Sunday, March 31, 2013

Pope refers to "Muslim brothers" on Good Friday

ROME (AP) ? Pope Francis reached out in friendship to "so many Muslim brothers and sisters" during a Good Friday procession dedicated to the suffering of Christians from terrorism, war and religious fanaticism in the Middle East.

The new pontiff, who has rankled traditionalists by rejecting many trappings of his office, mostly stuck to the traditional script during the nighttime Way of the Cross procession at Rome's Colosseum, one of the most dramatic rituals of Holy Week.

With torches lighting the way, the faithful carried a cross to different stations, where meditations and prayers were read out recalling the final hours of Jesus' life and his crucifixion.

This year, the prayers were composed by young Lebanese, and many recalled the plight of minority Christians in the region, where wars have forced thousands to flee their homelands. The meditations called for an end to "violent fundamentalism," terrorism and the "wars and violence which in our days devastate various countries in the Middle East."

Francis, who became pope just over two weeks ago, chose, however, to stress Christians' positive relations with Muslims in the region in his brief comments at the end of the ceremony.

Standing on a platform overlooking the procession route, Francis recalled Benedict XVI's 2012 visit to Lebanon when "we saw the beauty and the strong bond of communion joining Christians together in that land and the friendship of our Muslim brothers and sisters and so many others."

"That occasion was a sign to the Middle East and to the whole world, a sign of hope," he said.

Friday's outreach followed Francis' eyebrow-raising gesture a day earlier, when he washed and kissed the feet of two women, one a Muslim, in the Holy Thursday ritual that commemorates Jesus' washing of his apostles' feet during the Last Supper before his crucifixion.

Breaking with tradition, Francis performed the ritual on 12 inmates at a juvenile detention center, rather than in Rome's grand St. John Lateran basilica, where in the past, 12 priests have been chosen to represent Jesus' disciples.

Before he became pope, the former Cardinal Jorge Mario Bergoglio long cultivated warm relations with Muslim leaders in his native Argentina. In one of his first speeches as pope, he called for the church and the West in general to "intensify" relations with the Muslim world.

The Vatican's relations with Islam hit several bumps during Benedict XVI's papacy, when he outraged Muslims with a 2006 speech quoting a Byzantine emperor as saying some of Prophet Muhammad's teachings were "evil and inhuman." And in 2011, the pre-eminent institute of Islamic learning in the Sunni Muslim world, Cairo's Al-Azhar institute, froze dialogue with the Vatican to protest Benedict's call for greater protection of Christians in Egypt.

However, Francis' past outreach to the Muslim community in Argentina seems to have changed that. Al-Azhar's chief imam, Sheik Ahmed el-Tayyib, sent a message of congratulations to Francis on his election and said he hoped for cooperation.

The Vatican's efforts to reconcile with the Islamic world have not been welcomed by all. Italy's most famous Muslim convert to Catholicism, Magdi Allam, announced last week he was leaving the church because of its "soft" stance on Islam. Allam was baptized by Benedict XVI in 2008 during the high-profile Easter Vigil service when the pope traditionally baptizes a handful of adults. There has been no Vatican comment on his about-face.

Thousands of people packed the Colosseum and surrounding areas for the nighttime procession, holding candles wrapped in paper globes as Francis sat in silent prayer as a giant torch-lit crucifix twinkled nearby. Some in the crowd had Lebanese flags around their shoulders in an indication of the special role Lebanese faithful played in this year's procession.

Lebanon has the largest percentage of Christians in the Middle East ? nearly 40 percent of the country's 4 million people, with Maronite Catholics the largest sect. As civil war has raged in neighboring Syria, Lebanon's Christian community has been divided between supporters and opponents of Syrian President Bashar Assad.

Overall, Christians in the Middle East have been uneasy as the Arab Spring has led to the strengthening of Islamist groups in most countries that have experienced uprisings. Thousands of Christians have fled the region ? a phenomenon that the Vatican has lamented, given Christianity's roots in the Holy Land.

"How sad it is to see this blessed land suffer in its children, who relentlessly tear one another to pieces and die!" said one of the Good Friday meditations. "It seems that nothing can overcome evil, terrorism, murder and hatred."

Francis picked up on that message, saying Christ's death on the cross is "the answer which Christians offer in the face of evil, the evil that continues to work in us and around us."

"Christians must respond to evil with good, taking the cross upon themselves as Jesus did," he said.

At the end of the ceremony, a male choir sang a haunting Arabic hymn, a reflection of the Eastern rite influence that infused the ceremony.

On Saturday, Francis presides over the solemn Easter Vigil ceremony in St. Peter's Basilica and on Sunday, he celebrates Easter Mass and delivers an important speech. Usually the pope also issues Easter greetings in dozens of languages.

In his two weeks as pope, Francis' discomfort with speaking in any language other than Italian has become apparent. The Vatican spokesman, the Rev. Federico Lombardi, said Friday "we'll have to see" what Francis does with the multilingual greetings.

The Good Friday procession was conducted entirely in Italian, whereas in years past the core elements recounting what happens at each station would be recited in a variety of languages.


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Saturday, March 30, 2013

Mortar kills 15 at Damascus University, Syria says

By Oliver Holmes and Hamdi Istanbullu

BEIRUT/ISTANBUL (Reuters) - Fifteen Syrian students were killed when rebel mortar shells hit a Damascus University canteen on Thursday, state-run news agency SANA said, as attacks intensified in the center of the capital.

The Syrian Observatory for Human Rights, an opposition monitoring group, said a mortar killed 13 people at the university, without saying who fired the bombs.

Other activists confirmed the attack but no opposition group has denied or claimed responsibility.

Insurgents trying to end four decades of rule by the family of President Bashar al-Assad have formed a semi-circle around the capital and intensified attacks from positions on the outskirts this week.

A bastion for Assad's forces, the capital city is a crucial prize in a two-year-old uprising that has developed into a war in which more than 70,000 people have been killed.

Another 1.2 million Syrians have also fled to neighboring countries and North Africa, where they have registered as refugees or are awaiting processing, according to the U.N. High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR).

Highlighting the strain the conflict is placing on neighboring states, Turkey, host to about 260,000 of the refugees, denied on Thursday it had rounded up and deported hundreds of Syrians following unrest at a refugee camp.

SANA said mortar rounds landed in a canteen at the College of Architecture in Baramkeh, a central district near several government buildings, including the Defense Ministry, the headquarters for state media and Assad's official residence.

Pro-government Al-Ikhbariya TV showed images of doctors trying to resuscitate at least two young men and blood on the floor of what appeared to be an outdoor canteen. A young woman was shown walking in a hospital, her face bleeding heavily.

SANA quoted the president of Damascus University as saying the death toll, initially put at 12, had risen to 15 in what state and pro-government media called a terrorist attack.

Last weekend rebel groups sent out warnings on the Internet that they planned to intensify strikes on government and military sites in the city and warned residents they should leave to avoid what they called "Operation Shaking the Fort".

The United Nations said on Monday it would withdraw about half of its international staff from Damascus after a mortar bomb landed near their hotel.

The Syrian military has responded to rebel attacks with artillery shelling and air strikes on suburbs where rebels are entrenched among thousands of civilians trapped in crossfire.

