Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Reach Fitness Coach with an Accountability Partner | Tony Horton's ...


As I write this week?s blog, I am getting ready to head home from a trip to Philadelphia
where I spent three days with my brother, Tony Horton, and three friends. We
were here to promote P90X and P90X-2 on QVC, the popular home shopping network.

As a busy, working mom, I don?t often get opportunities to get away and spend time with friends. In the past, a getaway may have included indulgences in drinking and eating
unhealthy foods as means of treating myself. I would have had fun while doing
so and then felt awful a few days later when reality set back in.

It?s challenging to stay accountable to your health and fitness plan when you are
constantly faced with temptation. We tend to avoid social engagements for this
very reason. However, why not build a network of friends who have similar
struggles as you, want to change and work together to help one another and stay
accountability to your goals? I did my first round of P90X in 2004 and at that
time I not only found a great health and fitness program that I could do at
home, on my own time, but I also met a wonderful community of people who helped
me stay on track. This group of people are friends to this day. I could not
have got through my first round of P90X without them. I would not be living the
lifestyle I do now without them.

When I was tempted to get unhealthy foods I saw Tony ordering something super
healthy.? When I wanted to do fewer reps doing our workout together I saw Jeremy Yost giving it his all. (BTW, he lost 180 lbs doing P90X!) You are around these people and you think to yourself, if they can do it, so can I. ?Then, instead of feeling like crud after three days, you come away feeling great. And you think to yourself, wowl, that wasn?t so hard after all! It was easy because we were all working as team, do the same things together! If any of them had sat at the bar and ordered a beer, then I would have been right there with them. But instead they all ordered Perrier, then so did I.

So, now you might be asking; should I ?de-friend? my friends who don?t eat healthy and
never exercise? Of course not. My guess is that the reason you are friends with
those people has much more to do with other things you have in common. And, as
you make consistent changes in your life one of two things usually happens. These
same friends will criticize you for making such ?drastic? changes in your life
and ?never having any fun? or they begin to see how great you feel and look and
will start asking questions and might follow your lead. And, just like that,
that circle of friends changes. The group who used to plan weekend getaways to
Vegas are now planning hike trips together. The group who used to go out on
Friday nights to imbibe is now meeting at Friday night fit club.

When attempting to change your life for the better, it?s so important that you
surround yourself with like-minded people. When you and the people around you
are the same page about what you want, it?s easier to make better choices. A
team is so much more powerful than one person when working together.


Next motivational call with TONY HORTON in APRIL! STAY TUNED for more info!

PRIVATE MOTIVATIONAL GROUPS for MARCH and APRIL have begun BUT THERE?S STILL ROOM FOR MORE! Find 4 friends and let me know if you?d like to begin a group. These are private groups I lead on Facebook or through Email to help people stay on track and accountable to their goals.?

People who?ve been in groups since January are making GREAT STRIDES and REACHING THEIR GOALS!



Source: http://getfitwithkit.com/blog/uncategorized/health-mind-body-and-spirit-tip-from-tony-hortons-sister-kit-horton-caldicott/

pasadena pasadena famu famu martina mcbride terry jones andy reid

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