection rate about 10,000 a year or 12.8 percent. That number does not include Cubans who leave illegally or those who leave with migrant visas.

RELATED: Think you know Latin America? Take our geography quiz!


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Thursday, October 25, 2012

Effectiveness And Success: Learn To Get The Best Out Of Your PPC ...

By Mack Goodwin

Publicity and reputation is essential for your organization. It doesn?t matter if you?re engaged in selling something or offering a service, what is important is your end users recognize your business exists. So you?ll devote quite a bit on advertising and campaigns. Fortunately you don?t have to be associated with costly promotion using famous media because today your organization can count on the growing power of the net. How does PPC campaign management figure into your web-based advertising?

PPC, or pay-per-click, is among the many different ways your company can get traffic to your internet site. You market on another website, also referred to as the publisher, and whenever the publisher?s site traffic ticks your advertisements, they are redirected to your site. It?s like advertising on TV or print media in that you?ll only buy airtime or space from well-liked TV programs or magazines. Typically, you?ll like to precisely aim for your market so you?ll exclusively market on TV programs or magazines that entice your market segment, regardless of whether it?s stay-at-home mums or young, upwardly mobile professionals. To truly acquire good outcomes from your PPC campaign, you?ll want to be sure that the website you?re promoting on does indeed drive the optimal number of visitors to your site and that such traffic could turn into actual client.

You can find PPC management applications you could make use of to help you sort through click-through rate (CTR) and quality scores, each of which assists you evaluate if you?re running a high-performing ads. A PPC management tool could also help you mass edit if you have to modify several ad strategies, even on different search engines, saving you time and effort from dealing with all of your advertisements. A management tool would most likely be a lot simpler to successfully manage your PPC campaigns but opting for the help of a PPC consultant will be the smarter solution to be certain that your advertisements get the ideal website traffic.

Employing a PPC specialist will free you up to better handle your enterprise and to handle some other aspects meant for running it efficiently. A PPC consultant can develop the most suitable strategy that really works for your firm and targets your market efficiently. It could optimize your keywords, your landing pages, and your general marketing strategy. It will conduct the essential studies needed to ensure that the Pay per click campaign you?ve got will work. It may maximize your click-throughs and conversion rates. In other words, it will simplify your Pay Per Click management which means that your advertising campaigns become effective and profitable.

There are numerous opportunities for your company to obtain maximum publicity and recognition these days. With a pay-per-click campaign, jointly with your other internet promotion initiatives, you?ll have a great possibility of getting more visits to your business website. By using PPC experts, you not simply ensure you receive those visits but you?ll also see those traffic change into paying consumers.

Want to make your website visitors your actual sales? You can with the help of professionals.

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94% Side by Side

I am a HUGE, HUGE fan of movies. I will watch all type of movies, I just love movies. "Side By Side" is a documentary about how filmmakers have changed the way they make movies by going from making a movie with film, to making a movie digital. It's very technical, but it has some very insightful views from James Cameron, Martin Scorsese, David Fincher, Robert Rodriguez, among many other people who help create movies. It's produced and hosted by Keanu Reeves. Weird, I know right?! But he does a good job interviewing the people, and he seems genuinely interesting in the entire process. Parts of the documentary are a bit tedious if you don't know much of the process(I don't), and other parts are fascinating if your a true fan of films(I am). I think this is an important movie to watch because filmmakers are the ones who tell the stories we all love, and this is a chance to hear from them about their side of the camera. I watched this very late at night and was glued to the screen. It's neat to see how things have changed in the 100 years movies have been made, and hear where some of these people think it's going to evolve to. A must watch documentary of people who genuinely love technology, movies, or hearing from people who make the all the magic happen.

October 21, 2012


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I'm Mark Frauenfelder, Editor-In-Chief of MAKE Magazine, and This Is How I Work

I'm Mark Frauenfelder, Editor-In-Chief of MAKE Magazine, and This Is How I WorkFor followers of the ever-expanding maker movement, Mark Frauenfelder is king. As editor-in-chief of MAKE magazine, a quarterly publication dedicated to DIY projects, Mark is a defining force in maker culture. Called a "central organ" of the movement, MAKE encourages individual and group experimentation through metal and woodworking, robotics, electronics, and more. Its pages are brought to life each year at Maker Faire, a mecca for engineers, scientists, artists, and every DIYer in between. Mark is also the founder and co-editor of Boing Boing. Started as a cyberpunk zine in the late 1980s, Boing Boing has grown into a go-to blog for everything from tech and space exploration to politics and music. How does he do it all? Mark shared a few secrets with us, but if you want to know more, he's chatting live for the next hour.

