Monday, August 6, 2012

What You Need to Know About EHIC | Multi Trip Insurance


What is EHIC?

The European Health Insurance Card is issued free of charge to citizens of the European Economic Area (EEA) and it entitles the cardholder to free or subsidised medical services from state owned hospitals within the EEA. All members of the EEA & Switzerland participate in the EHIC, however the the Channel Islands and the Isle of Man do not participate in the EHIC and their residents are not entitled to EHIC.

What does it cover?

The medical cover provided and charges, if any, is determined by state owned medical services normally provided by the EEA member state you are in.?This can vary from state to state, anyway the?EHIC generally covers:

  • Illnesses & Accidents
  • Emergency Medical (EHIC hotline is 112)
  • Pre-existing or chronic medical conditions
  • Maternity and Emergency unplanned delivery
  • Monitoring & Treatment of chronic or pre-existing conditions

Who is Eligible?

Generally all residents of the EEA are eligible for EHIC. Here are the EEA Countries that participate in EHIC, click on the country to see the level of medical cover provided.

What if I am a Citizen of the EEA but reside outside the EEA?

If you are non-resident of the UK you are not entitled for NHS and consequently not eligible for EHIC either; this may differ with other EEA countries. Here is the UK NHS position on non-residents. There many companies that provide Travel Insurance For Expats?that will cover you for trips worldwide, including trips back to your home country.

How do I apply?

UK residents can apply for EHIC by filling out this form and submitting it to the NHS business services authority.

Do I need Travel Insurance when travelling within EEA countries if I have EHIC?

The answer to that is YES as advised by the UK Foreign & Commonwealth Office. And here is why you need Travel Insurance over and above what EHIC provides:

  • Your choice of treatment?is limited to the?government hospitals of the EEA state you are in. These could be good or bad. Additionally, in the event of an emergency, proximity is all important.
  • Travel Cancellation costs if you have to cancel or interrupt your trip for medical reasons.
  • Costs related to stay extensions for medical reasons.
  • Cost of medical evacuation (especially skiers)
  • Repatriation related costs
  • Cost of flying relative or friend to you if needed.
  • Ancillary ?in-patient? related costs.
  • Legal Representation.
  • Loss, Damage or Theft of personal effects.
  • Third party liability.

Here are some Compelling Stats from the UK FCO as to why you need Travel Insurance over and above the your EHIC entitlement. From 01-April-2011 to 31-March-2012:

  • 1909 Brits were arrested is Spain alone, requiring legal representation.
  • 30246 lost, stolen or damaged travel documents had to be replaced, which costs time and money, not mention travel?cancellation?or postponement related costs.
  • 6322 deaths and related repatriation costs.

As the NHS & FCO emphatically?reiterates, EHIC is not travel insurance and if you are travelling within the EEA its good to have both.?

Related Links

What is covered (you have to scroll down on the page)
EHIC Application Form (for UK residents)
Why Expats travel medical cover even when visiting home

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