Saturday, June 29, 2013

Why do relationships fail? And how to improve things? | spare time ...

Maybe those sound like trivial questions, but after having gone through some breaking-up experiences of my own in recent months, and also fueled by more conversations with both my divorced parents, I started to wonder what is at the basis of relationship failure.?At this time, I don?t feel very qualified to give a truly comprehensive answer, but I would like to share some of my initial thoughts and encourage you to comment so as to possibly come to a better understanding.

Overall, I see three main categories of reasons: first, a relationship could simply become dysfunctional due to practical reasons. For instance, if two people live close by and a considerable part of the relationship quality is defined by the fact that they regularly meet, it is possible that by one of the people moving to a far away place the relationship would suffer and, at least unless the two people involved find a way to redefine their interaction and also accept this change, it may not survive. The same is true for things occurring within a relationship that are perceived as too disruptive to be tolerated in the long term, such as harmful behavior.

The second big reason in my mind is inefficient communication, which may manifest itself in various forms: two people could be communicating too little (or too much), or simply there are too many misunderstandings. In short, the needs that both people have in a relationship to experience one another and the union as positive through communication are not met. This could be due to differences in needs, such as one person always wanting to know where the other one is whereas the other person having no such need and also having difficulties to represent this need and acting accordingly.

The last and more or less final stage that I think is often the result of either of the other two is the notion that people begin to wonder about and finally doubt the other person?s intentions. It is simply part of human experience that we cannot truly know what goes on in someone else?s mind. We are forced to interpret behavior and communication and form a mental representation of the other person?s intentions. At the beginning of a relationship, and fueled by neurochemical changes, people seem very much able to overlook negative experiences in favor or interpreting someone?s behavior as benevolent. We may feel temporarily hurt by how we perceive someone?s action, but we feel no need to doubt their intentions. However, this mechanism itself may already be at the root of setting up a relationship failure?

Imagine you start feeling attracted to someone. At some point you find out about a potentially detracting quality, such as a habit you personally dislike. While you are in the stage of ?being in love? you will in all likelihood accept this information, but after this phase is over and a more ?realistic? appraisal sets in, you may at some point misattribute these qualities as being expressed intentionally.

But even more globally, the reason to have a sense of dissociation (and that of a relationship failing) may eventually be characterized by the subjective processes of assessment, interpretation, and judgment that the other person?s intentions, or least part of them, are either not ?supportive? (positive) enough or actually even destructive (negative). In that case, a relationship that has once started out as harmonious and mutually beneficial can actually turn into a war?something often enough described in the literature and unfortunately found also in reality: two people who once loved one another begin to fight and are unable to stop, based on the assumption the other person?s intention is to inflict harm and pain, with the only seemingly reasonable option being to strike.

Naturally, there are relationships that enter this stage without the need to ever having been in love. But the underlying mechanism and reason for the parties involved to keep fighting are the same: the conviction that the respective other actually wants to inflict pain. Importantly, while this assumption is made, it is virtually impossible to reduce the intensity of the conflict. Any information being added, by means of direct communication or indirect negotiation via a mediator, is likely being considered as dubious or even intentionally misleading and fraudulent. I somehow believe it is thus first necessary to at least allow for the possibility that the other person doesn?t have harmful intentions, but is acting out of self preservation interests.

For me, personally, there are now a few things I feel are worth learning as a human beings when it comes to relationships and conflict resolution:

On the more passive, receptive, and perception-based side of things, I believe it is important to not let immediate, automatic value and intention judgments stand as absolute. If I observe someone?s behavior and more or less automatically attribute an intention that I consider to be harmful, I think it is important to resist the emotional impulse of reacting, and instead allow myself to consider alternative explanations. For instance, if I reach out to someone and that person ignores me, it may be very natural to interpret and prematurely conclude that this person is doing so out of a lack of care or even aggression. However, as soon as I ?lock in? on this notion, all subsequent interactions will be guided by my judgments, and in all likelihood I will treat the other person as someone I believe may harm me, which then works as a self-fulfilling prophecy par excellence.

On the more active, communicative, and behavior oriented side, I think it is important to actually tell other people what I perceive, feel, interpret and then give them the chance to correct any misinterpretation. It may initially be fairly difficult?I?ve made that experience myself?but somehow I think it is worth it, given that by being open about my internal state, the chance of being perceived as harmful seems so much lower.

Obviously, this is all work in progress! And comments are most welcome.


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Court lifts ban on Calif. gay marriages

The lead plaintiffs in the U.S. Supreme Court case that overturned California's same-sex marriage ban tied the knot at San Francisco City Hall on Friday, about an hour after a federal appeals court freed same-sex couples to obtain marriage licenses for the first time in 4 1/2 years.

State Attorney General Kamala Harris presided at the wedding of Kris Perry and Sandy Stier, of Berkeley, as hundreds of supporters looked on and cheered. The couple sued to overturn the state's voter-approved gay marriage ban along with Jeff Katami and Paul Zarrillo, of Burbank, who planned to marry Friday evening at Los Angeles City Hall.

"By joining the case against Proposition 8, they represented thousands of couples like themselves in their fight for marriage equality," Harris, who had asked the appeals court to act swiftly, said during Stier and Perry's brief ceremony. "Through the ups and downs, the struggles and the triumphs, they came out victorious."

Harris declared Perry, 48, and Stier, 50, "spouses for life," but during their vows, they took each other as "lawfully wedded wife." One of their twin sons served as ring-bearer.

Although the couple have fought for the right to wed for years, their wedding came together in a flurry when a three-judge panel of the 9th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals issued a brief order Friday afternoon dissolving, "effective immediately," a stay it imposed on gay marriages while the lawsuit challenging the ban advanced through the courts.

Sponsors of California's same-sex marriage ban called the appeals court's swift action "outrageous."