Update: the q&a is closed. Thanks for all the great questions! Check out Mark's answers in the discussion thread below.

Name: Mark Frauenfelder
Occupation: Editor-in-chief of MAKE, co-editor of Boing Boing
Location: Los Angeles, CA
Current computer: 27-inch iMac, 11-inch MacBook Air
Current mobile devices: iPhone 4
One word that best describes how I work: Pinball

What's your best time-saving trick?

I use AwayFind to stay on top of important emails and try to ignore the rest. I also make a daily to-do list and robotically go through them in order.

What's your favorite to-do list manager?

I use Wunderlist to make all of my lists and then transfer my daily to-do to TOPS form 2170.

Besides your phone and computer, what gadget can't you live without?

The ScanSnap s1500m. I use this sheet-feed, double-sided scanner to scan all my paper documents to Evernote. It's a life changer.

What's apps/software/tools can't you live without?

Divvy, Blue Yeti microphone, Bean word processor, Palomino Blackwing 602 pencil, AwayFind, Aeropress coffee maker.

What's your workspace setup like?

[I have] a spare bedroom office with an iMac atop a vintage steel desk.

I'm Mark Frauenfelder, Editor-In-Chief of MAKE Magazine, and This Is How I Work

Pictured above: Mark's workspace with standing desk.

What do you listen to while you work?

I like silence, unless I'm using my hands to draw, paint, solder, or make things. Then I listen to mainly old school punk and 60's garage rock.

What everyday thing are you better at than everyone else?

Cutting my own hair. I've done it since 1980 and I have saved countless hours and thousands of dollars. The downside is you end up with ridiculous looking hair like mine.

What's the best advice you've ever received?

Good, Inexpensive, Fast: Pick two.

Anything else you want to add?

I highly recommend the book Influence: the Psychology of Persuasion. It taught me to recognize when someone was trying to manipulate me, and how to prevent them from being successful.

The How I Work series asks heroes, experts, brilliant, and flat-out productive people to share their shortcuts, workspaces, routines, and more. Every Wednesday we'll feature a new guest and the gadgets, apps, tips, and tricks that keep them going. Have someone you'd kill to see featured, or questions you think we should ask? Email Tessa.


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Dollar Thrifty Automotive Group, Inc. Thrifty Car Rental launches ...

Oct 23, 2012

TULSA, Okla. - Thrifty Car Rental, a subsidiary of Dollar Thrifty Automotive Group, Inc., today introduced its new mobile app for Microsoft's Windows Phone. The app allows customers to book a rental car on the move with a short, three-step reservation process.

"The new state-of-the-art Thrifty app for Windows Phone, in addition to our Thrifty apps on other major mobile platforms, meets the changing technology needs of our on-the-go customers," said Scott Thompson, Chairman, President and CEO, Dollar Thrifty Automotive Group, Inc. "With this app, Windows Phone users can conveniently book, modify or cancel a reservation for any of our Thrifty locations worldwide."

The Thrifty Car Rental app has many unique, easy-to-use features including the ability to notify users about specials and promotions as well as nearby Thrifty locations. Built by Dollar Thrifty Automotive Group, and Microsoft, the app is customized for Windows Phone's simple, panoramic user interface so that renters can make speedy reservations at any time or place. The app saves existing reservations and customer profiles securely so that renters can modify reservations, view details about all available rental cars and reserve additional features like car seats or a GPS.

The Thrifty Car Rental app is available for free download from the Windows Phone Store.


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Wednesday, October 24, 2012

CNN Fact Check: Obama Did Seek To Keep Troops In Iraq


Posted on October 23, 2012

CNN Fact Check: Obama Did Seek To Keep Troops In Iraq

CNN's Fact Check find that President Obama did seek to keep troops in Iraq.


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WINTER 2013 ENGL 285: Writers on Writing (VLPA) 5cr | UW ...