On Thursday, opposition activists said rebels had taken the main bus station in northeastern Damascus. They provided footage of fighters walking around a deserted area and stamping on a framed picture of Assad. (

Government reporting restrictions make it difficult to verify such accounts independently.


The foreign ministry in Turkey denied on Thursday any Syrians had been expelled following unrest at the Suleymansah refugees camp, near the Turkish town of Akcakale

A group of 130 people, identified with the help of camera footage as being "involved in the provocations", decided to cross back into Syria voluntarily, either because they did not want to face judicial proceedings or because of repercussions from other refugees, the ministry said in a statement.

Witnesses said hundreds of Syrians were bused to the border after Wednesday's clashes in which refugees threw rocks at military police, who fired tear gas and water cannon.

"There has been a big deportation operation here, they got rid of lots of people. They kicked out two of my boys and three of my brother's sons. They came for my boys last night and told them to get their bags," one refugee at the camp told Reuters by telephone, giving her name as Saher.

Camp residents said young men started the protest against living conditions after faulty electrics set a tent on fire, injuring three brothers aged seven, 18 and 19, one of whom later died in hospital, according to Turkish media reports.

UNHCR said it was concerned about the reports and had taken them up with Turkey. Such action would violate U.N. conventions.

In a sign of divisions hampering international efforts to stem the conflict, Russia on Thursday accused the Arab League of abandoning support for a peaceful solution by giving a summit seat to the Syrian opposition.

Opposition leader Moaz Alkhatib took Syria's vacant seat on Tuesday at the Arab summit, which also lent its support to giving military aid to rebels fighting Assad.

Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov also cast doubt over the mandate of U.N.-Arab League mediator Lakhdar Brahimi.

"I just don't see how Mr. Brahimi can continue to be considered the representative not just of the United Nations but of the Arab League," Lavrov said in Moscow.

Russia has in the past vocally supported Brahimi, who has met in recent months with Russian and U.S. officials in talks which failed to bridge disagreements over Syria.

Russia, which has long supplied arms to Assad's government but says it is not delivering weapons that can be used in the civil war, vehemently opposes arming the rebels.

Moscow says it has pressed Assad's government to end violence and accuses Western and Arab states of failing to put enough pressure on his opponents to do so, and in many cases encouraging them to keep fighting.

Russia and China have blocked three resolutions in the U.N. Security Council, and Moscow says Assad's exit from power must not be a precondition for peace talks

(Additional reporting by Reuters TV, Erika Solomon in Beirut and Steve Gutterman in Moscow; Writing by Jason Webb; Editing by Michael Roddy)


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Friday, March 29, 2013

Guns, knives, ammo and gear: Adam Lanza's massive arsenal

Search warrants released Thursday laid bare the extent of Newtown school massacre suspect Adam Lanza's arsenal. Here is a catalog of the weaponry found at the school where 20 children and six staffers were killed and at the home he shared with his mother, who was also murdered:

At the school:

1 Bushmaster .223 caliber model XM15 rifle with a 30-round magazine

1 Glock 10mm handgun

1 9mm Sig Sauer P226 handgun

1 Saiga 12 shotgun with two magazines containing 70 rounds

6 30-round magazines, three of them emptied

At the home:


1 Enfield Albian bolt-action .323 rifle

1 Savage Mark II .22 caliber rifle with magazine, 3 live rounds, 1 spent cartridge

1 black marksman BB gun


5 Winchester 12-gauge shotgun shells cut open, with buckshot

1 white plastic bag with 30 Winchester 12-gauge shotgun shells

1 can with .22 caliber and .45 caliber bullets

8 boxes of Winchester Windcat .22 caliber bullets, 50 rounds per box

20 "Estate" 12-gauge shotgun shells

4 boxes of SB buckshot 12-gauge, 10 round per box

1 box of Lightfield 12-gauge slugs

1 box of 20 Prvi Partizan 303 British rifle cartridges

1 box of 20 Federal 303 British rifle cartridges

2 boxes of .22 long rifle Blazer rounds, 50 each box

1 box with numerous rounds of Winchester .45 caliber bullets

2 boxes of 50 rounds of PPU .45 caliber automatic

1 box of 20 rounds for Remington .223 caliber

3 boxes of Blazer 40 S&W, 50 rounds each

2 boxes of Winchester 5.56 mm, 20 rounds each

1 box of Magtech 45ACP with 30 rounds

1 empty Box of SSA 5.56 mm

1 box of Fiocchi .45 auto with 48 rounds

80 rounds of CCI .22 long rifle

6 boxes of PMC .223 rem, 20 rounds each

6 Winchester 9 pellet buckshot shells, 12-gauge

2 Remington 12-gauge slugs

3 Winchester .223 rifle rounds

31 .22 caliber rounds

2 boxes of Underwood 10 mm auto, each with 50 rounds

130 rounds of Lawman 9mm Luger

2 spent shell casings for Glock 10mm

1 empty box of Gold Dot 9mm Luger

2 empty boxes of Winchester 9mm Luger

1 box of Underwood 10mm auto with 34 rounds

1 box of 29 miscellaneous 9mm rounds

1 spent .22 shell casing

1 small plastic bag containing numerous .22 caliber bullets

1 tan bag with numerous Blazer .45 caliber bullets

1 box of Blazer .22 long rifle with 50 rounds

1 box PPU 303 British cartridges with 9 rounds

2 Winchester 9mm rounds

2 brass-colored shell casings

1 small caliber bullet (live round) labeled C


1 Promag 20-round 12-gauge drum magazine

1 MD Arms 20-round 12 gauge drum magazine

3 AGP Arms 12-gauge shotgun magazines

1 Surefire GunMag magazine with 8 rounds of Winchester 12-gauge, 9-pellet buckshot

2 AGP Arms 12-gauge shotgun magazines, taped together, each with 10 rounds of Winchester 9-pellet buckshot

2 empty Ram Line magazines for Ruger 10-22

1 AGP Arms Gen 2 12-gauge shotgun magazine with 10 rounds of Winchester 12-gauge, 9-pellet buckshot

1 clear plastic Ramline magazine for an AR 15

1 magazine with 10 rounds of .223 bullets


Metal bayonet

1 6-foot-10-inch wood-handled two-sided pole with a blade on one side and a spear on the other

1 Samurai sword with a 28-inch blade and sheath

1 Samurai sword with a 21-inch blade and a sheath

1 Samurai sword with a 13-inch blade and sheath

1 knife with a 12-inch blade and sheath

1 wooden-handle knife with a 7.5-inch blade and sheath

1 wooden-handle knife with a 10-inch blade

1 knife with a 5.5-inch blade and sheath

1 black-handled knife with a 7-inch blade and sheath

1 black rubber-handled knife with 9.5-inch blade and sheath

1 white and brown-handled knife with 5-inch blade and sheath

1 brown wood-handled knife with a 10.25-inch blade

1 Panther brown-handled folding knife with a 3.75 inch blade

1 small blue folding knife


1 Volcanic .22 starter pistol wth 5 live rounds and 1 expended round

Leightning L3 ear protection

Peltor ear plugs

Simmons binoculars

Uncle Mike's Sidekick nylon holster

Box for vest accessories

Leather dual magazine holder

Black leather handgun holster

High Sierra fanny pack

Numerous paper targets

1 cardboard targets

1 Bushnell sport view rifle scope

Plastic bag of miscellaneous parts

Safariland holster paperwork

Glock handgun manual

MD-20 20-round shotgun magazine manual

MD Arms V-Plug guide

Bushmaster XM15 and C15 instruction manual

Savage Arms bolt-action rifle manual

Glock paperwork


Adam Lanza's National Rifle Association certificate

Nancy Lanza's NRA certificate

Three photographs with images of what appear to be a deceased human covered with plastic and what appears to be blood

