Friday, April 26, 2013

What if the entire world were gay, and everyone hated straight people? (video) (Americablog)

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Make Money On The Internet From Home. The Passive, Newbie ...

michael brown and jutin lewisChances are you?re at this site right now to learn how to build your own passive income from home.? I commend you because I was in your shoes about 5 years ago!

Below I am going to break down what you need to do and how you can start working, beside my partner on this (Justin Lewis) and I, from home starting today (Left:Michael, Right: Justin).

Before I start, who am I?? My name is Michael Brown and I started making money online in 2007 and within 12 months, I quit my job.? I did this while working a full time job and raising my son...

In fact, I owe many thanks to Lynn Terry here at ClickNewz for kicking me in the butt early on and getting me motivated.?

I?m also a father and a husband and consider myself a strong family man first and Internet marketer second.

I now train other people to make money online as I do with my friend; Justin Lewis.? Justin started off as a student of mine and really came into his own.

Here is what I know to be undeniably true in the making money online world.

  1. There are a lot of scams
  2. Big gurus try to persuade you by telling you they have millions of dollars and fancy cars, homes, etc.
  3. Many claim it takes absolutely no-work
  4. Many claim there are simply push-button systems and you don?t have to do anything else
  5. It can be frustrating!

I?ll tell you first hand that to make money online it takes?

  1. Work
  2. Motivation
  3. Proper training / mentor(s)
  4. A support group that you can trust
  5. Determination

Anyone that guarantees you will make $xxxxx amount of dollars; steer clear.? Anyone promising push-button riches; steer clear.? Anyone continuously flaunting their income or success; steer clear.? Never bank your potential income on the results of someone else.

Yes, it?s easy to do once you know how but getting there takes times, practice, hands on help and good friends you can ultimately get help from and trust.

Below is what I found to work well and how I train raw beginners and people who have yet to have success making money online.

Note: some of this you may already know, but reinforce your knowledge as repetition will help breed success.

Step 1: Find A Niche

First, you?ll find a niche that you like.? I know many people say ?go for the money only.? However, I think you need to find a niche you really like, rather than just a cash cow.? As you gain experience go for the larger cash cows but, in the beginning going for things you love that have less competition is probably a smart idea.

Step 2: Research Your Niche & Audience

Knowing what is going on in your industry can help lead to a great passive online income. It simply involves looking at how competitive other sites are in your industry and what keywords and phrases are relevant to your market.

Many people skip this step simply because they don?t understand it (don?t worry in a moment I?ll show you how you can do this absolutely free with complete video and text training).

Step 3:? Create A Website Using WordPress

Next, you create a website using WordPress.? Why WordPress?? It?s free, stable, looks great and is easy enough for anybody to use.

You?ll simply build your site based around your topic.

Step 4: Add Content To Your Website

Content can be text, images, video, audio, info charts, graphs and even PDFs.? Create compelling content that your visitors will be interested in.?

Creating good content can be based on:

  • Demos or Demonstrations
  • Product Reviews
  • Hot Industry Topics
  • Questions In Your Niche
  • Problems In Your Niche
  • Shortcuts In Your Niche
  • Thing That Are Entertaining In Your Niche

Step 5: Start Driving Traffic

This can be done through the search engines, forums, video and social media sites.? But, traffic is critical.? If you?re creating good content and sharing it often, the traffic will come!

Step 6:? Monetize For Income (Add Money)

Often times we are eager to make money so much we focus too much on how to monetize our niche than the previous steps? However, what we do is teach you to do the other steps first and worry about money last.

Here?s why?.

You?ll be more inclined to help your audience which will help you dramatically increase your sales and income.? Most people miss this because they simply only worry about their own pockets.? Help those in your market and it will help you succeed in making more money online.

Think of companies like Facebook, they didn?t monetize until late in the game and are now the top social network, period.

These are the things you need to do to make money on the Internet.?

But, it?s not the end!

Over the last few years I?ve been teaching people how to make money using these tactics. However, about 8 months ago I decided I wanted to make something truly amazing to help people interested in building their very own business that they can make money online with.

Justin Lewis shared this vision with me and has a knack for modernizing the training and keeping it relevant. Plus, he is a pure master at social media and that is something we wanted to make sure we taught in great detail inside the course. So Justin Lewis and I got together and started laying out the ground work for what we call Niche Optimizer.

Inside of Niche Optimizer we remove the frustration that usually comes with making money on the Internet.? Not only do we provide hands-on help every step of the way, we make it step-by-step newbie friendly?.

Here is exactly what we created & teach on the inside:

  • Lesson 0:? Understanding The Basics
  • Lesson 1:? Finding Your Niche
  • Lesson 2:? Finding Your Audience
  • Lesson 3:? Creating Your Domain & World
  • Lesson 4:? Building Your Niche Website (with 20 easy WordPress tutorials)
  • Lesson 5:? Creating Awesome Content
  • Lesson 6:? Building & Growing Your Traffic (tons of sub-lessons here)
  • Lesson 7:? Making Money
  • Lesson 8:? Advancing

Each lesson has several sub?lessons that are organized in a step-by-step manner complete with easy to follow videos and text with image walk-throughs as well.

So if you love video and hate text, no problem!? Hate video and love text and screen shots?? We have that too.? Easy.

But, here is where the course gets really good.

After you understand the first segment of the course you can go on to our in-depth Facebook Fanpage course.

Inside this part of the course you?ll find 7 additional lessons:

  • Lesson 1: Facebook Basics
  • Lesson 2: Naming Your Fanpage
  • Lesson 3: Creating Your Page
  • Lesson 4: Facebook Sharing
  • Lesson 5: Growing Your Fanbase
  • Lesson 6: Using Paid Ads Effectively
  • Lesson 7: Automating

Using our easy-to-follow lessons on making money on the Internet with Facebook, you?ll be master social media in no time.

After you finish this segment up you can continue onto creating an email list.? An email list not only provides traffic on a regular basis to your site, but also sales.

Email List Profits

Lesson 1:? Setting Up Your First Email List/Form

Lesson 2:? Automating Your Emails

More lessons added soon to this area.

As we continue to grow the course we?ll be adding new lessons and new training to every segment. Which you?ll get immediate access to when available.

This course also includes what I believe sets us apart from anything else on the Internet:

Weekly live events.? These are sometimes Q and A and other times just straight training.? These events are great to meet us and get hands on feedback from real industry experts.

Weekly Podcasts:? Justin and I shoot these live and then share them with you.? These are typically created based on things our members ask us or are looking for.

You can see an example here:

These events are a great way to increase your knowledge will help you make more money online.