Back by popular demand, ENGL 285, Writers on Writing, will be offered again in winter quarter. This is a five-credit VLPA course with no registration restrictions and no prerequisites, appropriate for students of any level. Please share with your students.

ENGL 285: Writers on Writing

Professor Richard Kenney
Tues/Thurs 12:30 ? 1:50 with a Wed discussion section
SLN 13655

Experiencing literature from the inside. Members of the creative writing faculty and other practicing writers discuss their poetry, fiction, and literary nonfiction, literary inspiration, artistic practice, and the writer?s life.

Class description

In this class the collective UW Creative Writing faculty, along with other visiting artists, remember in public why they do what they do. On ten sequential Tuesdays they will speak in depth about what interests them most, including the ways and means of poetry, fiction, nonfiction, and the joys and vagaries of inspiration, education, artistic practice, and the writing life. Thursdays constellate a literary reading series. Discussion sections scheduled in between.

Serious curiosity is the only requirement for admission. Students will be expected to attend all talks, do the assigned reading, respond to problems and exercises posed by the lecturers, and participate vigorously in the ongoing conversation. By the end, they will have had a disciplined brush with literate passion, practiced imaginative methods at the point of the pencil, learned something about books from people who write them, and gained a practical sense of the artist?s way of knowing the world.

Conceived as a perpetual work-in-progress, according professors full freedom in designing their respective contributions, the course will find its coherence in the conversation we leap to make of it. Sample topics: What Is It? or, Ars Poetica; Forms of Poetry, Forms of Thought; Mythos-Minded Thinking: From Proverbs to Parables, Stories as Metaphors in Motion; Odd Autobiography; Reading the New; Literary Collage & Blurring Boundaries; The Writing Life; The Revision Process; Closing Words.

Readings will be posted online or handed out in class. Grading will be based equally on reading (by quiz and conversation), writing (solutions to assigned prompts), and participation (attendance and discussion).

Repeat: this course is intended to bring infectious literate passion within earshot of as many people as possible at the University of Washington. No formal prerequisites. Everyone is invited.

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Romney camp says son Tagg has apologized to Obama

(AP) ? Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney's son Tagg has apologized to President Barack Obama for saying in a radio interview that he was tempted to "take a swing" at the president for criticizing his father during a debate.

Tagg Romney on Monday walked up on stage with other family members after the third presidential debate, where cameras showed him shaking hands and exchanging words with Obama. After the second presidential debate, Tagg told a radio interviewer it made him angry when Obama questioned his father's honesty.

Tagg Romney said, quote, "You want to rush down to the debate stage and take a swing at him."

A Romney campaign official confirmed Tuesday that Tagg apologized for the remark. The official was not authorized to discuss personal matters and thus demanded anonymity.

Associated Press


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Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Russia Fact Check: Romney 'Foe' or Obama 'Reset'?

