Saturday, December 31, 2011

Some Political New Year???s Resolutions (ContributorNetwork)

Mitt Romney: Take a long, hard look at Hillary Clinton's 2008 presidential campaign

With all of the rising and falling among the field of Republican presidential candidates over the last few months--from Michele Bachmann to Rick Perry to Herman Cain to Newt Gingrich to Ron Paul--Mitt Romney has remained steadily near the front. Now, less than a week before the Iowa Caucasus it would be easy to get over-confident, which is what Romney's campaign seems to be doing.

Remember four years ago when Hillary Clinton was assumed to be the presumptive nominee for the Democrats? In mid-December of 2007 some polls even suggested that she had a 29 point lead over Barack Obama for the nomination, and we all know how that turned out.

Rick Perry: Figure out how the federal government works

It would be a safe assumption to think that a presidential candidate would have a pretty good grasp on the government and how it works. That is until you meet G.O.P candidate Rick Perry. His gaffes have become the stuff of legend. We all know about his "oops moment," but earlier this month Perry also forgot that there are nine Supreme Court Justices. And last month, in the same sentence, he misstated the voting age and the date of the very election that he's hoping to win.

Newt Gingrich: Stop trying to be so smart and figure out how to run for president

I'm all for intelligence but Newt Gingrich needs to focus a bit less on the Northwest Ordinance of 1787 and a bit more on, well, running for president. Sure, Gingrich can make historical analogies with the best of them, but if he's not on the ballot in his own home state, and, yes, Gingrich failed to do what it takes to get on the ballot in Virginia, than you're not going to win an election.

Barack Obama: Remember your campaign promises

Politics in America is about compromise and, of course, you can't win them all. But many on the political left have become disenchanted by President Obama's lack of commitment to the ideals that they thought he so strongly supported. From not shutting down Guantanamo, to increasing the use of drone attacks around the world, for many liberals Obama looks to have taken a page right out of the Bush Doctrine.


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