24/7 Support:? One of the things that online training tends to suffer from is lack of support.? Our community is extremely active.? Our members are on day and night and Justin and I are on several hours each day.

We will answer every single question that is submitted and our premium students and support team will as well.

We give you a NO-STUCK guarantee as our member.

A community is important while you?re learning to build your own online business.

We have several hundred more videos and training segments that will be coming over the next few years.? The training we provide will never become stale or out-of-date.

So rest easy, that everything we teach is always up-to-date and very useful to decreasing your learning time, increasing your success and keeping this course constantly relevant when other courses seem to fall out of date.

We also created an area where you can take the first 4 modules free and even ask us questions!? Get started by going to Niche Optimizer and click on the green button at the top labeled "Create Your Account".

We keep the atmosphere light and fun.? We want you to build a serious business online, but we also want you to enjoy yourself!

I want to thank Lynn Terry for the opportunity to share this with you today and if you have questions, please ask below.

By the way, since this is free to join, we ask that you just give us a chance to help you.? We know that even if you have prior training you?ll be pleasantly surprised by our premium training, attention to detail and understanding of exactly what you need to succeed.

Justin and I can?t wait to see you on the inside with us, but no matter what you choose to do; please keep working on your online business!? The Internet is an awesome place and we share your passion.

To your success,

Michael Brown


* This post was written by Michael Brown and sponsored by NicheOptimizer.


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Facts About Hearing Aid Repairs ? Information Catalog Directory

Hearing aid repairs is an important part of owning the hearing devices. For these devices to perform their work to the fullest, the owner must maintain them well. Failure to do this will result in the devices malfunctioning.

One of the reasons why these devices need repair is the fact that wax will always accumulate in the ears. There are those devices that are worn inside the ear canal; these are the most affected compared to the ones that are worn outside the ear. This is because of the fact that there is more wax inside the ear than outside.

Water is another factor will necessitate these aid repairs. It should be noted that these aids are basically electrostatics devices. This means that water should not be allowed to penetrate into the circuits. This is because water will essentially cause a short circuit.

There are some instances when the devices may malfunction because of an electronic problem. These circumstances are rare. It should be noted that this situation can only be handled by the experts. Attempting to fix such a situation on your own can have a lot of implications. You may lose the warranty that you had for the device. This can be a big blow if the gadget was expensive. This means that you now have to pay for the device to be repaired.

Hearing aid repairs needs to be done regularly so that the wearer can be assured of their performance. The smaller devices need to be assessed more often than the larger ones. The reason for this is that these are more susceptible to damage than the larger ones.

The frequency of repair or maintenance may be influenced by a lot of factors. This is obviously how much a person sweats or how much works they form. This means that the more you sweat, the more frequently you should take your devices for maintenance. The more wax you form, the more times you need to seek maintenance. Generally, the smaller devices need repair after every 8 months. The larger devices on the other hand will need repair after 15 months.

Maintenance of these devices can be done the user of the device. This means that they can clean the device alone. This applies only for the minor cleaning. If the device needs to be checked inside, then this should be done by either the manufacturer or the audiologist. This is because doing this alone can result in damaging the equipment.

While cleaning the device, never use water. It should be known that water can have negative implication on the functioning of this device. The reason for this is that water can easily cause a short circuit which is damaging to the device.

Hearing aid repairs can attract a variety of charges. The difference on the amount charged is based on a number of factors. One of those factors is the type of device. The smaller devices will always cost more than the larger ones. The other factor is the type of repair that needs to be done.

Read more about Facts About Hearing Aid Repairs visiting our website.

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Sexually explicit material affects behavior in young people less than thought

Sexually explicit material affects behavior in young people less than thought [ Back to EurekAlert! ] Public release date: 25-Apr-2013
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Contact: Amy Molnar

Viewing sexually explicit material through media such as the Internet, videos, and magazines may be directly linked with the sexual behavior of adolescents and young adults, but only to a very small extent. That is the conclusion of a new study published in The Journal of Sexual Medicine. The findings suggest that the practice is just one of many factors that may influence the sexual behaviors of young people.

Concerns have been raised that viewing sexually explicit material may negatively affect sexual behaviors, particularly in young people. Because previous studies on the topic have been narrowly focused or limited in other ways, Gert Martin Hald, PhD, of the University of Copenhagen in Denmark, and his colleagues conducted an online survey of 4,600 young people aged 15 to 25 years who lived in The Netherlands.

The survey revealed that 88 percent of males and 45 percent of females had watched sexually explicit material (through the Internet, magazines, videos, television, and/or other media) in the past 12 months. There was a direct association between watching sexually explicit media and a variety of sexual behaviorsin particular adventurous sex and sex that involves the exchange of moneyeven when a number of other factors were taken into account. However, the association was modest, accounting for between 0.3 percent and four percent of differences in sexual behaviors. This indicates that watching sexually explicit media is one of a number of factors that may shape the sexual behaviors of young individuals, but it may not be as directly linked as previously thought.

"Our data suggest that other factors such as personal dispositionsspecifically sexual sensation seekingrather than consumption of sexually explicit material may play a more important role in a range of sexual behaviors of adolescents and young adults, and that the effects of sexually explicit media on sexual behaviors in reality need to be considered in conjunction with such factors," Dr. Hald said.

"It has been 65 years since Kinsey first published on sexual behaviors, yet researchers continue to avoid this area of science. It is important to have factual information in order to make educated decisions," explained Dr. Irwin Goldstein, Editor-in-Chief of The Journal of Sexual Medicine.

The study's findings may be particularly informative for policy makers and educators concerning the effects of sexually explicit media consumption on young people's sexual behaviors.


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AAAS and EurekAlert! are not responsible for the accuracy of news releases posted to EurekAlert! by contributing institutions or for the use of any information through the EurekAlert! system.

Sexually explicit material affects behavior in young people less than thought [ Back to EurekAlert! ] Public release date: 25-Apr-2013
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Contact: Amy Molnar

Viewing sexually explicit material through media such as the Internet, videos, and magazines may be directly linked with the sexual behavior of adolescents and young adults, but only to a very small extent. That is the conclusion of a new study published in The Journal of Sexual Medicine. The findings suggest that the practice is just one of many factors that may influence the sexual behaviors of young people.

Concerns have been raised that viewing sexually explicit material may negatively affect sexual behaviors, particularly in young people. Because previous studies on the topic have been narrowly focused or limited in other ways, Gert Martin Hald, PhD, of the University of Copenhagen in Denmark, and his colleagues conducted an online survey of 4,600 young people aged 15 to 25 years who lived in The Netherlands.