MOSCOW - When Mitt Romney steps on the stage tonight in Boca Raton, Fla., to debate foreign policy with President Obama, his challenge will often be to draw a distinction between his proposals and the president's policies. In many areas, notably Iran, their positions are very similar. But one area where the Republican candidate and the president differ sharply is on their view of Russia. During an interview with CNN in March, Romney called Russia the United States' "number one geopolitical foe." But is that a fair characterization, or just campaign trail bluster? Analysts are divided, but most admit there is evidence to support both sides. "Russia is clearly not America's number one geopolitical foe. It lacks the economic and conventional military capability to live up to that mantle," Stephen Flanagan, a Russia expert at the Center for Strategic and International Studies, told ABC News by email. "That said, the Kremlin is undermining stability in the Middle East and the effectiveness of the U.N." "I would say that Gov. Romney's assertion is motivated by a calculation that a strong stance on Russia plays well with a segment of the American electorate. Given the challenges posed by international terrorism, Afghanistan, turmoil in the broader Middle East and a rising China, it is very difficult to see Russia as our number one problem," said Stephen Pifer, a former U.S. Ambassador to Ukraine and now an analyst at the Brookings Institute. "It's political hyperbole to suggest they are our biggest problem," Matthew Rojansky, the deputy director of the Russia and Eurasia Program at the Carnegie Endowment, told ABC News. "There is something to it in the sense that if you look at the world through the prism of the right side of some issues and the wrong side, Russia tends to be on the other side of us. And if you've picked the right side, then Russia is on the wrong side." Others noted that Romney's remarks represent the views of many in his party. "Gov. Romney's statement is reflective of widespread disappointment with the reset among many Republicans. Many see Moscow as on the opposite side from the United States in dealing with major international issues, particularly Syria, and believe this is clear evidence that the reset has failed," said Paul Saunders, the executive director at the Center for the National Interest. Romney's remarks did not go unnoticed in the Kremlin. Then-Russian President Dmitri Medvedev immediately dismissed the comments, saying Romney was stuck in the Cold War. But Romney doubled down in an op-ed on Foreign Policy magazine's website and said President Obama's policies of outreach were to blame. He held his ground in another CNN interview in July, saying: "There's no question but that in terms of geopolitics - I'm talking about votes at the United Nations and actions of a geopolitical nature - Russia is the No. 1 adversary in that regard." Six months later, however, President Vladimir Putin said Romney's comments would only harden Russia's stance, particularly its opposition to U.S.-led plans to place a missile defense system in Eastern Europe to guard against an attack by Iran. Russia has insisted in written assurances to guarantee the system is not aimed at its own nuclear arsenal. The Obama administration, meanwhile, has tried to fight the perception that its Russia policy has failed. Shortly after taking office in 2009, the administration launched what it called a "reset" in relations with Moscow. While that initially yielded what many analysts agree was substantially improved relations with the Kremlin, relations have again soured, in large part due to sharp disagreements on policies in the Middle East. Indeed, in justifying his characterization of Russia in March, Romney pointed out that Russia often stands in the way of key American foreign policy goals. After supporting tougher sanctions on Iran for its defiance of international demands to halt its nuclear enrichment activities, Russia reversed course and blocked subsequent efforts to impose additional sanctions. In Libya in 2011, the Kremlin accused the U.S.-led coalition of misleading Russia into supporting a U.N. intervention that gave cover to a NATO-led military operation that helped oust longtime leader Moammar Gadhafi. And the difference between Moscow and Washington has perhaps most acutely been seen in Syria, where Russia has appeared eager to back the government of President Bashar al-Assad, Russia's last ally in the region and a major arms client. Russia even vetoed United Nations Security Council resolutions that would have imposed sanctions on the Assad government. More recently, Putin provided more evidence that relations have deteriorated. He has accused the United States of funding the unprecedented wave of protests against his government. In the past six weeks Russia has expelled the U.S. Agency for International Development and announced it will suspend cooperation on a highly successful deal to secure loose Soviet era nuclear material. Obama, however, has maintained a willingness to engage Russia. On March 26, he was caught on an open microphone telling Medvedev he would have more "flexibility" to negotiate the missile defense issue after the November election. The Romney campaign immediately pounced on that as a sign of Obama's weakness (and prompting Romney's "foe" comment.) Most analysts, however, say that while Obama's efforts yielded progress like signing New START, which reduces each country's nuclear weapons stockpile, by almost any measure the "reset" is over. "No matter the outcome on Nov. 6, the U.S. will need a comprehensive review of its policy toward Russia," said Heather Conley, the director of the center for Strategic and International Studies' Europe Program. She believes the reset ended with the spat of intervention in Libya. "We are now post-reset," Rojansky agreed.

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Women in power are good for women's rights, right?

Not necessarily.

By Dan Murphy,?Staff writer / October 22, 2012

From the Times of London comes a reminder that the answer to issues of women's rights in places like Afghanistan doesn't necessarily come from appointing more women to positions of power.

Skip to next paragraph Dan Murphy

Staff writer

Dan Murphy is a staff writer for the Monitor's international desk, focused on the Middle East.?Murphy, who has reported from Iraq, Afghanistan, Egypt, and more than a dozen other countries, writes and edits Backchannels. The focus? War and international relations, leaning toward things Middle East.

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Maria Bashir is the country's only female prosecutor. Last year, she was one of the recipients of the State Department's "International Women of Courage" award at a ceremony presided over by Secretary of State Hillary Clinton and Michelle Obama. She's been hailed a pioneer by numerous foreign press outlets and governments.

Time Magazine wrote last year that Ms. Bashir "is establishing precedents that will become the foundations of a just and equal society. As with the clandestine school for girls that she ran while the country was under the Taliban's rule, Bashir's influence may not be immediately apparent. But in a generation it will bear fruit."