"The resumption of same-sex marriage this day has been obtained by illegitimate means. If our opponents rejoice in achieving their goal in a dishonorable fashion, they should be ashamed," said Andy Pugno, general counsel for a coalition of religious conservative groups that sponsored Proposition 8.

"It remains to be seen whether the fight can go on, but either way, it is a disgraceful day for California," Pugno said.

The Supreme Court ruled 5-4 Wednesday that Proposition 8's sponsors lacked authority to defend the measure in court once Harris and Gov. Jerry Brown, both Democrats, refused to do so.

The decision lets stand a trial judge's declaration that the ban, approved by voters in November 2008, violates the civil rights of gay Californians and cannot be enforced.

Under Supreme Court rules, the losing side in a legal dispute has 25 days to ask the high court to rehear the case. The court said earlier this week that it would not finalize its ruling in the Proposition 8 case until after that time had elapsed.

It was not immediately clear whether the appeals court's action would be halted by the high court, but Gov. Jerry Brown directed California counties to start performing same-sex marriages immediately in the wake of it.

A memo from Brown's Department of Public Health said "same-sex marriage is again legal in California" and ordered county clerks to resume issuing marriage licenses to gay couples.

Given that word did not come down from the appeals court until mid-afternoon, most counties were not prepared to stay open late to accommodate potential crowds. The clerks in a few counties announced that they would stay open a few hours later Friday.

A jubilant San Francisco Mayor Ed Lee announced that same-sex couples would be able to marry all weekend in his city, which is hosting its annual gay pride celebration this weekend.


Associated Press writers Jason Dearen, Paul Elias and Mihir Zaveri contributed to this story.


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Young Imbeciles Destroy Largest Lego Helicopter Ever

Young Imbeciles Destroy Largest Lego Helicopter Ever

Yesterday a group of idiots destroyed the largest Lego helicopter in the world, the 100,000-piece Erickson Air-Crane. Built by Ryan McNaught over the course of six weeks, the pieces alone are valued at $25,000.




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Major changes needed for coral reef survival

June 28, 2013 ? To prevent coral reefs around the world from dying off, deep cuts in carbon dioxide emissions are required, says a new study from Carnegie's Katharine Ricke and Ken Caldeira. They find that all existing coral reefs will be engulfed in inhospitable ocean chemistry conditions by the end of the century if civilization continues along its current emissions trajectory.

Their work will be published July 3 by Environmental Research Letters.

Coral reefs are havens for marine biodiversity and underpin the economies of many coastal communities. But they are very sensitive to changes in ocean chemistry resulting from greenhouse gas emissions, as well as to coastal pollution, warming waters, overdevelopment, and overfishing.

Ricke and Caldeira, along with colleagues from Institut Pierre Simon Laplace and Stanford University, focused on the acidification of open ocean water surrounding coral reefs and how it affects a reef's ability to survive.

Coral reefs use a mineral called aragonite to make their skeletons. It is a naturally occurring form of calcium carbonate, CaCO3. When carbon dioxide, CO2, from the atmosphere is absorbed by the ocean, it forms carbonic acid (the same thing that makes soda fizz), making the ocean more acidic and decreasing the ocean's pH. This increase in acidity makes it more difficult for many marine organisms to grow their shells and skeletons, and threatens coral reefs the world over.

Using results from simulations conducted using an ensemble of sophisticated models, Ricke, Caldeira, and their co-authors calculated ocean chemical conditions that would occur under different future scenarios and determined whether these chemical conditions could sustain coral reef growth.

Ricke said: "Our results show that if we continue on our current emissions path, by the end of the century there will be no water left in the ocean with the chemical properties that have supported coral reef growth in the past. We can't say with 100% certainty that all shallow-water coral reefs will die, but it is a pretty good bet."

Deep cuts in emissions are necessary in order to save even a fraction of existing reefs, according to the team's results. Chemical conditions that can support coral reef growth can be sustained only with very aggressive cuts in carbon dioxide emissions.

"To save coral reefs, we need to transform our energy system into one that does not use the atmosphere and oceans as waste dumps for carbon dioxide pollution. The decisions we make in the next years and decades are likely to determine whether or not coral reefs survive the rest of this century," Caldeira said.


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Friday Fourplay: Beer Berries, Yogurt Liqueur, Sushi Donuts, and ...

Flavorful World?s Friday Fourplay offers up a bite-sized tidbit of info on each of the four food- and drink-related things we found most interesting each week.

Photo credit: Moonstruck Chocolate Co.

Photo credit: Moonstruck Chocolate Co.

Beer Berries

These candies from Moonstruck Chocolate Company?are not so-named because they possess any alcohol (there is, in fact, no beer in them). To create them, malted wheat berries of the sort used when brewing dark beers get tumbled in dark chocolate. Moonstruck suggests pairing them with a nice stout beer, marking the first of two examples you?ll be getting from Flavorful World today (you lucky goose, you) of ways to combine chocolate with beer. Read on.

Via Tasting Table

Photo credit: Maggie Hoffman / Serious Eats

Photo credit: Maggie Hoffman / Serious Eats

Yogurt Liqueur

Let?s see if I can make it through this one without any punny, yogurt-themed references to drinking up some cultures. Damn. So close. Anyway, Lucas Bols Amsterdam has released a liqueur made with fresh yogurt. Depending on your tolerance for sugary, dairy-based libations, this product promises either to make your smoothies a bit smoother or offend you horribly. Speaking for myself, the phrase ?Challenge accepted!? springs to mind.

Via Serious Eats

Photo credit:

Photo credit:

Sushi Donuts

The day I discovered a cake that cut a thoroughly convincing figure posing as a bowl of ramen was what cemented my knowledge that Japan excels at food catfishing creating impossibly delicious foods that masquerade as other foods. The latest gustatory ?Gotcha!? I?ve uncovered comes to us from Mister Donut, a U.S.-founded, Japan-headquartered franchise whose Thailand?branch is selling donuts visually fashioned after sushi. These ?Sushido? have actually been around a few years, but recently had their popularity surge via Twitter. Viewing the pictures I found over at Buzzfeed, it?s not difficult to see why (he wrote, as a Homer Simpsonesque hunger sound erupted low in his throat?)