Holiday card with a check from Nancy Lanza to Adam Lanza for purchase of C183 firearm

1 digital print of a child and various fireaems

1 military-style uniform

Handwritten notes with addresses of local gun shops

Receipts and emails documenting firearm and ammunition supplies

Blue folder labeled ?guns? with receipts and paperwork

Paperwork titled "Connecticut Gun Exchange Glock 20SF 10mm" dated 12-21-11

Sandy Hook report card for Adam Lanza

New York Times article on a 2008 shooting at Northern Illinois Unversity

Books: ?Look me in the Eye: My Life with Asperger?s;? ?Born on a Blue Day: Inside the Mind of an Autistic Savant;? ?NRA Guide to Basics of Pistol Shooting;???Train Your Brain to Get Happy?

1 Seagate Barracuda 500gb hard drive, damaged

1 custom-built desktop computer, no hard drive

1 Microsoft Xbox with partially obliterated serial number

One cotton swab of blood-like substance

1 tan sheet with blood-like substance

1 tan fitted sheet with blood-like substance

1 striped towel with blood-like substance



Lanza fired 155 bullets in less than five minutes, prosecutor says

Search warrants:

Dec. 14 (first)?|?Dec. 14 (second)?|?Dec. 14 (third)?|?Dec. 15?|?Dec. 16


This story was originally published on


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NEW YORK: Gay marriage equality box spreads on social media ...

? Bud Light said it with beer cans and Martha Stewart with red velvet cake as companies and celebrities from Beyonce to George Takei joined millions of social media users in posting and tweaking a simple red logo in support of gay marriage.

A square box with thick pink horizontal lines (the mathematical equal symbol) was offered for sharing this week by the Human Rights Campaign as the U.S. Supreme Court took up arguments in key marriage rights cases.

The image, replacing profile pictures on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Tumblr, Pinterest and elsewhere, is a makeover of the advocacy group's logo, usually a blue background with bright yellow lines. The HRC made it available in red - for the color of love - on Monday and estimated tens of millions of shares by Wednesday.

"It shows the enthusiasm and the passion," said Fred Sainz, a spokesman for the nonprofit in Washington, D.C.

Like viral campaigns of yore, supporting breast cancer awareness (pink), President Barack Obama (change your middle name to Hussein) and even Arab Spring (green), a bit of fatigue set in on some social media streams by those questioning whether such efforts serve to change any minds or, put simply, are plain annoying.

"My Facebook feed is a cascading aesthetic nightmare. Thanks, equality," Washington Post writer Dan Zak wryly grumbled on Twitter.

A photo of Justice Anthony Kennedy made the rounds with the quip: "Before we make a ruling, did enough people change their Facebook profile picture?!"

None of that mattered to the masses of same-sex marriage supporters. Some swapped matzoh for the pink lines as Passover got under way, or added frowny Internet star Grumpy Cat, who explained marriage equality would make her happy.

Bert and Ernie showed up against the red background. (They're best friends with no plans to marry, according to Sesame Street.) Another version featured Paula Deen atop the red square and lines turned a shade of yellow akin to her favorite fatty ingredient and the tagline: "It's like two sticks of butter y'all."

Takei, a noted punster with nearly 4 million followers in Facebook, turned the equal sign into the division sign for those opposed to marriage equality.

Beyonce, with more than 44 million followers there, played it straight, leaving the logo alone and adding a personal message: "It's about TIME!!! (hash)EQUALITY (hash)MarryWhoYouLove.

Fergie let the image speak for itself on Twitter, adding: "No words necessary." Montana Sen. John Tester, a Democrat who endorsed same-sex marriage on Tuesday, put the logo up as his profile on Facebook while the clothing site Bonobos swapped its usual Facebook pic for the red square using fancy white pants for the equal sign.

Martha Stewart's Facebook page used a slice of red cake with white icing to make the image and the HBO page for "True Blood" added fangs.

All in good fun?

"There's a lot of serious conversation going on and there's an awful lot of important concepts that the Supreme Court justices are discussing," Sainz said. "What this logo going viral means is individuals have reduced it to a very straightforward concept."

Steve Jones, a professor of online culture and communications at the University of Illinois at Chicago, wondered whether all the mash-ups muddle the message.

"Once you throw it together with something like Grumpy Cat it's fun," he said. "But was this message intended to be fun?"


Associated Press writer Barbara Ortutay contributed to this report.

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Wednesday, March 27, 2013

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New Home Sales Took a Tumble in February | AOL Real Estate

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Sales of new U.S. single-family homes fell more than expected in February after hefty gains the previous month, but steady gains in home prices suggested the housing market recovery remains intact. The Commerce Department said on Tuesday sales dropped 4.6 percent to a seasonally adjusted annual rate of 411,000 units. Last month's decline followed a 13.1 percent jump in January.

Though January's sales pace was revised down to 431,000 units, it was still the highest level since September 2008. Economists polled by Reuters had expected sales to fall to 422,000-unit rate last month. Compared with February 2012, sales were up 12.3 percent, indicating the housing market recovery was on course. Sales are being hampered by a lack of supply of homes on the market in some major parts of the country.

While the inventory of new homes on the market rose 1.3 percent to 152,000 units, it was not far from record lows. According to recent government data, groundbreaking for single-family homes intended for sale continues to lag sales. Economists at Moody's Analytics warn that builders could struggle to keep up with demand, which could cause the new home market recovery to be uneven over the next several months.

The home resales market is also experiencing lean inventories. The recovery in the sector is being supported by record-low mortgage rates, which have been held down by the Federal Reserve's very accommodative monetary policy stance. New homes account for about 8 percent of the overall market.

At February's sales pace it would take 4.4 months to clear the houses on the market, up from 4.2 months in December. A supply of 6.0 months is normally considered as a healthy balance between supply and demand. The low months' supply should drive up new home prices.

The median sales price for a new home increased 3.0 percent to $246,800 and was up 2.9 percent from a year ago. Sales last month were dragged down by a 13.3 percent plunge in the Northeast and a 9.7 percent fall in the South. Sales only rose in the Midwest, touching the highest level since December 2011.

Reporting by Lucia Mutikani; editing by Neil Stempleman.

See also:
6 Cost-Saving Reasons to Buy New Construction
U.S. New-Home Sales Jump to Highest Since July 2008

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Timeline of gay marriage in the United States

SAN FRANCISCO (Reuters) - The U.S. Supreme Court considers two same-sex marriage cases on Tuesday and Wednesday, one on a marriage ban in California and another on a federal law that restricts the definition of marriage to a man and a woman.