The survey revealed that 88 percent of males and 45 percent of females had watched sexually explicit material (through the Internet, magazines, videos, television, and/or other media) in the past 12 months. There was a direct association between watching sexually explicit media and a variety of sexual behaviorsin particular adventurous sex and sex that involves the exchange of moneyeven when a number of other factors were taken into account. However, the association was modest, accounting for between 0.3 percent and four percent of differences in sexual behaviors. This indicates that watching sexually explicit media is one of a number of factors that may shape the sexual behaviors of young individuals, but it may not be as directly linked as previously thought.

"Our data suggest that other factors such as personal dispositionsspecifically sexual sensation seekingrather than consumption of sexually explicit material may play a more important role in a range of sexual behaviors of adolescents and young adults, and that the effects of sexually explicit media on sexual behaviors in reality need to be considered in conjunction with such factors," Dr. Hald said.

"It has been 65 years since Kinsey first published on sexual behaviors, yet researchers continue to avoid this area of science. It is important to have factual information in order to make educated decisions," explained Dr. Irwin Goldstein, Editor-in-Chief of The Journal of Sexual Medicine.

The study's findings may be particularly informative for policy makers and educators concerning the effects of sexually explicit media consumption on young people's sexual behaviors.


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AAAS and EurekAlert! are not responsible for the accuracy of news releases posted to EurekAlert! by contributing institutions or for the use of any information through the EurekAlert! system.


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Novel therapeutic approaches may cure chronic HBV infection

Apr. 25, 2013 ? Exciting new data presented today at the International Liver Congress? 2013 include results from early in vitro and in vivo studies targeting covalently closed circular DNA (cccDNA), which may form the basis of a cure for chronic hepatitis B virus (HBV) infection.

HBV cccDNA is organized into mini-chromosomes within the nucleus of infected cells by histone and non-histone proteins. Despite the availability of efficient therapies against HBV, long-term persistence of cccDNA necessitates life-long treatments to suppress the virus. The following three experimental studies demonstrate effective HBV-cccDNA targeting/depletion using novel therapeutic approaches which offer the potential of a cure.

Liver regeneration induces strong reduction of viral replication and cccDNA levels, but not complete cccDNA eradication; without antiviral treatment, de novo HBV infection can be re-established.

Key findings of research in HBV-infected human hepatocytes using the uPA/SCID chimeric mouse system show that liver regeneration induces strong reduction of viral replication and cccDNA levels, with rapid formation of cccDNA-free hepatocytes. However, because complete cccDNA eradication is not achieved, in the absence of antiviral treatment, de novo HBV infection could be re-established in quiescent (non-dividing) human hepatocytes. This suggests that induction of hepatocyte turn-over together with antiviral drugs inducing viral suppression, such as nucleoside analogues and IFN, or blocking cell entry, may accelerate the clearance of the viral minichromosome.

Targeting epigenetic control of nuclear cccDNA minichromosome to suppress HBV transcription and replication may form basis for other therapeutic approaches to curing chronic HBV infection.

In the infected liver cell the rate of replication of HBV is regulated by the acetylation or methylation of histone proteins which surround the cccDNA minichromosome -- so called epigenetic regulation. In a separate innovative study, the suppression of HBV transcription and replication by small molecules that target the epigenetic control of nuclear cccDNA minichromosome was investigated. The different classes of small molecules studied included: Class I, II and III histone deacetylase inhibitors (HDACi); p300 and PCAF histone acetyltransferases (HAT) inhibitors; hSirt1 activators; JMJD3 histone demethylase inhibitors.

The combined inhibition of p300 and PCAF HATs resulted in an evident reduction of HBV replication which mirrored the decrease of pgRNA transcription. The hSirt1/2 activator MC2791 and the JMJD3 inhibitor MC3119, albeit with different efficiency, inhibited both HBV replication and cccDNA transcription. Results represent a proof of concept that activation of hSirt1 and Ezh2 (through the inhibition of its functional antagonist JMJD3) by small molecules can induce an active epigenetic suppression of HBV cccDNA minichromosome similar to that observed with IFN?, and lead to persistent cccDNA silencing.

Lymphtoxin beta receptor (LTbR) agonisation represents basis for novel alternative therapeutic approach to curing chronic HBV infection.

The final study demonstrated that stimulating the lymphtoxin beta receptor (LTbR) provides an effective, long lasting and non-cytopathic mechanism for achieving effective HBV-cccDNA depletion in infected hepatocytes. Cell culture models including HBV-infected HepaRG cells and primary human hepatocytes were used to test the effect of antibodies stimulating human LTbR (BS1 or CBE11). Results show that a strong and dose-dependent anti-HBV effect was achieved by activation of the LTbR. All HBV replication markers were decreased with this treatment, including cccDNA in cells where HBV infection was already established.

Hepatitis B is the most prevalent cause of chronic viral hepatitis and a major global health problem. Prof. Fabien Zoulim, EASL Educational Councillor commented on the exciting new data: "In chronic hepatitis B infection, the viral genome forms a stable minichromosome -- the covalently closed circular DNA (cccDNA) -- which can persist throughout the lifespan of the hepatocyte."

"Current treatments focus on suppression of HBV and discovery of compounds directly targeting cccDNA has been one of the major challenges to curing HBV infection; but these preliminary data show novel therapeutic approaches can be applied to successfully target cccDNA with the long-term aspiration of finding a cure" added Prof. Fabien Zoulim.

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The above story is reprinted from materials provided by European Association for the Study of the Liver, via EurekAlert!, a service of AAAS.

Note: Materials may be edited for content and length. For further information, please contact the source cited above.

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Disclaimer: This article is not intended to provide medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Views expressed here do not necessarily reflect those of ScienceDaily or its staff.


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Keaton has a giggle fit with her wine on 'Ellen'

By Randee Dawn, TODAY contributor

You could say that Diane Keaton has made a career out of appearing, well, endearingly goofy. She's a smart, successful, Oscar-winning actress to be sure -- but on talk shows and in movie roles alike, she often comes across as being at least metaphorically pixilated.

On "The Ellen DeGeneres Show" Tuesday, that may have been literal: She held a big glass of red wine on ice while discussing her new film, "The Big Wedding," and things got goofier from there.

Her character in the film is interested in Tantric sex, and Keaton was hesitant about talking about that on the show, but DeGeneres encouraged her: "Let's try it. Let's see how far you're going."

"I don't want to get taken off the air," said Keaton.

DeGeneres laughed. "You're going to be in jail for profanity, public drunkenness...."