Rec youth hockey: Port Huron Flags Bantam B results

On Sunday afternoon at McMorran Arena, the Port Huron Flags Bantam B youth hockey team took on the Mount Clemens Kings in the first league game.

In dramatic fashion, the Kings scored with 11 seconds remaining in the third period to tie the game 5-5.

Tuck Walters scored the first goal for the Flags assisted by Treyton Bostic. In the second period there were two Port Huron goals. Pete Raymo scored unassisted and Jason Wyrembelski scored assisted by Garrett James and Raymo. The final two Flags goals in the third period were scored by KJ Fontenot and Nolan MacDonald, assisted by Walters and Chard Cartmell.

The Flags, who are 1-0-1 on the season, play Saturday against Mount Clemens.


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Monday, October 22, 2012

Exxon Mobil Receives Green Cross Safety Award

The National Safety Council has announced that Exxon Mobil Corporation is the recipient of its 2013 Green Cross for Safety medal. The company was awarded the prize "for its comprehensive commitment to safety excellence," the council stated. Here are the details.

* The Green Cross for Safety medal, established in 2000, is awarded annually to organizations who demonstrate a commitment to "improving safety and health in the workplace and beyond," the National Safety Council explained.

* According to the council, Exxon Mobil -- the largest publicly traded international oil and gas company -- has accomplished safety, security, health and environmental performance through clearly defined policies and practices.

* In spite of the award, Exxon Mobil acknowledged in its 2011 Corporate Citizen Report, released in June, that there were some undesirable outcomes for the year found in its performance data.

* Once of the undesirable performance trends indicated in the report was 484 spills involving oil, chemical and drilling fluid not from marine vessels. These incidences were a dramatic increase from the 210 spills Exxon Mobil reported in 2010.

* The company also reported that it had nine fatalities of contractors in 2011, while there were only three in 2010. The fatal accident and lost-time incident rate for the total workforce increased last year over 2010 levels.

* "This year, some of the trends in our safety and environmental performance did not meet our expectations and we are taking action to address them," stated Rex W. Tillerson, Exxon Mobil Chairman and CEO in the 2011 Corporate Citizenship Report. "We will not stop working to achieve our goal of driving accidents and incidents with a real impact to zero."

* Exxon Mobil currently has operations on six continents, the company reported, stating that it strives to become part of local communities and economies in addition to supplying energy.

* The National Safety Council plans to honor Exxon Mobil for its achievement at an April 2013 event in Houston, Texas.


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Sunday, October 21, 2012

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Saturday, October 20, 2012

Here's what LG's Nexus 4 looks like on the inside

Android Central

We've all seen numerous photos of the LG Nexus 4 from the outside, but if you've been curious as to what's lurking behind that shiny glass back, then wonder no more. A source has passed the above image to us, showing what you'll find if you unscrew the phone's back panel and look inside. As has been extensively reported in recent weeks, the back is intended to be non-removable, but with a bit of disassembly, it is possible to get inside.

Unsurprisingly, the back is dominated by the battery, which we now know to be a 2100mAh unit. It's not intended to be user-replaceable, but there are just a few standard screws between you and the battery. At a push, we imagine a technically proficient user could perform a successful Nexus 4 battery transplant if required.

The rest is pretty much as we'd expect it to be -- there's a plastic frame, gold contacts for antennae, and cutouts for the rear speaker, 8MP camera and LED flash. Peeking out from under that plastic is the PCB, which houses the 1.5GHz quad-core Snapdragon S4 Pro CPU, along with RAM, flash storage and other gubbins. Naturally, the SIM card slot isn't sealed behind the glass panel -- instead it's accessible via an iPhone-style microSIM tray on the right edge.

The Nexus 4 is so close, we can practically taste it. Don't forget we'll be live from New York on Oct. 29 for the announcement event!

Thanks, Anon!


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The Outrageous and Totally Legal Threat to Your Wealth

At age 68, Russ Caswell is on the verge of losing the business that?s been in his family for two generations. And it?s not for lack of customers.

Mr. Caswell is another object lesson that ?If you?ve done nothing wrong, you have nothing to worry about? no longer applies.

On Nov. 5, a federal trial will begin with the curious name of United States of America v. 434 Main Street, Tewksbury, Massachusetts.