Following is a timeline of main events leading up to this hearing.


- The modern gay liberation movement unofficially kicks off with the Stonewall Riots, demonstrations by gays in response to a police raid in New York City.


- The U.S. Supreme Court lets stand a Minnesota Supreme Court ruling that the law does not allow for same-sex marriage, and that the issue is different from interracial marriage.


- Maryland becomes the first state to pass a statute banning gay marriage, according to Freedom to Marry.


- Harvey Milk becomes first openly gay elected official in San Francisco, wins seat on Board of Supervisors. He later appeals to gays to come out and run for office, "for invisible, we remain in limbo." Milk was shot and killed in 1978.


- U.S. Supreme Court says "we are quite unwilling" to find a fundamental right to sodomy, even in the privacy of one's home, in Bowers v. Hardwick.


- U.S. Supreme Court Justice Anthony Kennedy, often called the swing vote on the court, writes opinion striking down Colorado ban on protections for gays, saying the ban "seems inexplicable by anything but animus."

- President Bill Clinton signs Defense of Marriage Act, defining marriage as between a man and a woman for federal purposes.


- Comedian Ellen DeGeneres reveals she is gay. Shortly afterward her sitcom character says "I'm gay" - inadvertently speaking into an airport public address system.


- Debut of television show "Will and Grace", about a gay man and his best friend, a straight woman.


- Vermont becomes the first U.S. state to allow civil unions for same-sex couples.

- Republican Vice Presidential candidate Dick Cheney, who has a lesbian daughter, indicates he supports gay marriage, saying "freedom means freedom for everybody" and that "people should be free to enter into any kind of relationship they want to enter into. He said states should regulate the matter, not the federal government.


- U.S. Supreme Court, in another decision written by Kennedy, strikes down Texas anti-sodomy law in Lawrence v. Texas and reverses the 1986 Bowers ruling. Kennedy writes that this doesn't mean the government must recognize gay relationships. "Do not believe it," Justice Antonin Scalia dissents, saying the logic of the opinion points to allowing same-sex marriage.

- The Massachusetts Supreme Court rules in favor of same-sex marriage, and gay weddings begin in 2004.


- San Francisco Mayor Gavin Newsom directs county to allowing same-sex marriages, arguing the state's voter-approved ban on gay marriage, Prop 22, was unconstitutional. The state Supreme Court stops the weddings on grounds unrelated to the constitutionality of marriage.


- Canada allows gay marriage.


- California gay marriages become legal when the California Supreme Court strikes down the Prop 22 ban. That November voters add a ban to the state constitution - Prop 8 - ending a summer of gay marriage.


- Iowa State Supreme Court legalizes same-sex marriage. It is still the only Midwest state that allows gay marriage.

- Federal court challenge to Prop 8 filed, days before California Supreme Court lets Prop 8 stand as a valid change to the state constitution. Eventually, federal district and appeals courts agree to strike down the ban, which is now before U.S. Supreme Court.


- President Barack Obama's administration ends "don't ask don't tell policy," allowing gays to serve openly in the military.


- North Carolina approves a constitutional amendment to ban gay marriage in May. In November, Maine, Maryland and Washington become the first states where voters approve same-sex marriage, and Minnesota rejects a new ban.

- President Barack Obama endorses same-sex marriage.


- Boy Scouts of America plan to vote in May whether to repeal the group's ban on openly gay members.

- U.S. Supreme Court on March 26 and 27 hears oral arguments on the constitutionality of California's Prop 8 and the federal Defense of Marriage Act. At this point nine states and the District of Columbia allow same-sex marriage and 38 states prohibit it, according to Freedom To Marry.

(Reporting By Peter Henderson; Editing by Sandra Maler)


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'Moderate' New England red tide forecasted for 2013

Mar. 25, 2013 ? New England is expected to experience a "moderate" red tide this spring and summer, report NOAA-funded scientists studying the toxic algae that cause blooms in the Gulf of Maine. The "red tide" is caused by an alga Alexandrium fundyense, which produces a toxin that can cause paralytic shellfish poisoning (PSP). Red tide typically occurs annually along some portions of the Gulf of Maine coast. This year's outlook is similar to the 2012 red tide which was also classified as "moderate."

As with the past five forecasts for this region, the 2013 outlook is based on the quantities of the A. fundyense in its cyst (dormant) state detected in Gulf of Maine sediments last fall. These data are combined with a computer model to produce a range of bloom scenarios based on previous years' conditions. This year, the team also used a forecast of toxicity impact developed from 34 years of historical data as part of the 2013 outlook. The 2013 bloom is expected to fall somewhere in the middle in terms of toxicity impact, justifying a "moderate" forecast done by the established method.

"This region is very fortunate to have a long time series of cyst abundance data, toxicity records in shellfish, and long-term measurements of ocean conditions from ships and moored instrumented buoys to develop these two complementary approaches to the seasonal forecast," said Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution (WHOI) biologist Don Anderson.

The forecast team emphasizes the need to consult state and local management agencies for updated harvesting closure information. In order to protect public health, shellfish beds are closed when toxicities rise above a quarantine level, often during the peak harvesting season. Due to effective monitoring by state agencies, there have been no illnesses from legally harvested shellfish in recent years, despite some severe blooms during that time period. There have been, however, several severe poisonings of individuals who ignored closure signs.

"Red tide is a chronic problem throughout the Gulf of Maine, affecting commercial and recreational harvesting interests," said Chris Nash, shellfish program manager for the New Hampshire Department of Environmental Services. "State agencies are responsible for monitoring toxicity levels in shellfish harvest areas and implementing harvest closures when needed. As a state manager, regional-scale, seasonal outlooks help us plan and use limited monitoring resources effectively. Ultimately our goals are to protect public health and give consumers confidence in the quality of the seafood products they purchase from markets and restaurants, and these forecasts are useful in realizing those goals."

Project researchers regularly share their field observations and models with more than 150 coastal resource and fisheries managers in six states as well as federal agencies such as NOAA, the FDA and the EPA. Real-time forecasts are updated on a weekly basis and additional information will be provided on the "Current Status" page of the Northeast PSP website. The National Weather Service is also providing extended hydrological and meteorological outlooks to accompany the bloom forecasts.

"NOAA-funded research has led to the development of seasonal forecasts which aid in monitoring and planning for red tides," said Quay Dortch, program coodinator for NOAA's Ecology and Oceanography of Harmful Algal Blooms (ECOHAB) Program. "These forecasts will be an important part of the Operational HAB Forecasting System NOAA is developing to reduce the impacts of harmful algae."

The forecasting project is a collaboration of investigators from NOAA's National Ocean Service, National Weather Service and National Marine Fisheries Service, WHOI, NCSU, University of Maine, the FDA, Maine Department of Marine Resources, New Hampshire Department of Environmental Services, Massachusetts Division of Marine Fisheries, and the North Atlantic Clam Association. Funding is provided through the NOAA program Prevention, Control and Mitigation of Harmful Algal Blooms (PCMHAB), led by Dennis McGillicuddy (WHOI). Long-term support for Alexandrium studies in the Gulf of Maine is provided by the NOAA NOS NCCOS Center for Sponsored Coastal Ocean Research (CSCOR) and NIEHS and the NSF through the Woods Hole Center for Oceans and Human Health.