Via Buzzfeed

Photo credit:

Photo credit:

Chocolate Peanut Butter Beer

Sure, its flavor profile sounds like the newest addition to the Three Broomsticks Inn?s beverage menu, but Sweet Baby Jesus! is something else entirely. Unlike our top entry in this week?s FF, this porter brew is, for better or worse, exactly what it sounds like: a beer flavored to taste like peanut butter and chocolate. One can?t help but smile at thought of all the ?You?spilled beer all over my Reese?s Peanut Butter Cup!? vs. ?You dropped your Reese?s Peanut Butter Cup in my beer!? arguments just begging to be played out among drinkers who know where to find this new product of Maryland-based Duclaw Brewing.

Via Foodiggity

*Mention of a product, good, or service in a Friday Fourplay posting should not be interpreted as an endorsement either from Anthony Beal or Flavorful World food and drink blog. Vendors are not notified ahead of time that their products/services will be featured, thus Flavorful World will at the time of posting have had no related interactions with said vendors or any sample of their products/services by which to judge them. As such, we have no idea what these vendors are like to work with, or about the quality of their merchandise and are unqualified to vouch for them as reputable. Our Friday Fourplay lists are posted in the simple spirit of our having come across something that looks and sounds engaging, and thinking that perhaps our readers will think so too; no more, no less. With that in mind, patronize these establishments and vendors at your own risk.

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Friday, June 28, 2013

Do browsers need to be more touch-friendly? Microsoft thinks so.

Meanwhile, Microsoft has said that it will eventually release Internet Explorer 11 for Windows 7 machines.?

By Matthew Shaer / June 27, 2013

Internet Explorer 11 is now available in preview mode via Windows 8.1.



On Wednesday, Microsoft introduced a preview version of Internet Explorer 11, a browser it called "fast, fluid and perfect for touch."?

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In order to try out the software, you'll have to download and install the Windows 8.1 Preview. So what's new on IE 11? Well, the most noticeable difference is the rejiggered interface, which now boasts side-by-side browsing windows and permanent tabs ? tabs, in other words, that travel with you from one device to the next.?

So let's say you're looking up the prices of Red Sox tickets on your Windows 8-equipped tablet. When you turn on your PC, and boot up IE 11, you'll see that same window on your desktop.?

In addition, Microsoft exec?Dean Hachamovitch wrote?yesterday, you'll be able to keep up to 100 tabs open per window. There will be "independent tab suspension for efficient use of memory and battery," Mr. Hachamovitch added,?"and faster switching with tabs that are there when you need them, out of your way when you don?t. Responding to feedback, IE11 has a new option to always show your tabs and address bar for faster, easier access with the mouse or finger."

Other niceties on IE 11 include?plugin-free HTML 5 video, better 3-D Web graphics, and built-in Skype support, which will make it easier to instantaneously dial-up any phone number embedded on a site or in an e-mail.?

For now, Internet Explorer 11 will be available only on Windows 8 and Windows 8.1 machines. But according to Brad Molen of Engadget, Microsoft is planning to eventually release IE 11 for Windows 7 devices, too ? although Microsoft is remaining mum about the timing.?

"Thus," Molen writes, "it's quite possible that we may not see it show up on Win7 until after it's had some time to bedazzle those who are already packing [Windows 8.1]."?

For more tech news, follow us on?Twitter @venturenaut.


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Music App Songza Goes Ad-Free With A New Paid Service, ?Club Songza? For $0.99 Per Week

club songzaSongza, the music streaming and recommendation service that has picked up some 4.8 million monthly active users with its free, ad-based service, is turning on a feature now that it hopes will convert some of its most loyal listeners into more monetizable ones. It is launching "Club Songza," a subscription-based service that is priced at $0.99 per week for users to get an ad-free experience.


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Thursday, June 27, 2013

Roads, rail top targets as Britain seeks economy boost through infrastructure

By William James

LONDON (Reuters) - The government promised on Thursday to upgrade roads and carry out what it said was the biggest rail investment in more than 100 years in a strategy to get the economy growing while keeping spending tight.

A day after Chancellor George Osborne announced the latest round of budget cuts, his deputy, Danny Alexander, detailed 100 billion pounds in capital investment plans, calling them "the most comprehensive, ambitious and long-lasting" ever.

Britain's economy is still struggling to generate growth to help narrow one of Europe's biggest budget deficits. Living standards suffered their biggest drop in a generation at the start of 2013, data showed on Thursday.

Alexander said 28 billion pounds would be spent by the government on improving roads from 2014 to 2020 - including enough cash to resurface 21,000 miles - and that it would support 30 billion pounds in rail investments.

A long-awaited announcement of a guaranteed electricity price for renewable energy investors was aimed at making investments in technologies such as wind power and biomass more attractive and less risky to private operators.

The government also announced a guarantee to help build a new nuclear power station at Hinkley Point in the south-west of England, for which French utility group EDF won planning permission in March.

The overall spending plan put some flesh on the bones of 300 billion pounds in capital spending commitments set out until 2020. Thursday's announcement was not a new injection of cash; the significance was in the details of where it would be spent.

The Conservative party, which dominates the ruling coalition, wants to persuade voters it is not just focused on spending cuts as it prepares for the 2015 general election. Its tough austerity drive has been criticised by the International Monetary Fund while two of the three main credit rating agencies have downgraded Britain's prized triple-A status.


Much of Thursday's announcement was aimed at drawing in private sector investment, a key tenet of Conservative plans to get maximum economic benefit out of scarce public cash.

But it did not clear up doubts about how quickly Britain could start to get new projects up and running.