Keaton began: "The character I played was somebody else, so I'm not going to be blamed for this," she said, noting that her "Wedding" character had an interest in Tantric sex. "The definition is something like when you have Tantric sex you go for a long time and you have that thing called the orgasm for nine hours.... That's ridiculous!"

It may have been a bit of a strain on the 67-year-old actress: "I'm glad this movie is over," she laughed. "It's too weird." Then she had to fan herself "to calm down" and noted "the wine is not helping. I think I gotta go.?

But Ellen DeGeneres wasn't letting her get away with that so easily, asking her about her relationships and the fact that she's never been married. "Oh, I'd like to get married," said Keaton. "What happened was nobody ever asked me."

It's not likely to change, either, she added, giggling: "I don't think so -- not after this show!"

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The Federal Reserve is making it rain new hundred dollar bills on October 8, 2013. They're more colorful, more secure, and easier to authenticate, but harder to replicate. Here's everything that's changed. More »


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Thursday, April 25, 2013

10 Dramatized Documentary Remakes

greyKon-Tiki hits American theaters this week, months after it was nominated for the Best Foreign Film Oscar. It?s a narrative retelling of Kon-Tiki, the 1951 Academy-Award winning documentary directed by Thor Heyerdahl about his voyage across the South Seas in a raft of his own creation. Here are some other compelling real-life stories caught on film?that were then scripted and remade.

Rescue Dawn (2006)

In 1997, Werner Herzog made Little Dieter Needs to Fly for German television, a documentary about a German-born American pilot named Dieter Dengler who was shot down and captured in the Vietnamese War but later successfully escaped. About a decade later, Herzog wrote and directed Rescue Dawn, based on the events of Dieter.

Party Monster (2003)

Fenton Bailey and Randy Barbato produced and directed Party Monster: The Shockumentary in 1998, based on Disco Bloodbath by NYC club kid James St. James, which focuses on the life and murders of fellow club kid and horrifying sociopath Michael Alig. The duo remade it as a narrative film in 2003, with Seth Green and Macauley Culkin as St. James and Alig respectively, in Oscar-worthy performances.

Milk (2008)

Major Hollywood types had been trying for years to make a biographical film about Harvey Milk, the San Francisco city supervisor who was the first major openly gay politician in America ? and ultimately murdered by a colleague who was acquitted in a kangaroo court. SFO native Robin Williams tried for years, but Sean Penn got the title role and won the Oscar for 2008?s Milk. Until then, the only other film about Milk was The Times of Harvey Milk, directed in 1984 by Rob Epstein. (It won the Oscar for Best Documentary.)

Grey Gardens (2009)

The made-for-HBO drama about Jacqueline Kennedy?s cousins who fall into mental illness and hoarding in their crumbling beachside mansion demanded and required remarkable performances from Drew Barrymore and Jessica Lange (as Little Edie and Big Edie, respectively). But it?s not nearly as shocking or fascinating as the classic 1973 documentary of the same name.

Lords of Dogtown (2005)

Long-haired skater boys attract a certain element to the box office (teens of both genders), but there was really no reason to remake the joyous Dogtown and Z Boys, about the birth of skateboarding in California in the ?60s and ?70s.

Munich (2005)

Steven Spielberg?s stark, minimal thriller about the terrorist attacks on Israeli athletes at the 1972 Summer Olympics and the elite special-ops team that tracks them down almost feels like a documentary, and it owes a heavy debt to Kevin Macdonald?s Oscar-winning 1999 doc One Day in September.

American Heart (1992)

This is an intimate movie about a dad who gets out of jail and tries, heartbreakingly hard, to connect with his streetwise son and kick the bottle. It?s deliberate, personal, and feels like it?s based on a play, but it?s actually a reworking of some of the stories told in Streetwise, a 1984 documentary about homeless Seattle teenagers.

RKO 281 (1999)

In 1999, HBO dramatized the legendary battle faced by Orson Welles in trying to get his masterpiece Citizen Kane completed, facing adversity from his studio (and the person his film was very obviously attacking, newspaper publisher William Randolph Hearst). Citizen Kane?s story had been told before, though, in the 1996 American Experience episode The Battle Over Citizen Kane.

The King of Kong (2014?)

In a truly mind-bendingly meta film experience, plans are underway to remake the humorous documentary The King of Kong, which concerns two grown men fighting for the world record in Donkey Kong 30 years after that game came out, with a script and actors?as a mockumentary. Huh.

Quantum Hoops (2014?)

And here?s another upcoming remake of a documentary. Ben Stiller is producing a movie based on the 2007 documentary movie Quantum Hoops, about the brilliant but not-so-athletically-gifted team at Caltech, aiming to win a single game and break a 240-game, 21-year losing streak. Sounds like that would make an excellent movie. Again.


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Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Mormon bishop with Samurai sword runs off attacker

SALT LAKE CITY (AP) ? A Samurai sword-wielding Mormon bishop helped a neighbor woman escape a Tuesday morning attack by a man who had been stalking her.

Kent Hendrix woke up Tuesday to his teenage son pounding on his bedroom door and telling him somebody was being mugged in front of their house. The 47-year-old father of six rushed out the door and grabbed the weapon closest to him ? a 29-inch high carbon steel Samurai sword.

He came upon what he describes as a melee between a woman and a man. His son stayed inside to call 911 while he approached the man along with other neighbors who came to help. The martial arts instructor didn't hesitate in drawing the sword and yelling at him to get on the ground.

"His eyes got as big as saucers and he kind of gasped and jumped back," Hendrix said by phone Tuesday afternoon. "He's probably never had anyone draw a sword on him before."

The man ran down the street with the barefoot Hendrix and others in pursuit. Hendrix said he couldn't catch the man before he fled in his car, but he picked up ChapStick that the man dropped and memorized his license plate.

"I yelled at him, 'I've got your DNA and I've got your license plate: You are so done,'" Hendrix said.

The suspect, 37-year-old Grant Eggersten, turned himself in to police an hour later, said Unified Police Lt. Justin Hoyal. He was booked on charges of robbery, attempted burglary, trespassing and violation of a stalking injunction.

Hendrix, a pharmaceutical statistician, was one of several neighbors who came to the woman's aid after she began yelling for help, Hoyal said.

The incident began just after 7 a.m. when the 35-year-old woman came out of her front door, Hoyal said. Eggersten was hiding behind her carport and attacked her, knocking her to the ground, Hoyal said.

He took her keys and tried to open the door into her house, Hoyal said. That's when the woman ran down the street calling for help.

The woman did the right thing by fighting back and calling for help, Hoyal said. She suffered minor injuries.

Hendrix, a bishop in The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, said it was the first time in 30 years of practicing martial arts that he's used the sword. He didn't swing it at the man, only showing him he had it.