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The above story is reprinted from materials provided by Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution.

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Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Pelosi, and guests, attend Supreme Court same sex marriage cases (Washington Bureau)

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lithiumbarbiedoll: I?m the kind of girl that would eat Doritos on her wedding day and accidently...

hi there! this is my personal-and-fandom mashup blog, where i will spam upon you an overload of the various fandoms i love. and my own personal posts, of course. i have too many feelings for fictional characters and tend to ramble in my post tags a lot. a lot.

i love making graphics, gifs, manips, all sorts of photoshop crap, basically. just look around my tags if you want to see my work, there's loads of it :) i recently made a graphics blog, so if you're bored, go ahead and browse.

feel free to message me if anything's unclear or you have a question or if you just want to chat. i am in the GMT+1 time zone, just so you know.

the fandoms you will find here are mainly the hunger games, harry potter, the maze runner, the gone series, percy jackson/heroes of olympus, the avengers, glee, and disney. and childhood nostalgia stuff. i might occasionally ramble about the books i'm reading as well.

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ps. i reblog lots of puppies as well xoxo


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Judge sides with Wyoming in fracking chemical suit

(AP) ? A judge in Casper has sided with the state of Wyoming and ruled against environmentalists who sought to obtain lists of the ingredients that go into hydraulic fracturing fluids.

Environmental groups had requested the ingredient lists from the Wyoming Oil and Gas Conservation Commission, arguing that the public needs to know what chemicals companies are putting underground.

They were denied on the grounds that the lists are trade secrets that may be withheld under Wyoming's open records law. Natrona County District Judge Catherine Wilking has upheld the denial, ruling that the state official who withheld the information acted reasonably.

The oil and gas commission oversees oil and gas drilling in Wyoming. The commission chairman, Gov. Matt Mead, praised the ruling.

"This decision recognizes the importance of a state-based approach to regulating hydraulic fracturing ? one that balances this important method for producing energy with environmental protection," he said Monday through spokesman Renny MacKay.

The lawsuit was filed against the commission by the Powder River Basin Resource Council, Wyoming Outdoor Council, Earthworks and OMB Watch. Oilfield services company Halliburton intervened on the state's side.

"We continue to believe we have strong claims, and we're still concerned the Wyoming oil and gas commission is withholding this information from the public," said Shannon Anderson, an attorney for the resource council.

An appeal was an option, she said.

Specially formulated lubricants are used in fracking, which involves pumping water, fine sand and fracking fluids underground to split open oil- and gas-bearing rocks. One purpose of fracking fluids is to help the sand flow into newly formed fissures and keep them propped open.

In 2010, Wyoming became one of the first states to require companies to disclose to state regulators the ingredients in hydraulic fracturing chemicals. The goal was to help the regulators track the source of any groundwater contamination that might occur at or near a drilling site.

Environmentalists say public knowledge of the chemicals can help landowners near oil and gas projects know what types of pollution to test for in their groundwater. Such testing targeted at certain chemicals can be done before or while drilling occurs and help to establish that well water ? at least at that point ? is not polluted by those chemicals.

The specific formulations of certain fracking fluids are closely guarded corporate secrets, attorneys for Wyoming and oilfield services company Halliburton countered in arguments before Wilking in January.

Disclosure could allow competing companies to reverse-engineer fracking fluid formulas, they argued, and Wyoming's open-records law contains an exemption that allows trade secrets to be withheld from the public.

Wilking wrote that both positions have "substantial" merit.

"However the court feels these competing concerns are best addressed through legislative action, or further rule promulgation and are not properly within the court's purview," Wilking wrote.

She ruled that the state oil and gas supervisor in charge of the commission as a state agency acted reasonably in evaluating requests for trade secret exemptions under the fracking disclosure rule. The environmental groups failed to demonstrate that the supervisor didn't properly follow the rule or state law, she wrote.

Associated Press


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Sunday, March 24, 2013

BlackBerry Z10 sales may be better than expected, but shares still plummet

By Simon Evans DENVER, Colorado, March 23 (Reuters) - Furious Costa Rica coach Jorge Luis Pinto said it was an "embarassment to football" that Friday's World Cup qualifier with the United States was played in strong snow, while his federation promised to make an official protest. The U.S. won 1-0 but Pinto was riled the game was played on a snowy field with a covering that became deeper as the game wore on. "It was an embarrassment to football, disrespectful to the game," an animated Pinto told reporters. ...


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Pain reliever shows anti-viral activity against flu

Friday, March 22, 2013

The over-the-counter anti-inflammatory drug naproxen may also exhibit antiviral activity against influenza A virus, according to a team of French scientists. The finding, the result of a structure-based investigation, is published online ahead of print in the journal Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy.

New influenza vaccines must be developed annually, because the surface proteins they target mutate rapidly, the way cars used to get a whole new look every year. The researchers, led by Anny Slama-Schwok of the Institut National de la Recherche Agronomique, Jouy en Josas, France, found a much more stable, reliable target for anti-influenza activity. The so-called ribonucleoprotein complexes are necessary for replication, and the researchers realized they could target the nucleoprotein, preventing assembly of the complexes. Because of its vital function, the nucleoprotein is highly conserved, making it a good potential target for antiviral drugs.

The nucleoprotein's three dimensional structure, solved in 2006, provided the basis for searching for new drugs that could interfere with its action. The researchers did a virtual screening within the Sigma-Aldrich online catalog of biochemicals. That screening identified Naproxen, better known as the over-the-counter pain reliever Aleve, and as expected, it bound to the nucleoprotein, and impeded RNA binding, says Slama-Schwok. In further testing, it reduced the viral load in cells infected with H1N1 and H3N2 influenza A virus, and in mice it demonstrated a therapeutic index against influenza A that was superior to that of any other anti-inflammatory drug.

Specifically, naproxen blocks the RNA binding groove of the nucleoprotein, preventing formation of the ribonucleoprotein complex, thus taking the vital nucleoproteins out of circulation. The researchers write that naproxen is a lead compound for drug development that could be improved by tweaking the molecule to boost its ability to bind to nucleoprotein.

As an already approved drug, naproxen could become a treatment against influenza relatively quickly, the researchers write. Its status as a non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug (NSAID), which inhibits the COX-2 pathway, as well as an antiviral would boost its efficacy.


N. Lejal, B. Tarus, E. Bouguyon, S. Chenavas, N. Bertho, B. Delmas, R.W.H. Ruigrok, C. Di Primo, A. Slama-Schwok, 2013. Structure-based discovery of the novel antibviral properties of Naproxen against the nucleoprotein of influenza A virus. Antim. Agents Chemother. Online ahead of print 4 March 2013 ,doi:10.1128/AAC.02335-12

American Society for Microbiology:

Thanks to American Society for Microbiology for this article.

This press release was posted to serve as a topic for discussion. Please comment below. We try our best to only post press releases that are associated with peer reviewed scientific literature. Critical discussions of the research are appreciated. If you need help finding a link to the original article, please contact us on twitter or via e-mail.