"The construction industry and the broader economy will be disappointed in today's announcement as we will only see an economic boost when the shovels hit the ground on these projects," said Nick Prior, head of infrastructure at business advisory firm Deloitte.

The opposition Labour party, which has called for more short-term spending to revive the economy but has been wary about committing itself to increased borrowing, said no investment had been brought forward to 2013 or 2014.

"When is the government going to pull its finger out and actually start to build some of these things?" said Chris Leslie, a Labour spokesman for economic issues.

The government also promised an injection of 3 billion pounds into building new affordable housing - enough, it said, for 165,000 new homes - along with a 12-year rent guarantee to encourage private housing associations to build new projects.

Alexander said 16 billion pounds from 2015 onwards had been earmarked for rail expenditure, including the government's flagship high-speed rail project, designed to improve links between London, the Midlands and the north of the country.

On Wednesday, Britain's transport secretary said the cost of the rail project had risen by almost 10 billion pounds, highlighting the pitfalls of long-term capital projects.

(Additional reporting by William Schomberg and Rosalba O'Brien Editing by Jeremy Gaunt)


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New Microsoft Ventures Blends Investing, Accelerator Projects ...

Curt Woodward6/25/13

Microsoft is combining several of its startup-focused projects under a new name, with a more unified approach.

The new project, Microsoft Ventures, is a mashup of things the Redmond, WA-based company (NASDAQ: MSFT) has already been doing: startup accelerator programs, early stage investing, and services and support for startups.

It?s probably no coincidence that Microsoft announced the new, larger startup program on Tuesday, just before the start of its annual Build developer conference. But the change also reflects the increasingly active role that corporate venture arms have played in financing young companies.

Microsoft?s latest startup investment project got started in earnest about a year ago with the debut of the Bing Fund, an early stage investment vehicle that planned to issue convertible debt in the range of $50,000 to $100,000.

The Bing Fund was headed by Rahul Sood, a former PC gaming entrepreneur who sold his company VoodooPC to Hewlett-Packard before joining Microsoft in 2010. The fund made investments in at least a half-dozen companies, including mobile app developer service Buddy, location-based consumer app Sonar, and BuzzTable, a startup making apps for restaurants.

In a blog post today, Sood says the newly branded Microsoft Ventures will have more cash behind it than the Bing Fund (although no figures are discussed). It also will combine partnerships with outside startup-support communities and Microsoft?s BizSpark program, which offers free and discounted software to startups.

Sood also writes that Microsoft Ventures is expanding the company?s previous startup accelerator programs, adding several international locations to the current roster that includes Beijing, Paris, Tel Aviv, Seattle, and Bangalore.

Microsoft has partnered with TechStars on some previous accelerator programs?particularly the ones in Seattle, which have focused on specific Microsoft products like the Kinect sensor or Azure cloud computing. It was unclear if TechStars would have future involvement in the Microsoft Ventures versions.

Curt Woodward is a senior editor for Xconomy based in Boston. Email:


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A new poster for the final episodes of "Breaking Bad" evokes on of the series' best moments, but who would ever forget the name "Heisenberg"? Also, check out some propaganda posters from "Ender's Game" in today's Dailies! » Is Idris Elba making himself clear? Yes. » Super badass "Breaking Bad" poster » New stills from [...]


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Senate on verge of historic immigration vote

FILE ? In this May 9, 2013, file photo Sen. Chuck Schumer, D-N.Y., left, confers with Sen. Amy Klobuchar, D-Minn., as the Senate Judiciary Committee meets on immigration reform on Capitol Hill in Washington. The Senate is on the cusp of approving historic immigration legislation offering citizenship to millions in the U.S. illegally and spending billions of dollars to secure the border. The vote on final passage of the White House-backed bill was expected as early as Thursday, June 27, 2013 after a series of test votes so far this week demonstrated supporters command a bipartisan majority well over the 60 votes needed to secure passage and send the bill to the House. (AP Photo/J. Scott Applewhite, File)

WASHINGTON (AP) ? The Senate is on the cusp of approving historic immigration legislation offering citizenship to millions in the U.S. illegally and spending billions of dollars to secure the border.

The vote on final passage of the White House-backed bill was expected as early as Thursday, after a series of test votes so far this week demonstrated supporters command a bipartisan majority well over the 60 votes needed to secure passage and send the bill to the House. First must come two more procedural tests set for Thursday.

"We're on the edge of passing one of the most significant pieces of legislation that this body has passed in a very long time," Sen. Chuck Schumer, D-N.Y., said on the Senate floor Wednesday. "The vast majority of members in this body realize that the immigration system is broken and needs fixing."

Supporters posted 67 votes or more on each of three procedural tests Wednesday. More than a dozen Republicans sided with Democrats on each, ensuring bipartisan support that the bill's backers hope will change minds in the House.

The outlook there is uncertain. Many in the GOP-controlled House oppose the pathway to citizenship at the center of the Senate bill. And many prefer a piecemeal approach rather than a sweeping bill like the one the Senate is producing.

The House Judiciary Committee is in the midst of a piece-by-piece effort, signing off Wednesday on legislation to establish a system requiring all employers within two years to check their workers' legal status.

The Judiciary Committee was turning its attention Thursday to a bill on high-skilled workers. Last week it approved two more measures, one on agriculture workers and a second to make illegal presence in the country a federal crime, instead of a civil offense as it is now.

At its core, the legislation in the Senate includes numerous steps to prevent future illegal immigration, while at the same time it offers a chance at citizenship to the 11 million immigrants now living in the country unlawfully.

It provides for 20,000 new Border Patrol agents, requires the completion of 700 miles of fencing and requires an array of high-tech devices to be deployed to secure the border with Mexico.

Businesses would be required to check on the legal status of prospective employees. Other provisions would expand the number of visas for highly skilled workers relied upon by the technology industry. A separate program would be established for lower-skilled workers, and farm workers would be admitted under a temporary program.