He said he's proud of his 14-year-old son for alerting him and quickly calling 911. He said the family is still abuzz about the events.

"That kind of thing doesn't happen every day," Hendrix said. "Our neighborhood is a pretty quiet place."

A fourth-degree black belt in the Kishindo form of martial arts, Hendrix owns a collection of swords and weapons that he trains with, said his wife, Suzanne Hendrix. He has trained with the sword he used Tuesday for 20 years and keeps it by his bed.

"Some people have bats they go to," said Hendrix. "I have my sword."


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Defence Minister forbids soldiers to publicly participate in politics ...

Defence Minister forbids soldiers to publicly participate in politics thumbnail

The Maldives? Defence Minister has ordered soldiers to surrender their rights to political participation, despite allegations he has forming a political party.

Minister of Defence and National Security Colonel (Rtd) Mohamed Nazim said soldiers must forgo rights granted to civilians, refrain from politics, and limit their political participation to voting only, as stipulated in the Constitution and military law.

Speaking at an early-morning flag hoisting ceremony on Sunday (April 21) as part of the military?s 121 anniversary celebration, Nazim stated that there is ?no room for politics in the military as long as I remain in this office?.

?Every soldier has to accept that some of the rights granted to a civilian in an open society are restricted to a soldier. One of these rights is the right to participate in political activities. I would like to tell you that the Constitution and the military law have curbed these rights from the soldier for a greater and larger purpose,? Nazim stated, according to local media.

?I would like to tell you today, that the role of a soldier is done once you exercise your right to cast your vote, entitled to every person above the age of 18. I would like to bid from all military personnel to refrain from partaking in political activities,? he added.

Nazim ?assured? soldiers he will not issue political orders as long as he remains Minister of Defence.

He also stated that welfare benefits would be given to the defence forces once the government?s budgetary constraints are relieved, according to?local media.

?Keep quiet and obey?

Maldives National Defense Force (MNDF) Spokesperson Colonel Abdul Raheem reiterated that military personnel cannot take part in any political activities or gatherings at any time. This includes registering for, or being a member of, any political parties.

Asked why the rule applies to military personnel, Raheem emphasised that orders must be followed.

?The MDNF does not want any soldiers participating in political activities. They have to keep quiet and obey,? Raheem said.

He explained that political activities even in a personal capacity?are not allowed.

?Soldiers are not seen as ever being off duty, even when they are on leave or in the barracks,? Raheem said.

?The only time military personnel can politically participate is when they go to vote. They can decide for themselves who to vote for. Around 7-10 years ago soldiers could not vote,? he added.

Nazim was not responding to calls at time of press.

Nazim already involved in politics: MDP

?Nazim seems to be swallowing his own words and reflexively wriggling back,? claimed Maldivian Democratic Party (MDP) MP Hamid Abdul Ghafoor.

?Nazim had political ambitions and wanted to profit, but he is trying to cover that up now because the [Maldivian] people won?t accept it,? said Ghafoor.

?They pulled of a coup, but couldn?t sustain it. Now Nazim?s trying to look more mainstream,? he added.

Ghafoor alleged that Nazim had himself created an as-yet unregistered political party called the Maldivian Industrial Development Alliance.

He also accused Nazim of seeking to emulate Turkish and Pakistani history, whereby a military-affiliated political party gains political power in order to maintain the status quo and influence civil affairs.

?The forms were filled [to create the party] and he could then attract all the armed forces to his political entity,? said Ghafoor. ?It would also be used to protect and sustain Waheed.?

?The MDP?s position is that uniformed civil servants and military personnel should be able to vote. Any citizen should have the right to vote, but it doesn?t mean your institution should be engaged in politics,? Ghafoor stated.

Anniversary celebration

Following a week of practice preparations, the MNDF celebrated the 121 anniversary of the security services Sunday (April 21) with the Commander in Chief?s Force and Fleet Review as well as a ?show? for spectators.

Thousands of Maldivians gathered near Raalhugandu and the Tsunami Monument areas of Male? ? in addition to President Mohamed Waheed Hassan Manik, Chief Justice Ahmed Faiz Hussain, Defence Minister Nazim, and other senior government officials ? to witness the spectacle.

?I wanted to bring my son to watch the baghee (traitor) show,? the father of a toddler told Minivan News.

The celebratory events began with an MNDF parade of soldiers carrying assorted firearms, a military band, as well as three armored vehicles, a tank, and firefighting vehicles.

Five Coast Guard ships of assorted size ?steamed? by the east coast of Male?, with smoke billowing fromtheir decks in the national colors of red, green and white.

The MNDF also staged a ?show? whereby terrorists hijack a local fishing boat.

?The MNDF made it a show so the public could enjoy [themselves] and get a feeling for how the MNDF conducts operations, it was not actually how a tactical operation would be run,? Colonel Raheem said.

Following a helicopter reconnaissance fly-by of the hijacked boat, six small coast guard vessels descended on the fishing dhoani.

The special forces, coast guard, and marine corps then ?destroyed the terrorists? to gain control of the dhoni, followed by a casualty being airlifted out, Raheem recounted.

A portion of the special forces show also included ?an attack of the terrorist hideout on land?.

?Dead? bodies accompanied by fake blood could be seen sprawled on the pavement.

?The parade was of no cost, since soldiers had the equipment and uniforms already. Additionally, coast guard vessels are in daily use anyway,? said Raheem.

?All of the MNDF?s units combined forces to take part in the anniversary,? he added.

Although the MNDF was not established in name until 2006 ? two years after the National Security Service (NSS) was split to create the Police Service ? the presence of Maldivian security forces has remained constant, according to Raheem.


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Appeal by doctor claims errors in Jackson trial

LOS ANGELES (AP) ? Eighteen months after his involuntary manslaughter conviction, Michael Jackson's doctor on Monday appealed his case, claiming there were multiple legal errors at his trial.

A lawyer for Dr. Conrad Murray argued in the 230-page appellate brief that there was insufficient proof that Jackson died of an overdose of the anesthetic propofol administered by Murray.

The appeal also reiterated an often-stated defense claim that Jackson may have administered the overdose to himself.

The pop superstar died on June 25, 2009, days before he was to leave for England to perform in his ill-fated "This is It" concert. Witnesses said Murray had been giving him propofol as a sleep aid, a purpose for which it was not intended.

Attorney Valerie Wass said that because of Jackson's great fame, his doctor was used as an example by the judge who sentenced him to the highest term for involuntary manslaughter. She suggested that even if his conviction is upheld, his four-year sentence should be reduced.