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Saturday, March 23, 2013

Craig Crawford: Game On For Gun Background Checks

After rejecting an assault weapons ban as part of a comprehensive gun control bill, Senate Majority Harry Reid backed off threats to also scuttle universal background checks.

Sure, it's disappointing for gun control advocates to lose the assault ban, but expanding background checks -- and cracking down on gun show trafficking -- is still a step forward. Indeed, anything that makes it harder for criminals to get handguns and the like could actually save more lives than banning assault weapons.

Reid promised to allow a separate vote on the assault ban, but its chances for passage are diminished without being included in the larger bill.

Reid, in a statement: "I will start the process of bringing a bill to reduce gun violence to the Senate floor. This bill will include the provisions on background checks, school safety and gun trafficking reported by the Judiciary Committee. I hope negotiations will continue over the upcoming break to reach a bipartisan compromise on background checks, and I am hopeful that they will succeed. If a compromise is reached, I am open to including it in the base bill. But I want to be clear: in order to be effective, any bill that passes the Senate must include background checks."
Bowing to pressure from gun control advocates who were furious at Reid's plan to deny votes on the assault ban and other embattled provisions the Senate's top Democrat now says everything will at least get an up-or-down vote, no matter how remote passage might me.
More Reid: "The bill I advance will serve as the basis for opening debate. Once debate begins, I will ensure that a ban on assault weapons, limits to high-capacity magazines, and mental health provisions receive votes, along with other amendments. In his State of the Union address, President Obama called for all of these provisions to receive votes, and I will ensure that they do."




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These Incredibly Realistic Human Face Computer Graphics Will Obviously Be Used for Porn

We've seen how impressive Nvidia's new Titan GPU can be, but this is kind of nuts. Face rendering that is pretty darn close to briding the uncanny valley. It's remarkable. And also? This is obviously going to be used for porn. More »


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Thursday, March 21, 2013

Why Hasn't Guccifer Been Caught Yet?

The very well masked hacker who released a few harmless (albeit hilarious, and?maybe pretty good)?paintings by George W. Bush has struck again, with more Bush paintings, the leaking of "confidential memos" sent to Hillary Clinton about Benghazi, and access to a high-profile tech figure's address book. The hacking world?loves it,?and the man known as "Guccifer" probably loves the respect and attention. But all the attention might also lead to his eventual unmasking and downfall ? if anyone can ever track him down.?

RELATED: Hacker 'Weev' Gets Three Years in Jail, Just for Being an Internet Troll

The latest target, according to Guccifer's favorite leak partners at The Smoking Gun, is?John Doerr, a venture capitalist?at Kleiner Perkins who also happens to sit on President Obama's?USA Economic Recovery Advisory Board. Like all the Guccifer hacks before it, this one involved an AOL e-mail account, once again proving that AOL does not have the best security out there. (Everyone: Stop using AOL and get an email account with two-factor verification.) Doerr isn't exactly a member of a high-profile political family, nor a former White House aide?communicating with the Secretary of State, but he has political connections and probably has some email exchanges of note. The Smoking Gun says the Doerr account contains over 5,000 emails, so there's probably something in there. And, if not, the unchecked Guccifer will probably just move on to someone else in power who still keeps an AOL email account. Indeed, over the last few months, all these Guccifer hacks of somewhat important people have continued unabated. So, what with all these other hacker crackdowns, why hasn't this guy been outed or prosecuted? And what do we know about this mystery man?

RELATED: The Awl Network Is Under Attack!

Nobody Knows Who Guccifer Is: There is no record of Guccifer before the Bush hack on February, according to Gawker's Adrian Chen, an expert in unmasking people of this sort. "Guccifer seems to come out of the blue," he writes. Though, as Chen notes, Guccifer has before said that "i have an old game with the fucking bastards inside, this is just another chapter in the game" ? and that may indicate he's from an old guard of naughty but nice online hackers. And of course hackers often switch from pseudonym to pseudonym to elude prosecution, so that probably explains why this "Guccifer" character had no history of acting up before this year. Nobody has been able to connect his latest nom de plume with any others. Chen has put out a public call for leads, and I second that: Any information on Guccifer is welcome, if only for intrigue's sake.

RELATED: Hillary Clinton Is Winning Time's Hypothetical 2012 Election

The Feds Are on It, Apparently: After sending out correspondences between Hillary Clinton and her former aide?Sidney Blumenthal, CNN confirmed?Wednesday that the "U.S. government's best investigators" are on the case. The Smoking Gun claims Guccifer is a part of a "mushrooming federal criminal investigation." Of course, Guccifer?told the Smoking Gun?in February, just before he unleashed Bush's hobby upon the Internet, that the?"feds" had begun an investigation into him "a long time ago." So, yeah, he's a veteran. And, yes, if the government has been investigating him for a while, they haven't had much success ? unless he's part of something bigger, and hacking ex-presidents and Obama advisors and silly Clinton emails, even if for fun and not exactly the biggest national-security threat, could mean he's got more menacing friends.

RELATED: The Recent-ish Past of the Clinton Years

Clues Are?Sparse:?Instead of forwarding files, Guccifer takes the effort to get rid of any meta data that could lead back to him, recopying files and then taking screen shots of those copies and sending them along to willing outlets from Gawker and the The Smoking Gun to The St. Petersburg Times and the Kremlin-backed Russia Today. But his process might still leave enough of a digital trail for the feds to find some breadcrumbs:

RELATED: The Political Rumor Mill Grinds Out a Hillary as VP Hypothesis

  • He might be in Russia!?The Smoking Gun traced two IP addresses back to the Russian Federation, and Guccifer favors Russian outlets like Pravda, The Moscow Times, and Russia Today's, which published the Clinton "Benghazi" emails last night. But as TSG notes, this could all mean nothing about his whereabouts since "hackers go to great lengths to obscure their trail via proxies, IP spoofing, and powerful anonymizing software like Tor." Even his blasting out "leaks" to all those Russian outlets might be a way throw investigators off his trail.?
  • He loves the illuminati!?Guccifer?likes to reference government conspiracies in his emails to The Smoking Gun, a sentiment which may or may not be genuine, as Chen notes.?



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Survey: Low-wage workers gloomy about future

Chart shows AP-NORC poll on attitudes of low-wage workers

Chart shows AP-NORC poll on attitudes of low-wage workers

WASHINGTON (AP) ? America's lower-income workers have posted the biggest job gains since the deep 2007-09 recession ? but few are bragging.

As a workforce sector, those earning $35,000 or less annually are generally pessimistic about their finances and career prospects. Many see themselves as worse off now than during the recession, a two-part Associated Press-NORC Center for Public Affairs Research survey of workers and employers shows.

The survey revealed that many people at the lowest rung in the workplace view their jobs as a dead end. Half were "not too" or "not at all" confident that their jobs would help them achieve long-term career goals. And only 41 percent of workers at the same place for more than a decade reported ever receiving a promotion.

Yet 44 percent of employers surveyed said it's hard to recruit people with appropriate skills or experiences to do lower-wage jobs, particularly in manufacturing (54 percent). While 88 percent of employers said they were investing in training and education for employee advancement, awareness and use of such programs among the lower-wage workers was only modest.