The basic legislation was drafted by four Democrats and four Republicans who met privately for months to produce a rare bipartisan compromise in a polarized Senate. They fended off unwanted changes in the Senate Judiciary Committee and then were involved in negotiations with Republican Sens. John Hoeven of North Dakota and Bob Corker of Tennessee on a package of tougher border security provisions that swelled support among Republicans.

Outnumbered critics insist the bill falls short of the promises made for it.

Sen. Richard Shelby, R-Ala., called it "the mother of all amnesties."


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First transiting planets in a star cluster discovered

June 26, 2013 ? All stars begin their lives in groups. Most stars, including our Sun, are born in small, benign groups that quickly fall apart. Others form in huge, dense swarms that survive for billions of years as stellar clusters. Within such rich and dense clusters, stars jostle for room with thousands of neighbors while strong radiation and harsh stellar winds scour interstellar space, stripping planet-forming materials from nearby stars.

It would thus seem an unlikely place to find alien worlds. Yet 3,000 light-years from Earth, in the star cluster NGC 6811, astronomers have found two planets smaller than Neptune orbiting Sun-like stars. The discovery, published in the journal Nature, shows that planets can develop even in crowded clusters jam-packed with stars.

"Old clusters represent a stellar environment much different than the birthplace of the Sun and other planet-hosting field stars," says lead author Soren Meibom of the Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics (CfA). "And we thought maybe planets couldn't easily form and survive in the stressful environments of dense clusters, in part because for a long time we couldn't find them."

The two new alien worlds appeared in data from NASA's Kepler spacecraft. Kepler hunts for planets that transit, or cross in front of, their host stars. During a transit, the star dims by an amount that depends on the size of the planet, allowing the size to be determined. Kepler-66b and Kepler-67b are both less than three times the size of Earth, or about three-fourths the size of Neptune (mini-Neptunes).

Of the more than 850 known planets beyond our solar system, only four -- all similar to or greater than Jupiter in mass -- were found in clusters. Kepler-66b and -67b are the smallest planets to be found in a star cluster, and the first cluster planets seen to transit their host stars, which enables the measurement of their sizes.

Meibom and his colleagues have measured the age of NGC 6811 to be one billion years. Kepler-66b and Kepler-67b therefore join a small group of planets with precisely determined ages, distances, and sizes.

Considering the number of stars observed by Kepler in NGC 6811, the detection of two such planets implies that the frequency and properties of planets in open clusters are consistent with those of planets around field stars (stars not within a cluster or association) in the Milky Way galaxy.

"These planets are cosmic extremophiles," says Meibom. "Finding them shows that small planets can form and survive for at least a billion years, even in a chaotic and hostile environment."

Headquartered in Cambridge, Mass., the Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics (CfA) is a joint collaboration between the Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory and the Harvard College Observatory. CfA scientists, organized into six research divisions, study the origin, evolution and ultimate fate of the universe.


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Pa. Senate readies unusual session on liquor bills

HARRISBURG, Pa. (AP) -- Pennsylvania's Republican senators have been meeting privately for several hours as they prepare for an unusual floor session to consider legislation that could allow private store operators to sell wine and liquor in Pennsylvania.

The impending Wednesday session is a sign of the growing desperation among Republican majority leaders to reach a consensus on issues that are important to Gov. Tom Corbett.

Lawmakers are planning to meet all week to wrap up a new budget and other business before leaving Harrisburg for the summer.

Normally, Senate Republican leaders don't bring a bill to the chamber's floor unless the Republican majority approves of it and they've ensured it'll pass.

However, Senate Republicans are split over legislation on wine and liquor sales being sought by House Republicans and Corbett. Democrats oppose it.


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Gosselin: 'Slanted' eye photo a 'happy memory'


1 hour ago

Kate Gosselin has spoken out about the controversial photo in which she dons a plastic geisha-style wig and pulls her eyes up at the corners to imitate the look of an Asian person.

"This was a happy memory of mine," Gosselin wrote on her website. A fan had sent the plastic wig, Gosselin said, and she and husband Jon took turns wearing it and snapping photos. Gosselin added a photo of Jon in the wig to her site. "Naturally, I 'slanted' my eyes to show him my best Asian impression, which made him smile," she wrote.

Jon Gosselin was born in Wisconsin, and his parents are a mix of European and Korean descent.

"At that time, a common topic of our show was 'everybody?s Asian' ? except for mommy, so a thoughtful fan figured she?d help me look Asian too," Gosselin wrote.

"I married an Asian," she said in the post. "I have eight biracial children therefore I?m quite certain that I?m the last person that could be called a racist."

The photo of Gosselin making the gesture was distributed Sunday by someone calling him or herself "KatieDeen." That person created a fresh account on Twitter on Sunday evening, and posted just one item -- this picture, with the accompanying caption information suggesting that Gosselin "makes fun of Asians with 8 half Korean children."

Gosselin did not say if she knew who had published the photo, but did write that it "was taken and misused without my permission and opportunistically turned into something that it never was intended to be."

The gesture has caused controversy for others in the past, including in 2008 when the Spanish Olympic Team were photographed en masse for an advertisement making the gesture.