The defendant is not Mr. Caswell, but rather the Motel Caswell ? a $1.5 million property Caswell owns mortgage-free. He had an eye toward possibly selling it so he could retire comfortably and take care of his gravely ill wife.

?I may sell it eventually, but the government doesn?t have the right to take it,? he tells the local site. ?It?s not right.?

Caswell is one of a growing number of Americans subject to ?civil asset forfeiture? ? or CAF.

?Asset forfeiture,? explains Duke professor Gary Hull, ?is used by federal and state officials to seize cars, boats, cash, houses, businesses ? all on the grounds that the asset might have been used or could conceivably be used in the commission of a crime, by someone, somewhere, at some point.?

Thus do the feds, along with the local police, allege that the Motel Caswell has been used for drug-related offenses going back to 1994. Note well: Russ Caswell stands accused of no crime. Nor is he accused of committing or facilitating crimes. Or that he was aware any crimes were going on at his motel.

The feds alone collected $2.5 billion last year from 15,000 CAF cases.

Recourse is, to say the least, a challenge. ?To retrieve that asset, you must enter Kafka?s universe,? professor Hull says.

?Even if you have the tens or hundreds of thousands of dollars necessary to mount a defense, CAF reverses the burden of proof and forces on the property owner an impossible standard ? to prove that the asset was not used to facilitate a crime, or if it was, that you did not know that the property was being used for facilitation. Further, you have to prove that you did everything possible (whatever that means) to prevent the crime(s).?

The Motel Caswell: Guilty until proven innocent?

The feds have been on Caswell?s case for three years now. Should they prevail in court, both the feds and the Tewksbury police stand to profit: Under a program called ?equitable sharing,? the locals get up to 80% of the booty.

?In the Caswell case,? Hull says, ?that could mean $1.2 million for the Tewksbury police to spend on new cars, uniforms, hi-tech equipment, junkets to Hawaii. Meanwhile, Caswell and his wife will have been impoverished.?

The ?Hawaii junkets? is not hyperbole on the professor?s part.

Over the past four years, the Milwaukee County Sheriff?s Office in Wisconsin has hauled in forfeiture money totaling $825,577. An audit released last week reveals some of the ways that money was spent?

  • $11,400 on workout gear for Sheriff David Clarke Jr.?s command staff
  • $8,200 for 9 flat-screen TVs, also for the command staff
  • $24,900 for ?customer-service training? provided by an outfit called Disney Destinations
  • $77,000 for upkeep of the sheriff?s mounted patrol ($43,000 of that was to buy a Dodge Ram pickup to haul the horses around).

But it?s all good: The audit found, ?none of the spending violated federal rules governing asset forfeiture money,? according to the Milwaukee Journal-Sentinel.

You don?t have to own property like Mr. Caswell to fall into Kafka?s universe. All you need to do is commit a moving violation and carry a wad of cash.

On Jan. 7, 2009, Anthony Smelley was pulled over on Interstate 70 in Putnam County, Ind. He was on his way from Detroit to St. Louis to visit his aunt. He?d had recently won a $50,000 settlement from a car accident. He was taking $17,500 of it to St. Louis to buy his aunt a new car.

You can see where this is going: Smelley was pulled over for an unsafe lane change and an obscured license plate. He was also driving with an expired license. During the stop, the officer asked Smelley to get out of the car and patted him down, discovering the cash. The dogs were called in and ?alerted? to the presence of drugs.

But a search of the car turned up no drugs, and Smelley never faced criminal charges. The $17,500, however, was judged guilty as hell.

?To make matters worse,? wrote Reason?s Radley Balko, ?the county was represented not by an elected public official, but by Christopher Gambill, an attorney in private practice who handles several Indiana counties? forfeiture cases on a contingency basis, earning 25-33% of what he wins in court, a system stacked with twisted incentives.?

In the end, Smelley did prevail and got his money back. But it took 13 months? and he wasn?t compensated for his time, interest on the money, court costs or attorney?s fees.

Dave Gonigam

Dave Gonigam

Treading a fine line between contrarian thinking and conspiracy theory, Dave Gonigam explores the nexus of finance, politics, and the media for Agora Financial's 5 Minute Forecast. He joined kindred spirits at Agora Financial in 2007 after a 20-year career as an Emmy award-winning writer, producer, and manager in local TV newsrooms nationwide.