Although President Barack Obama made it a national goal to "equip our citizens with the skills and training" to compete for good jobs, the survey shows a U.S. workforce that has grown increasingly polarized, with workers and their bosses seeing many things differently.

Seventy-two percent of employers at big companies and 58 percent at small ones say there is a "great deal" or "some" opportunity for worker advancement. But, asked the same question, 67 percent of all low-wage workers said they saw "a little" or "no opportunity" at their jobs for advancement.

Through last month, the economy had recovered only about 5.7 million of the 8.7 million jobs shed in the deepest downturn since the Great Depression. Low-wage jobs are usually the first to come back following a recession. While the outlook clearly is improving, economic growth remains anemic and unemployment is a still-high 7.7 percent.

Ronald Moore, 48, of Lebanon, Ind., is among those who have seen their situation improve. He started his own home-inspection company three years ago after he couldn't find enough work as a truck driver. But "nobody was buying homes, so no one needed an inspection," he said. "It was pretty rough in the beginning." Now he operates a custom cabinet business, where business is starting to improve. Slowly.

To gauge the experiences and perspectives of lower-wage workers, the AP-NORC Center conducted two separate surveys. A sample of 1,606 workers earning $35,000 or less annually was surveyed last summer, while a companion poll of 1,487 employers of such workers was conducted from November through January.

Roughly 65 percent of the jobs the U.S. economy added since the recession officially ended in June 2009 have been lower-wage ones.

Despite those numerical gains, "lower-income households have been hit very hard and have not benefited as much from the recovery," said Mark Zandi, chief economist at Moody's Analytics. "Their real wages are going nowhere. And this is a group that has more debt, fewer assets, is less likely to own a home or stocks and with little capacity to absorb higher gasoline prices."

Economists also say low-wage workers were hit particularly hard by an increase in Social Security payroll taxes resulting from "fiscal cliff" negotiations late last year between Obama and Congress.

A degree of economic "self-righting" will happen as more middle-income and higher-income jobs come back and economic growth accelerates, said Robert Trumble, director of the Labor Studies Center at Virginia Commonwealth University. "But the situation we've been facing for the last half-dozen years or so has been tough. And the lower your income, the tougher it is."

"Some things are better. But there are still some things that are still hard," said Sarah Mueller, 33, of Palm Harbor, Fla., who found work as a Montessori teacher two years ago after working as a part-time and substitute teacher. "With student loans, people are still struggling ? I'm one of those people ? to pay back student loans that are astronomical," she said.

Seventy-four percent of lower-wage workers say it is "difficult" or "very difficult" for them and their families to get ahead financially. Half thought their financial situation was somewhat or much worse than in 2008.

Many worry a lot or some (71 percent) about being unable to pay their bills, unexpected medical expenses (70 percent), losing their job (54 percent) or keeping up with their mortgage or rent (53 percent).

Many reported stagnant (44 percent) or declining (20 percent) wages over the past five years.

Employers and workers tend to agree that employees themselves hold the bulk of the responsibility for helping workers to get ahead in their careers, but employers are more apt to place some of that responsibility on high schools and colleges.

Despite their many frustrations, 74 percent of low-income workers said they were very or somewhat satisfied with their jobs. Yet 90 percent of all workers said they were satisfied with their job, according to an AP-GfK poll conducted in September.

The surge in low-wage jobs seems to have escaped notice by employers, the survey suggests. Just 22 percent of them said their organization's lower-wage workforce grew over the last four years and only 34 percent expect it to increase in the coming four years.

Lower-wage workers are also pessimistic about the overall direction of the country, with 7 in 10 saying "wrong direction," above the 60 percent of all adults who said so in AP-GfK polling conducted at the same time.

"Lower-wage jobs are coming back first," said labor economist Heidi Shierholz of the Economic Policy Institute, a labor-leaning think tank. "But it's all bleak and it's all due to lack of demand for work to be done. We're still not getting more than just what we need to hang on," Shierholz said. "These last few months have looked better, but we cannot yet claim robust recovery by any stretch."

Lena Hughes, 31, of Indianapolis, a certified hospital nursing assistant, would agree.

"Everybody is struggling financially. It's hard to get jobs still," she said. "I don't think it's getting any better."

The surveys were sponsored by the Joyce Foundation, the Hitachi Foundation and NORC at the University of Chicago. The Joyce Foundation works to improve workforce development and education systems to assist job seekers who may lack skills or credentials. The Hitachi Foundation aims to expand business practices that improve economic opportunities for less well-off workers while benefiting business.

The worker survey was conducted online using the GfK KnowledgePanel and by telephone by interviewers from NORC from Aug. 1 through Sept. 6, 2012. The employer survey was conducted online and by phone by NORC from Nov. 12, 2012, through Jan. 31, 2013. The margin of sampling error for the survey of workers was plus or minus 2.9 percentage points; for employers, it was 4.5 points.


Associated Press News Survey Specialist Dennis Junius and writer Stacey A. Anderson contributed to this report.


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Associated Press


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Huawei's 6.1-inch Ascend Mate priced in China, turns Yu into part-time model


Huawei is once again showing its aggressive side in the consumer space, this time by way of its 6.1-inch Ascend Mate which debuted at CES (with a little help from Huawei Device chairman Richard Yu, pictured above). What's new is that earlier today the company announced a price for this Android 4.1 tabletphone in China: ¥2,688 (about $430) unsubsidized, which is pretty competitive given the specs. Need a quick recap? The Mate comes with a 1.5GHz quad-core HiSilicon K3V2, 2GB of RAM, IPS display (but only with 720p resolution) with Gorilla Glass 2 and glove-friendly "Magic Touch" technology, up to 64GB of microSD expansion (on top of the native 4GB available space), 8-megapixel camera and a 4,050mAh battery. Better yet, this particular model comes with WCDMA 850/900/1700/1900/2100 pentaband radio, so it'll work nicely for frequent travelers. Interested buyers can hit the order button on Huawei's Vmall online store on the 26th next week.

Filed under: ,


Via: Engadget Chinese

Source: Huawei Vmall


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Malala Yousafzai, Pakistani teen shot by Taliban, back at school -- in ...

The Pakistani schoolgirl, Malala Yousufzai, who was shot in the head by the Taliban for fighting for the right of girls to be educated, spoke of her pride today and said being back in school was her "happiest moment." ITV's Rupert Evelyn reports.

By Tracy Connor, Staff Writer, NBC News

The Pakistani teen marked for death because she campaigned for girls' education went back to school Tuesday for the first time since a Taliban gunman shot her in the head five months ago, a family spokesperson said.

Malala Yousafzai is attending classes in Birmingham, England, and not her homeland, where the Taliban had vowed to make another attempt on her life.

Still, it was a sweet victory for a 15-year-old who endured multiple surgeries to reconstruct her skull and restore her hearing after she was shot on her way home from school Oct. 9.

"It?s what I dreamed," she said in a video released by the public relations firm that works with her family.

"I dream for all the children that they should go to their school because it?s their right?their basic right.?

She wore the school?s green uniform top over a long black skirt, her head covered in a dark scarf, with a pink backpack slung over her shoulder.

She joked about the overcast weather in Britain with her father, saying, ?I wish I could see the sun.?