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Hero of Many review (iPad) | ArcadeLife : Life vs Video Games

hero of many icon

10 word description: Epic journey through a dangerous world. 26 levels. Physical puzzles.

hero of many pic 0997

10 word review:?Emotionally engaging, extremely atmospheric. Seamless genre blend, great touch control.

hero of many pic 0982

You will like this if you enjoy:?Surreal adventures guiding a nameless, almost shapeless protagonist through a series of increasingly strange and challenging dreamlike worlds. Imagine a blend of Spore, Galcon and Solar 2 in a Limbo style. Now add some Super Sprint racing with stealth and RTS combat elements. Or maybe just Pac-Man based in a primordial swamp. That comes close to describing this game.

hero of many pic 1002

The good news:?The graphical style, while not unique, perfectly suits both the mysterious, organic theme and the ever evolving gameplay. The gameplay itself ? an intoxicating mix of elements from various genres ? initially impresses and continues to expand and surprise as you progress through the levels. The atmospheric and dynamic soundtrack demands earphones. It?s a great experience, but never at the expense of being a brilliant game ? continually giving you more things to do and increasingly impressive ways to do them.

hero of many pic 1009

The bad news:?None of this bad news matters, but I need to mention it as I know there are people who get upset when a game has no scoring system, 3-star level ratings, Game Center or a tutorial. Also, if you like a game to hold your hand every step of the way, you may feel just a little bit out of your depth here.

hero of many pic 1011

Arcadelife verdict:?Hero of Many is a stunning iPad game. It wouldn?t feel out of place on Steam (PC) or as a console download, although the perfect touch system would always be the most intuitive way to control the game. Exploring is the key, exploring and discovering. The absence of a tutorial or any kind of explanation adds to the atmosphere of alienation and enhances the satisfaction that comes with each new discovery.

hero of many pic 1106

The general objective of each level is to travel from the entrance to the exit ? which is sometimes the same place ? avoiding or overcoming? enemies and obstacles, solving physical puzzles and navigating the twists and turns of the labyrinthine environments. There is no map. There are no hints. There is no help. The game succeeds because none of that is necessary. Not only is it unnecessary, but the journey of discovery depends to a large extent on the unfamiliarity of the game world. Following a series of waypoints and instructions would significantly undermine the fun of finding out, breaking the sense of wonder as each new game element is introduced.

hero of many pic 0975

It?s a personal journey, an emotional story without words. There is no score, no rating apart from the fact that you know you?re getting deeper and deeper into a surreal and dangerous alien realm. This is not a game for Game Center leaderboard chasers or those who assess their gaming progress by the number of stars on the level select screen. This is a game for the rest of us, the ones who play video games because they?re fun.

Arcadelife rating

Presentation ? 9.5/10
Visuals ? 9.5/10
Controls ? 10/10
Content ? 9/10
Fun ? 9/10
Final rating ? 9.5/10


Rating categories explained here.
Version reviewed by Arcadelife is 1.0.1
iTunes link

Hero of Many website link

Arcadelife played and reviewed this game on:
4th gen iPad (iOS 6.1.3)

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Tuesday, June 25, 2013

91% Frances Ha

All Critics (100) | Top Critics (35) | Fresh (91) | Rotten (9)

It's a tribute to Gerwig's performance, somehow both clumsy and elegant, that she wins us over despite ourselves, that we come to appreciate her aimlessness in a goal-oriented society ...

This is an odd film (creepier than it knows), and even if you feel the atmospheric company of Dunham-ism, with a little of Whit Stillman, Henry Jaglom, and Woody Allen, the core influence on Noah Baumbach's film is fifty years older or more.

Baumbach usually builds his films around difficult protagonists, but Frances is entirely endearing, at once silly and deep, hopeless and promising.

The dialogue and editing are zippy and generally charming, combining with the tart observations of 20-something culture to create a nice frisson.

A black-and-white salute to the French New Wave (the score is borrowed from Georges Delerue, composer of many a Truffaut and Godard film) that manages to be very much of this moment ...

The movie's a love letter to an actress and her character, but by the end you may feel like an intervention is more in order.

As long as you remember to laugh, Frances Ha is a tolerable experience. Forget the "ha ha" and Frances Ha is beyond unbearable. I found this an odd and often frustrating truth, but it's what makes Noah Baumbach's new movie a success.

Gerwig keeps you on side and rooting for Frances to get her act together in what becomes an affectionate salute to messy lives, an endearing underachiever and a New York state of mind.

Don't be fooled by Frances with all her feigned insecurity and branding of herself as "undateable" and predicting she'll be a lonely spinster. She's a psychopath.

Gerwig's deft screwball timing turns every disaster into a grace note. This may be a comedy of awkwardness, but rather than curl, your toes will tap.

A refreshing amount of buoyancy to dance and charm its way through Quarter-Life Crisis territory. One of the best performances of Greta Gerwig's career to date

Frances Ha is a sympathetic but not uncritical depiction of a girl's gradual evolution into a woman; one that never condescends by forcing her to abandon all her quirks and impish qualities in the final act... An absolute delight, this is.

Indie darling Gerwig has a great deal to do with the picture's success: she's disarmingly likable...

There's a level of audacity beneath the lightweight whimsy in this unassuming low-budget comedy.

"Frances Ha makes a star out of Gerwig, and she's the kind of star we need: a goofy one we can feel tender about but never underestimate."

'I can't account for my own bruises,' Frances says, as if she were a clumsy kid with an adult's vocabulary. Does the remark refer to more than the abrasions on her skin?

A celebration of cinema, New York City and the distinctive charms of actress Greta Gerwig, Frances Ha was co-written by Gerwig and its director, Noah Baumbach, and it's the best film either has made.

There's a thin line between comedy and tragedy, and Greta Gerwig walks it remarkably well.

There's depth and realism in the way Frances Ha shows aspiration versus reality.

Gerwig, beyond a doubt, is immeasurably appealing, and Frances Ha is tailor-made to showcase her gifts better than anything she's ever been in.

...if you hold your nose and simply wallow through the stench of self-aggrandizement, you'll be rewarded with an experience that will actually tug on your emotions.

Frances Ha provides a sharp, fleet, and very funny look at female friendship and the acceptance of adult responsibilities.

This is very minimalist storytelling much of which feels improvised in front of the camera. The film is more of a character situation than a character story.

No quotes approved yet for Frances Ha. Logged in users can submit quotes.


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False bomb threats force evacuations across Poland

WARSAW, Poland (AP) ? Police detained one person Tuesday in connection with false e-mail bomb threats that led to the evacuation of hundreds of people from more than 20 hospitals, courts, police stations and prosecutors' offices across Poland, the interior minister said.