Murray is eligible for release in October after serving half his sentence.

Murray's two-month trial in 2011 drew wide media coverage, and Wass argued that the judge should have excluded TV cameras from the courtroom and granted a motion to sequester jurors to keep them insulated from publicity.

"The unprecedented fame of the alleged victim combined with the pervasiveness of modern media rendered it impossible for appellant to receive a fair trial with a non-sequestered jury in a case that was televised and streamed live around the world," the appeal said.

Superior Court Judge Michael Pastor had denied the defense motion, saying jurors who are sequestered often feel like prisoners and it interferes with their decision-making process. He instructed jurors daily to avoid publicity, and there was no indication that they violated the order.

The appeal also challenged the prosecution theory that Jackson was hooked up to an IV drip of propofol and left alone in his bedroom by Murray.

It called that scenario "absurd, improbable and unbelievable," and provided an exhaustive reprise of scientific testimony about Jackson's death. Murray told police he gave the singer an extremely small dose of propofol, a fact contradicted by scientists who reconstructed the events preceding the death.

Wass contended that one defense attorney, Michael Flanagan, failed to adequately cross-examine a scientist who testified to that issue. She said he and other lawyers also waited too long to ask for examination of residue in a propofol bottle found in Jackson's room, Their motion was filed 11 days after conviction and was denied.

The appeal faulted the judge for refusing to admit as evidence some of Jackson's previous medical records, his contract with concert promoter AEG, and his financial documents.

"The trial court abused its discretion by excluding all evidence of Jackson's financial condition, including lawsuits pending against him because such evidence was relevant to establish Jackson's state of mind on the day he died, which may have explained his conduct that morning and supported the defense theory of the case," the appeal said.

The attorney general's office, representing the prosecution, has 30 days to respond to the appeal. Wass then has another 20 days for her response.

She said the outcome of the appellate case could have some impact on pending medical board proceedings for Murray in Texas and California. The boards will decide whether to revoke Murray's license to practice medicine in the two states.

Meanwhile, Murray may be summoned to testify in a civil lawsuit filed against AEG by Jackson's mother, Katherine. Jury selection in that case is currently underway. She claims the concert promoter was negligent in hiring Murray to care for the singer.



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Woman injured in marathon blast faces challenges

This April 18, 2013 photo provided by Alfred Colonese shows from left Alfred Colonese, Mick Henn, Dale Abbott, first lady Michelle Obama, Heather Abbott, Jason Geremia, and Michelle Dalrymple at Brigham and Women's Hospital in Boston. Heather Abbott was scrambling to get off the sidewalk when the force of the second blast blew her through the restaurant doorway. The day of the bombings, Abbott and a half-dozen friends took in the traditional Patriots' Day Red Sox game at Fenway Park. They left the match early and headed to Forum, where former New England Patriots were gathered to raise money for offensive guard Joe Andruzzi's cancer foundation, and where another friend was tending bar. (AP Photo/Courtesy of Alfred Colonese)

This April 18, 2013 photo provided by Alfred Colonese shows from left Alfred Colonese, Mick Henn, Dale Abbott, first lady Michelle Obama, Heather Abbott, Jason Geremia, and Michelle Dalrymple at Brigham and Women's Hospital in Boston. Heather Abbott was scrambling to get off the sidewalk when the force of the second blast blew her through the restaurant doorway. The day of the bombings, Abbott and a half-dozen friends took in the traditional Patriots' Day Red Sox game at Fenway Park. They left the match early and headed to Forum, where former New England Patriots were gathered to raise money for offensive guard Joe Andruzzi's cancer foundation, and where another friend was tending bar. (AP Photo/Courtesy of Alfred Colonese)

FILE - In this Tuesday, April 16, 2013 file photo Investigators in haz-mat suits examine at Forum, the scene of the second bombing on Boylston Street in Boston near the finish line of the 2013 Boston Marathon, a day after two blasts killed at least three and injured over 170 people. The day of the bombings, Heather Abbott and a half-dozen friends took in the traditional Patriots' Day Red Sox game at Fenway Park. They left the match early and headed to Forum, where former New England Patriots were gathered to raise money for offensive guard Joe Andruzzi's cancer foundation, and where another friend was tending bar. (AP Photo/Elise Amendola, File)

(AP) ? As this shocked city observed a moment of silence, Heather Abbott was following through on a difficult decision ? allowing doctors to amputate her left foot, which was mangled in the bombings that shattered the Boston Marathon.

From her bed at Brigham and Women's Hospital on Monday, the 38-year-old Rhode Island woman reflected on the terror of April 15 ? and on the waves of agony and grace that followed in the week since.

"I'm trying to be positive about things," she told The Associated Press in a telephone interview before her surgery. "And hope that my life doesn't have to change much."

The day of the bombings, Abbott and a half-dozen friends took in the traditional Patriots' Day Red Sox game at Fenway Park. They left early and headed to Forum, where a friend tends bar and where former New England Patriots were gathered to raise money for offensive guard Joe Andruzzi's cancer foundation.

The restaurant is at 755 Boylston Street, not far from the marathon's finish line.

Abbott was at the back of the long line, waiting as bouncers checked ID's, when the first blast went off. Unlike many, she knew exactly what it was.

"I felt like I was watching the footage on 9/11," said Abbott, who works in human resources for Raytheon Company in Portsmouth, R.I.

Abbott was scrambling to get off the sidewalk when the force of a second blast blew her through the restaurant doorway.

After she'd regained her senses, she tried to stand, but her left foot felt "as if it were on fire." Unable to find her friends in the smoke and confusion, she called out to the panicked crowd.

"Somebody, please help me," Abbott shouted as people scrambled for the rear exits, not knowing whether there were more explosions to come. She'd begun to give up hope when a woman walked up and began dragging her toward the door, quietly reciting a Catholic prayer as she tugged.

"Hail Mary, full of grace...," the woman intoned.

The woman had pulled Abbott a few feet when a burly man stepped in, picked her up and carried her out the back door into an alley. She would later learn it was former Patriots linebacker Matt Chatham.

Jason Geremia spotted them and shouted, "Please give her to me. She's my friend."

The linebacker lay Abbott on the ground and rushed off to help others. Friend Alfred Colonese of Newport, R.I., took off his belt and used it as a tourniquet to stop the bleeding.

Someone found a piece of wood in the alley. The friends were preparing to carry her out on it when a medic appeared and told them not to move her. Soon, rescuers appeared with a gurney and wheeled Abbott back through the Forum and out the front door, Colonese said.

Abbott didn't have the heart to look at her foot, but as she was being carried away, she glanced back and saw a trail of her blood.