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Comments have been made on Review Discussion for Exam 1 ...

(also emailed in eLearn)

Folks, I have gone through the entire review discussion and posted throughout on the threads there, so please take a look. Threads sort of form and pick up in different places, but I believe I posted a response to each overall theme identified in the discussion. There were many good posts and ideas brought up, so I am pleased. Where confusion was evident I have tried to clarify things with my post.

I have not scored it for extra credit yet but I will let you know as soon as I do. Tenn-Tom discussion and workbook are next on my agenda, I will let you know as soon as I have them graded but the plan is for tomorrow. MES

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Friday, October 19, 2012

Turkey calls for truce in Syria for Muslim holiday


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Do Pluto's moons pose risks for NASA spacecraft? (+video)

Scientists are planning a new route for NASA's New Horizons space probe as it approaches a potentially perilous path toward Pluto. They aim to chart a safe, but interesting course.

By Charles Q. Choi,? / October 16, 2012

This artist?s concept shows NASA's New Horizons spacecraft during its 2015 encounter with Pluto and its moon, Charon.

Southwest Research Institute


The moons of Pluto, and a potential set of rings, may create dangerous debris zones for a NASA spacecraft currently speeding toward the distant world, researchers say.

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'; } else if (google_ads.length > 1) { ad_unit += ''; } } document.getElementById("ad_unit").innerHTML += ad_unit; google_adnum += google_ads.length; return; } var google_adnum = 0; google_ad_client = "pub-6743622525202572"; google_ad_output = 'js'; google_max_num_ads = '1'; google_feedback = "on"; google_ad_type = "text"; google_adtest = "on"; google_image_size = '230x105'; google_skip = '0'; // --> Dwarf planet Pluto is a world of mystery waiting to be visited for the first time. NASA's New Horizons probe is racing across the solar system for a ground breaking close encounter that could dramatically alter what researchers "know" about Pluto and other small worlds.

Scientists are now designing alternate courses for the Pluto-bound?New Horizons spacecraft?that would steer it out of harm's way, while at the same time helping the probe explore its mysterious targets.

"We want people to understand just how interesting and how nail-biting New Horizons' mission might be," study lead author Alan Stern, principal investigator of the New Horizons mission at Southwest Research Institute in San Antonio, Texas. "This is part of the excitement of first-time exploration, of going to a new frontier."

New Horizons is the first probe ever designed to investigate worlds in the Kuiper Beltof icy bodies. After nearly seven years, the spacecraft is now more than 24 times farther away from the sun than Earth is, placing it past the orbit of Uranus. [Photos: Pluto and its 5 Moons]

Next stop: Pluto

New Horizons is currently about 1,000 days away and 730 million miles (1,180 million kilometers) from closest approach to?Pluto.

Since the spacecraft blasted off in 2006, the distant world has become an even more enticing goal, with a fifth moon discovered around it in July. The impacts that may have created this system of moons as well as collisions they have likely had with other bodies in the Kuiper Belt where the distant world resides also suggests debris might have collected into?rings around Pluto.

Although these finds reveal that Pluto is a trove of treasures worth exploring, "we're worried that?Pluto and its system of moons, the object of our scientific affection, may actually be a bit of a black widow," Stern said. "We've come to appreciate that those moons, as well as those not yet discovered, act as debris generators populating the Pluto system with shards from collisions between those moons and small Kuiper Belt objects."

Given how New Horizons is currently zooming away from the sun at more than 33,500 mph (54,000 kph), "a collision with a single pebble, or even a millimeter-sized grain, could cripple or destroy New Horizons," said New Horizons project scientist Hal Weaver at Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory. "We need to steer clear of any debris zones around Pluto."

To search for debris orbiting Pluto, the New Horizons team is now scanning it with ground and space telescopes and carrying out computer simulations of where this shrapnel might lie.

"We're not going to blindly send a billion-dollar-class mission into harm's way," Stern told "We're going to rewrite what we know to achieve victory."

Does Pluto have rings?

Although researchers have spotted no signs of debris zones around Pluto yet, computer models have not ruled out such gauntlets of rubble. "We have to take the conservative approach and assume the worst," Stern said.


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