Bartlomiej Sienkiewicz said Poland's investigators were in touch with counterparts in the United States, France and Germany, because some of the e-mails were sent from servers in those countries. He refused to give any detail on the detained person.

Police who checked all the locations said that no explosives were found and there were no explosions at noon as the e-mails had threatened. One hospital in southern Poland was fully evacuated, one in Warsaw partially.

"The entire day was lost for us and for the patients," said Wlodzimierz Migacz, director of a hospital in Katowice, who ordered a full evacuation, including of a premature baby in an incubator.

"I hope the author of the e-mail will be found and punished," Migacz said on TVN24.

TVN24 footage showed ambulances leaving the hospital to take patients to other medical centers. In Warsaw, it showed some patients and relatives waiting in front of a hospital.

People were allowed to return to the buildings Tuesday afternoon.

Sienkiewicz said there was no danger to anybody's life or health and that the threats were a case of "unbelievable cheek" on an unprecedented scale.

A false bomb threat leading to major disruption carries a maximum prison sentence of eight years.


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U.S. presses Russia as mystery over Snowden deepens

By Jeff Mason and Lidia Kelly

WASHINGTON/MOSCOW (Reuters) - The United States on Monday increased pressure on Russia to hand over Edward Snowden, the American charged with disclosing secret U.S. surveillance programs, and said it believed he was still in Moscow despite reports he was leaving for Cuba.

Earlier Snowden, until recently a contractor with the U.S. National Security Agency, had been expected to fly to Havana from Moscow, perhaps on the way to Ecuador, but he was not seen on the plane and Russian officials declined to say where he was.

The U.S. State Department said diplomats and Justice Department officials were engaged in discussions with Russia, suggesting they were looking for a deal to secure his return.

"Given our intensified cooperation working with Russia on law enforcement matters ... we hope that the Russian government will look at all available options to return Mr. Snowden back to the U.S. to face justice for the crimes with which he is charged," spokesman Patrick Ventrell told reporters.

Snowden flew to Moscow after being allowed to leave Hong Kong on Sunday, even though Washington had asked the Chinese territory to detain him pending his possible extradition on espionage charges.

White House spokesman Jay Carney defended the administration's attempts to bring Snowden into U.S. custody and blamed China for assisting in his departure from Hong Kong. He said it would damage U.S. China relations.

Sources at the Russian airline Aeroflot had said on Sunday that Snowden would be on a flight on Monday morning that arrived in Havana at 6.45 p.m./2245 GMT, but reporters who took the flight said another person occupied seat 17A, which had been set aside for him.

"He didn't take the flight (to Havana)," a source at Aeroflot told Reuters.

However, before the plane left for Cuba, a white van for VIPs approached it on the tarmac. Police stood by as a single man in a white shirt climbed the stairs on to the plane soon afterwards but he could not be identified by reporters watching in the transit area. It was not clear whether the plane had a section in which Snowden could have been concealed.

Julian Assange, the founder of anti-secrecy group WikiLeaks which is assisting Snowden, said the 30-year-old had fled to Moscow en route to Ecuador and was in good health in a "safe place" but did not say where he was now.

Ecuador, like Cuba and Venezuela, is a member of the ALBA bloc, an alliance of leftist governments in Latin America that pride themselves on their "anti-imperialist" credentials. The Quito government has been sheltering Assange at its London embassy for the past year.

Washington was stung by the defiance from Russia, with which President Barack Obama has sought improved relations, and China's apparent compliance in letting Snowden leave Hong Kong. Obama has met the leaders of the two powers in recent months.

One of three high-powered lawyers representing Snowden in Hong Kong said they had warned him he might be stuck in legal limbo for years - and possibly detained - if he stayed put and requested asylum in the city-state.

Carney, speaking several hours after the Moscow-Havana flight took off, said it was the U.S. assumption that Snowden was still in Russia and pressed Russia to use all options to expel him to the United States.

President Barack Obama said his government was "following all the appropriate legal channels working with various other countries to make sure the rule of law is observed."


Carney slammed those countries from which Snowden had chosen to seek protection, saying his choice belied his claim that he was focused on supporting transparency, freedom of the press and individuals' rights.

He sharply criticized Hong Kong. "This was a deliberate choice by the government to release a fugitive despite a valid arrest warrant, and that decision unquestionably has a negative impact on the U.S.-China relationship," he said.

U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry told CNN Snowden's activities could threaten the security of China as well as that of the United States.

"People may die as a consequence to what this man did," he said. "It is possible that the United States would be attacked because terrorists may now know how to protect themselves in some way or another that they didn't know before. This is a very dangerous act."

To his supporters, however, Snowden is a whistleblowing hero who exposed the extent of U.S. surveillance activities.

A petition initiated by his supporters and posted on the White House website described him as "a national hero and should be immediately issued a full, free, and absolute pardon for any crimes he has committed or may have committed related to blowing the whistle on secret NSA surveillance programs."

The petition at had garnered more than 113,000 signatures by 2030 GMT, above the 100,000 needed to oblige a White House response within 30 days.

China, which itself has been accused of widespread hacking abroad, took the high ground, expressing "grave concern" over Snowden's allegations that the United States had hacked Chinese computers. It said it had taken up the issue with Washington.


Russian President Vladimir Putin's press secretary denied any knowledge of Snowden's movements. Asked if Snowden had spoken to the Russian authorities, Dmitry Peskov said: "Overall, we have no information about him."

Other Russian officials said Moscow had no obligation to cooperate with Washington, citing legislation passed in the United States to impose visa bans and asset freezes on Russians accused of violating human rights.

The Russian news agency Interfax quoted an unnamed source as saying Moscow could not arrest or deport Snowden because he had not actually entered Russian territory - suggesting he had remained in the transit area at Moscow's Sheremetyevo airport.