She was loaded into a packed ambulance: Beside her was a man on a gurney, an oxygen mask covering his mouth and nose. As a worker inserted an IV into her arm, Abbott could hear the driver shouting to the crowd outside, "Make a hole! Make a hole!"

Rescuers asked her repeatedly for her first and last names. A woman asked if there was someone she wanted them to call. In a world of cell phones and speed dial, the only number she knows by heart was her parents' back in Lincoln, R.I.

Abbott could tell that her mother, Rosemary, was frantically asking questions. The man simply told her that her daughter had been injured, and that she and her husband, Dale, should come to Brigham.

During the ambulance ride, Abbott struggled to keep her eyes open.

"I felt like if I closed them," she said, "maybe I wouldn't be able to open them again."

When the ambulance arrived, workers rushed Abbott to surgery, where doctors stabilized her and cleaned her wound. She had a second surgery on Thursday to clean the wound and allow specialists to better assess the situation. The blast had broken her ankle and shattered several small bones in her foot.

That same day, first lady Michelle Obama visited Abbott's room. She told Abbott how brave she was, and gave her a presidential "challenge coin" ? a token traditionally presented to wounded service members and their families. One side bears the presidential seal, the other an engraving of the White House.

Abbott's courage was about to be tested.

Specialists explained that if she kept the foot, it might never fully heal. She would be in chronic pain, and her left leg might be shorter than the other. But the decision was ultimately hers.

The hospital brought in people who had suffered similar injuries, and had chosen amputation and prosthetics. One was a runner; another played football; a third still goes snowboarding.

Abbott, who earned an accounting degree at Stonehill College and studied nights at Providence College for her master's in business administration, didn't really do sports in school. But she runs and does aerobics, and enjoys paddle-boarding off Newport in the summertime.

Encouraged by her visitors that she could lead a normal life, she agreed to the amputation. "It sounded to me like the best case scenario," she said.

Abbott never could muster the courage to look at her injured foot. She hates the sight of blood, and that was a memory she didn't want to have to live with.

In a three-hour operation Monday afternoon ? midway through which Abbott's family and the entire hospital joined in the citywide moment of silence ? doctors removed her leg several inches below the knee. Her father said everything went well.

"She's my hero," Dale Abbott said, his voice cracking with emotion. "She's stronger than I am. I'm constantly having meltdowns, and she knows what has to be done, and she's right there with it."

Doctors told his daughter it would be about four weeks before she could be fitted with a temporary prosthetic.

Floating on a cloud of pain medication and family/friend support in the days before the surgery, Abbott hadn't watched any television until Monday morning. To brothers Dzhokhar and Tamerlan Tsarnaev, the alleged bombers, she has given hardly a thought.

"People have let me know that the second one (Dzhokhar) was caught," she said. "And I don't think I've really begun to process how that makes me feel yet."

Tamerlan, the older brother, was killed in a gunfight with police. Asked whether Dzhokhar should face the death penalty for the three killed and nearly 200 wounded in the blasts, she demurred.

"I just haven't really even gone to that place yet in my head," she said. "I don't feel the anger that I'm sure I will at some point."

Instead, she is focusing on healing ? and on the people who risked their lives to help her.

"They were sort of free and clear and could have left," she said. "That thought is just overwhelming to me."


Allen G. Breed is a national writer, based in Raleigh, N.C. He can be reached at features(at) Follow him on Twitter at!/AllenGBreed

Associated Press


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(adds Hodgson and Charlton quotes, changes slug) DORTMUND, Germany, April 23 (Reuters) - Manchester United's Premier League title triumph and the winning mentality of evergreen manager Alex Ferguson were widely praised across the game on Tuesday, with England boss Roy Hodgson labelling him a "magician". United clinched their 20th league title on Monday after Robin van Persie's hat-trick sealed a 3-0 win over Aston Villa, giving Ferguson the 49th trophy in his long managerial career. ...


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Airwaves Plays Your Mac's Audio Over Multiple AirPlay Speakers

OS X (10.8+): Playing music from your Mac to an AirPlay device is pretty easy, but Airwaves is a handy app that lets you broadcast your audio to any one or multiple AirPlay speakers all over your home, kind of like a poor-man's Sonos.

With AirPlay, you're often limited by whether or not the music or movie player you're using supports it, and even then you can only select one AirPlay target at a time. Airwaves gets around the problem by giving you a system-wide control that switches from your Mac's speakers to any AirPlay-compatible device on your home network. If you want to broadcast to multiple rooms and multiple devices, Airwaves can handle that with no issue. The app is available now, and will set you back $4 in the Mac App Store.

Airwaves ($4) | Mac App Store via Adam Pash


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While we'll still have to wait a bit for Lytro powers to come to our smartphones on a hardware level, we can at least approximate the neat little camera's refocusing powers with what we've already got. And this is where FocusTwist for iOS steps in. More »


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Study shows reproductive effects of pesticide exposure span generations

Apr. 22, 2013 ? North Carolina State University researchers studying aquatic organisms called Daphnia have found that exposure to a chemical pesticide has impacts that span multiple generations -- causing the so-called "water fleas" to produce more male offspring, and causing reproductive problems in female offspring.

"This work supports the hypothesis that exposure to some environmental chemicals during sensitive periods of development can cause significant health problems for those organisms later in life -- and affect their offspring and, possibly, their offspring's offspring," says Dr. Gerald LeBlanc, a professor of environmental and molecular toxicology at NC State and lead author of a paper on the work. "We were looking at a model organism, identified an important pathway for environmental sex determination, and found that there are chemicals that can hijack that pathway."

Environmental cues normally determine the sex, male or female, of Daphnia offspring, and researchers have been working to understand the mechanisms involved. As part of that work, LeBlanc's team had previously identified a hormone called methyl farnesoate (Mf) that Daphnia produce under certain environmental conditions.

The researchers have now found that the hormone binds with a protein receptor called the Mf receptor, which can regulate gene transcription and appears to be tied to the production of male offspring.

In experiments, the researchers exposed Daphnia to varying levels of an insecticide called pyriproxyfen, which mimics the Mf hormone. The pyriproxyfen exposure resulted in Daphnia producing more male offspring and fewer offspring in total, with higher doses exacerbating both effects.

"At high concentrations, we were getting only male offspring, which is not good," LeBlanc says. "Producing fewer offspring, specifically fewer female offspring, could significantly limit population numbers for Daphnia."

And low exposure concentrations had significant impacts as well. At pyriproxyfen concentrations as low as 71 nanograms per liter, or 71 parts per trillion, the Daphnia would still produce some female offspring. But those females suffered long-term reproductive health effects, producing significantly smaller numbers of offspring -- despite the fact that they had not been exposed to pyriproxyfen since birth.