Malala was already a well-known activist in Pakistan when a militant stormed her school bus and opened fire, wounding her and two other girls and sparking international outrage.


Fifteen-year-old Malala Yousufzai was shot by the Taliban for speaking out against Pakistani militants and promoting education for girls.

The Taliban, which opposes education for girls, later said it wanted to punish her "Western thinking."

She said in the video that being able to go back to school was ?the happiest moment.?

?Today I will hold my books, my bag and I will learn. I will talk to my friends and I will talk to my teacher,? she said.

?I want to learn how to bring change in this world.?

Her two wounded friends, whose injuries were less severe, are also back at school in Pakistan's Swat Valley, where they are protected by government guards, the Christian Science Monitor reported.

"Before I was a normal girl," Kainat Riaz, 16, told the paper. "Now I am afraid to go out and can't go anywhere freely."

Malala Press Office via AP

Malala Yousafzai, the Pakistani schoolgirl shot in the head by the Taliban, with her father Ziauddin, as she attends her first day of school.

NBC Islamabad Bureau Chief?Amna Nawaz contributed to this report


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Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Justin Timberlake Prepping Second Album For Fall

?uestlove says 10 more songs due out in November.
By Gil Kaufman

Justin Timberlake
Photo: Getty Images


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For the Love of Food: Top 7 Healthy Traveling Tips

Last week I traveled to Washington DC for work and I thought it would be fun to share some of my best tips for traveling healthfully. Eating healthy and feeling energized while traveling can be particularly challenging, especially if you have special dietary needs or preferences. Since I was traveling for business, I wasn't able to have as much flexibility and control over my schedule as if I were traveling on vacation, so I definitely picked up some techniques along the way that made it easier to eat healthy and feel my best on-the-go.

Tip #1: Do your research before you go
The internet is your friend and it will help you to explore the city you are visiting before you embark on your trip. I always find this especially important if you eat a plant-based diet like I do because it helps you to know how veg-friendly the city is and you can prepare by packing extra snacks if needed. I always look for:

  • The closest natural foods or health foods store. (In a pinch, a regular grocery store will also do!)
  • A nearby juice bar (if possible)
  • Nearby Asian, Thai, Indian, and (healthy) Mexican restaurants. (These restaurants are usually my best bet for finding plant-based protein sources and fresh veggies in an unfamiliar city. Plus, they are also a great option if you are traveling with others that eat meat as they will have options available too.)

If you know that you are traveling to a city that isn't veg-friendly or doesn't have any options for dining healthfully, the next few steps are really important because they will help you to be prepared and make the best choices on the trip.?

Tip #2: Pack your snacks

Nothing is worse than traveling hungry. I always make sure I have a variety of healthy snack options with me to prevent blood sugar crashes. Some of my favorites include:

  • Nuts (preferably unsalted) or seeds
  • Crackers?
  • Nut butters (I really love these individual Justin's almond butter packets because they don't have to be?refrigerated?for traveling and are easy to use on-the-go.)
  • Dried fruit
  • Larabars (Cashew Cookie is my favorite!)
  • Herbal (or decaf) teas

Other items to pack:

  • A small bottle of extra-virgin olive oil and vinegar (helpful for salad bars with limited dressing options)
  • A can-opener (helpful if you plan to purchase canned beans, see below)

Tip #3: Pick-up some fresh snacks and basic ingredients when you arrive

One of the reasons why I research a health foods or grocery store before I go is because then it's easy to pick-up some fresh snacks when I arrive. Even if you don't have a?refrigerator?in your room, you can easily make an ice bath in your sink to keep these items cold overnight or for a few days (just replenish the ice as needed.) Some of my favorites include:

  • Whole carrots, cucumbers, celery sticks
  • Fresh guacamole or an avocado
  • Hummus
  • Fresh fruit
  • Mixed greens
  • Canned beans?

I love these options because they can easily double as meals if I need them too. I will often pair my flax crackers with hummus and veggies to make a light lunch or combine mixed greens with veggies, canned beans and the olive oil and vinegar that I packed to make a large salad for dinner. If you are planning to dine out or have lots of restaurant options, you might not need to be this resourceful.

Tip #4: Drink water and stay hydrated

One of the worst things about traveling is how dehydrated I feel during and after a flight. Carrying a water bottle and drinking lots of water ensures that I will stay hydrated and energized throughout my day. I also try to drink at least a cup of water for every hour that I am flying, as well as increasing water intake on the days before and after flying.
Tip #5: Eat smart when dining out
From small airports to big cities, I have experienced a variety of challenges during my travels over the last few years since going plant-based. Dining out is always easier if you are going to a restaurant that is veg-friendly or at the least has lots of healthy options, however, when that's not possible here is what usually works for me:
  • Start with a large salad. Every restaurant should have some type of salad and you can usually get it without cheese, croutons, and mayo-based dressing. This is helpful if you don't have a lot of options for fresh food wherever you are dining.?
  • Pair together a variety of sides to create a meal. Restaurants are usually able to give you a side of black beans (double check they are vegetarian), steamed broccoli, and rice. In a pinch, this can be a lifesaver. I also like to order a side of beans and put them on top of a salad to bulk it up a bit.?
  • Ask what accommodations they can make. Some restaurants are more flexible than others, but often times they can remove cheese on items or make dishes vegetarian/vegan if you need them to be. A polite request can go a long way.?

Tip #6: Supplement as needed

This last trip I used a few supplements that were immensely helpful for traveling and I will definitely be using these on future trips. My favorites were:

  • Natural Calm Anti-Stress Drink packets. I've talked about the importance of magnesium supplements in another post?and I found these individual packets were great for traveling and helping to reduce stress and fatigue during the trip.?
  • Airborne Immune Support?on-the-go packets. Traveling can be stressful at times and I hate arriving home with a cold. I've had great results using Airborne while traveling in the past and I loved these packets because they were convient to mix with water during the flight.
  • JetZone Jet Lag Prevention. This trip was my first time trying this supplement and I was a little skeptical of it as first, but I decided to try it because of the time difference between the East and West coast. I?was already immensely sleep deprived leading up to the trip so I wasn't sure if it helped that much on the way there, but I definitely noticed it on the way back. My trip back included thirteen hours of a subway ride, a train ride, working, a layover, and two long flights. By the end of it I was exhausted, but I had a wonderful night of sleep when I returned and woke up incredibly refreshed the next morning. I know there is no way I would have felt this good without this. If you are traveling between time zones, I would definitely recommend trying it.?
Tip #7: Respect your body
Traveling is physically and mentally exhausting and it's important to take care of your body. This includes:
  • Getting extra sleep as needed.
  • Moving your body. This might be walking around the city, using a hotel gym, or doing some yoga poses in your room. I always pack my?resistance bands?so I can do some basic resistance exercises (e.g. arm curls, side leg lifts, etc) in a small space if I don't have other options for exercise during the trip. This really helps with jetlag, overall fatigue, and feeling energized during the trip.?
  • Avoiding salt, sugar, and caffeine as much as possible. Even though I work to avoid these things in general, I have found that minimizing salt, sugar, and caffeine while traveling is especially helpful for keeping my energy level up and preventing mood swings.?
What are your best tips for traveling healthfully? Leave me a comment below and let me know!


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