Putin has missed few chances to champion public figures who challenge Western governments and to portray Washington as an overzealous global policeman.

WikiLeaks said Snowden was supplied with a refugee document of passage by Ecuador and that a British legal researcher working for the anti-secrecy group had accompanied him.

Ecuador's foreign minister, Ricardo Patino, said during a trip to Vietnam that Quito would take into account a U.S. request about Snowden and was in contact with Russia about him. He gave no details of the U.S. request.

Snowden, who worked as a systems administrator at a U.S. National Security Agency facility in Hawaii for about three months, had been hiding in Hong Kong, since leaking details about secret U.S. surveillance programs to news media.

He said in an interview published by Hong Kong's South China Morning Post on Monday that he took a job at U.S. contractor Booz Allen Hamilton deliberately to gain access to details of the NSA's surveillance programs.

"My position with Booz Allen Hamilton granted me access to lists of machines all over the world the NSA hacked," Snowden said, according to the article.

Booz Allen Hamilton fired Snowden on June 10, a day after he went public about his role in revealing details of the NSA programs in a video posted by the Guardian newspaper in London. It had no comment about Snowden's latest comments.

U.S. officials said intelligence agencies were worried they do not know how much sensitive material Snowden had in his possession and he may have taken more documents than initially estimated. They were concerned that his links with WikiLeaks would increase the likelihood of their being published.

Snowden has been charged with theft of federal government property, unauthorized communication of national defense information and willful communication of classified communications intelligence to an unauthorized person. The last two charges fall under the U.S. Espionage Act.

(Additional reporting by Gabriela Baczynska and Alexei Anishchuk in Moscow, Martin Petty in Hanoi, Sui-Lee Weein in Beijing,; Andrew Cawthorne, Mario Naranjo and Daniel Wallis in Caracas, Alexandra Valencia in Quito and Mark Felsenthal, Paul Eckert and Mark Hosenball in Washington; Writing by Timothy Heritage, Elizabeth Piper, and David Brunnstrom; Editing by David Storey)


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Awkward! Prince Harry Seen with Current & Ex-Girlfriend

While all of Britain’s finest were enjoying the royal wedding of the Duke of Northumberland’s youngest daughter, Prince Harry found himself in a love triangle. Things became a little awkward for the prince when former flame Chelsy Davy and current girlfriend Cressida Bonas attended the ceremony and shared in the festivities. Davy was a beautiful maid of honor at the wedding; after dating Prince Harry for five years the couple called it quits in 2009.


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The Adorable Mini-Sports Car Has Gotten a Remarkable Upgrade

The Adorable Mini-Sports Car Has Gotten a Remarkable Upgrade

As you may or may not remember, a few years ago we posted photos of these incredible, half-scale sports cars that?despite being called "children's cars"?are more badass than any car any adult could ever hope to own. And although the junior cars' visionary, Nathan Redfearn, was getting ready to shut down production, the beautiful, tiny, and fully-functional cars struck a chord with so many people that they were able to keep going?much to our benefit. They're even getting an awesome new upgrade.




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Common Cases Where A Unsecured Loan is Critical - John Black

There almost certainly is a requirement for yourself to have yourself a guarantor in submitting an application for a cash loan. A guarantor is someone who will take all the obligation for the loan you applied together if in case you fail to pay up. You must select a guarantor that has an impressive credit score and salary that?s sufficiently good to handle the loan. Men are often stunned to hear the good news from the money lenders that they are able to utilize their cars as a collateral just to get qualified. If you are caring for your auto loan, there?s a better opportunity that you may lend money instead of your car title loan. These financing options are usually not ideal, but they?re greater than pawnshops and payday loans. You have to keep in your thoughts and understand clearly that you may forfeit your precious automobile if you neglect to pay back the loans you made. That can prevent you from getting to and fro the office and earning a salary, and your wages are exactly what you want to get away from debt. Fast cash loans are generally personal loan determined by when you acquire your salary. People from all over the world face numerous financial problems everyday and often, short-term borrowing is not that possible. If you will be searching for a means to fix such matters, why don?t you go for quick cash by having a secured loan or instant cash? Besides, this is the fastest option to receive the fast money you need in spite of your bad credit score or when your pals and family cannot help you monetarily. During your application procedure of the loan don?t ignore to look into the conditions and terms of loans, know all the possible costs you will include specifically those covered charges. There are a lot of means that may cause you to extra charges on these loans however the blame certainly falls into you, that is why knowing all the details of a loan is best!


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How to share Photo Streams with friends and family not using an iPhone or iPad

How to share Photo Streams with friends and family not using an iPhone or iPad

If you snap lots of photos with your iPhone and use Photo Stream to sync them between your iPad and other devices, odds are you probably share them with iPhone and iPad using friends and relatives as well.

But what about the friends and family members that don't own iOS devices? There's actually no need to leave them out! You can give them access to your shared Photo Streams as well. Here's how:

The way to allow non-iOS users to view your shared Photo Streams is actually quite simple. You can just make them a public website that will have its own unique URL. You can then share that URL with friends and family members whenever you'd like. Here's where to get it:

  1. Launch the Photos app from the Home screen of your iPhone or iPad.
  2. Tap on the Photo Stream tab in the bottom navigation.
  3. From here tap on the blue arrow next to the shared Photo Stream you'd like to make public.
  4. Towards the bottom there is an option for Public Website, enable it by turning it to On.
  5. Now tap on Share Link after it's generated. You'll then be able to copy it to the clipboard or share it many various ways regardless of what mobile platform someone is using.

Anyone you give that URL to will be able to access your shared Photo Stream from any browser. Simple as that. Keep in mind this does turn that particular shared Photo Stream into a public site of sorts. There isn't anything in the URL that would make it easily searchable on a site like Google but keep in mind anyone with a link will have access to it.

You can, of course, unpublish it just as easy as you published it by following the same steps as laid out above.



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