"We now want to know specifically which genes are involved in this sex determination process," LeBlanc says. "And, ecologically, it would be important to know the impact of changes in population dynamics for this species. Daphnia are a keystone species -- an important food source for juvenile fish and other organisms."

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The above story is reprinted from materials provided by North Carolina State University.

Note: Materials may be edited for content and length. For further information, please contact the source cited above.

Journal Reference:

  1. Gerald A. LeBlanc, Ying H. Wang, Charisse N. Holmes, Gwijun Kwon, Elizabeth K. Medlock. A Transgenerational Endocrine Signaling Pathway in Crustacea. PLoS ONE, 2013; 8 (4): e61715 DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0061715

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Disclaimer: This article is not intended to provide medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Views expressed here do not necessarily reflect those of ScienceDaily or its staff.


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Spring Homebuying 'Stuck' Under Tight Inventory ... - AOL Real Estate

spring home salesBy Diana Olick

Like everything else in the spring, housing supply is supposed to grow. That's because warmer weather and the convenience for families to move during the summer make spring the busiest homebuying season historically. That is not the case this year. Home sales have been "stuck," according to Lawrence Yun, chief economist for the National Association of Realtors, because there is just not much out there to buy.

The number of homes listed for sale increased by just 1.6 percent in March from February, according to the NAR, but supplies are still 17 percent below where they were a year ago. Realtors usually see listings swell by about 100,000 in March, but this year they saw just 30,000 more. They are hoping to see 200,000 to 300,000 more in April, but that seems unlikely, given potential seller reaction to the recent fast price appreciation in the market.

"If I am underwater in my equity and now suddenly I'm not, but I'm up 5 percent and the market around me is appreciating 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 percent, why don't I wait and perhaps get a 10 percent return on my investment, not a 5 percent return," noted Richard Smith, CEO of Realogy Holdings.

Inventories are tightest on the low end of the market, where investors came in and bought most of the distressed properties and are now holding them as single-family rentals. There is about a four-month supply of homes priced under $100,000, while there is around a 12-month supply of homes priced over $500,000. That's why sales of those low-end homes are down 16 percent from a year ago, and sales of higher-end homes are up 25 percent, according to the NAR.

"The housing shortage is going to continue," claimed Yun, who says the builders need to ramp up housing starts by 50 percent. He admits that is unlikely to happen due to land, labor and supply constraints. Weak supplies are pushing home prices up far faster than wage growth, which is keeping first-time buyers especially on the sidelines. These buyers made up just 30 percent of the market in March, compared to the historical norm of 40 percent to 45 percent. They just can't compete with all-cash investors.

But if prices get too high, investors could leave the market. Their share was already down in March to 19 percent compared to 22 percent just one month ago. The danger is that they will start to unload the homes they own, which would bring much-needed supply back but which could also turn home prices in the other direction.

See more on CNBC:
Why Housing Stalled: $1 Trillion in Student Debt
CNBC Explains REO
CNBC Explains Jumbo Mortgage

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Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Heat take off late, top Bucks 98-86 for 2-0 lead

MIAMI (AP) ? All the Miami Heat really needed was two brilliant minutes to take a two-game lead over the Milwaukee Bucks.

Dwyane Wade scored 21 points, LeBron James finished with 19 and the Miami Heat took off in the fourth quarter to pull away and beat the Milwaukee Bucks 98-86 in Game 2 of the teams' Eastern Conference first-round series on Tuesday night.

Chris Bosh, Shane Battier and Chris Andersen all scored 10 points for the Heat, who now lead the best-of-seven 2-0. Game 3 is Thursday in Milwaukee.

The Heat scored the first 12 points of the fourth quarter, needing just over 2 minutes to blow open what had been a three-point game.

Ersan Ilyasova scored 21 points for Milwaukee, which got 16 from Mike Dunleavy and 14 from Larry Sanders. The Bucks' starting guards, Brandon Jennings and Monta Ellis, combined for only 15 points.

And an already-daunting task for Milwaukee ? beating the reigning NBA champions ? just got tougher. James is 10-0 when his teams have a 2-0 series lead, and Wade is 8-0 in that situation.

The first 2:23 of the fourth quarter decided everything. Andersen started it with a three-point play, James had a layup not long afterward and the Heat were starting to roll. Another basket by Andersen off a pass from Ray Allen made it 77-65, and James found Norris Cole for a 3-pointer that capped the flurry and made it 80-65.

Just like that, it was over.

Jennings and Ellis combined for 48 points in Game 1, and the Bucks got blown out. So in the first half of Game 2, they combined for one point, were held to five shots that all missed ... and the Bucks were within 47-43 at halftime.

Chances are, very few would have seen that coming.

But play was sloppy from the outset, with the teams combining for eight turnovers in the first 6 minutes to set the tone for a clumsy first half. Wade, James and Chalmers shot 15 for 19 combined in the first half for Miami ? and the rest of the Heat were 3 for 17. For Milwaukee, Ilyasova had 12 points in the first 10 minutes, then two points the rest of the half.

So much like in Game 1, Milwaukee came out for the second half with a chance of stealing home-court advantage.

And for the entirety of the third quarter, the Bucks hung around, though the Heat showed some signs of getting things going. Bosh had a dunk for a six-point lead, then made a jumper ? on a play that James started by running down a loose ball and flicking it between his legs for a save along the sideline ? for a 68-60 lead, what was then the biggest Heat margin of the night.

The Bucks got within 68-65 to end the third, but then came the run that Miami had been waiting for all evening.

Both teams got a big scare with 6:59 left. Battier drove for a layup from the right wing, and Sanders rushed down the middle of the lane to attempt a block. A collision ensued and both players hit the court awkwardly, Battier hitting his head on the hardwood and Sanders ? who fell over Battier ? grabbing at his right knee after the play.

Battier made the two free throws he was awarded, then was subbed out of the game and departed for the Heat locker room to get stitches on his chin. Sanders was taken out of the game about a minute later, though remained on the Bucks' bench.

NOTES: It's the 11th time the Heat have gone up 2-0 in a playoff series. They're 10-0 in the previous instances. ... Milwaukee has lost 21 of its last 29 playoff games. ... Sanders was third in the NBA's Most Improved Player voting, behind Indiana's Paul George and New Orleans' Greivis Vasquez. "Look where he was last year and where he is today. The improvement is very obvious," said Bucks coach Jim Boylan, who thought Sanders should have won. ... Jennings was held without a first-half basket for only the fifth time all season.


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