Friday, April 26, 2013

Make Money On The Internet From Home. The Passive, Newbie ...

michael brown and jutin lewisChances are you?re at this site right now to learn how to build your own passive income from home.? I commend you because I was in your shoes about 5 years ago!

Below I am going to break down what you need to do and how you can start working, beside my partner on this (Justin Lewis) and I, from home starting today (Left:Michael, Right: Justin).

Before I start, who am I?? My name is Michael Brown and I started making money online in 2007 and within 12 months, I quit my job.? I did this while working a full time job and raising my son...

In fact, I owe many thanks to Lynn Terry here at ClickNewz for kicking me in the butt early on and getting me motivated.?

I?m also a father and a husband and consider myself a strong family man first and Internet marketer second.

I now train other people to make money online as I do with my friend; Justin Lewis.? Justin started off as a student of mine and really came into his own.

Here is what I know to be undeniably true in the making money online world.

  1. There are a lot of scams
  2. Big gurus try to persuade you by telling you they have millions of dollars and fancy cars, homes, etc.
  3. Many claim it takes absolutely no-work
  4. Many claim there are simply push-button systems and you don?t have to do anything else
  5. It can be frustrating!

I?ll tell you first hand that to make money online it takes?

  1. Work
  2. Motivation
  3. Proper training / mentor(s)
  4. A support group that you can trust
  5. Determination

Anyone that guarantees you will make $xxxxx amount of dollars; steer clear.? Anyone promising push-button riches; steer clear.? Anyone continuously flaunting their income or success; steer clear.? Never bank your potential income on the results of someone else.

Yes, it?s easy to do once you know how but getting there takes times, practice, hands on help and good friends you can ultimately get help from and trust.

Below is what I found to work well and how I train raw beginners and people who have yet to have success making money online.

Note: some of this you may already know, but reinforce your knowledge as repetition will help breed success.

Step 1: Find A Niche

First, you?ll find a niche that you like.? I know many people say ?go for the money only.? However, I think you need to find a niche you really like, rather than just a cash cow.? As you gain experience go for the larger cash cows but, in the beginning going for things you love that have less competition is probably a smart idea.

Step 2: Research Your Niche & Audience

Knowing what is going on in your industry can help lead to a great passive online income. It simply involves looking at how competitive other sites are in your industry and what keywords and phrases are relevant to your market.

Many people skip this step simply because they don?t understand it (don?t worry in a moment I?ll show you how you can do this absolutely free with complete video and text training).

Step 3:? Create A Website Using WordPress

Next, you create a website using WordPress.? Why WordPress?? It?s free, stable, looks great and is easy enough for anybody to use.

You?ll simply build your site based around your topic.

Step 4: Add Content To Your Website

Content can be text, images, video, audio, info charts, graphs and even PDFs.? Create compelling content that your visitors will be interested in.?

Creating good content can be based on:

  • Demos or Demonstrations
  • Product Reviews
  • Hot Industry Topics
  • Questions In Your Niche
  • Problems In Your Niche
  • Shortcuts In Your Niche
  • Thing That Are Entertaining In Your Niche

Step 5: Start Driving Traffic

This can be done through the search engines, forums, video and social media sites.? But, traffic is critical.? If you?re creating good content and sharing it often, the traffic will come!

Step 6:? Monetize For Income (Add Money)

Often times we are eager to make money so much we focus too much on how to monetize our niche than the previous steps? However, what we do is teach you to do the other steps first and worry about money last.

Here?s why?.

You?ll be more inclined to help your audience which will help you dramatically increase your sales and income.? Most people miss this because they simply only worry about their own pockets.? Help those in your market and it will help you succeed in making more money online.

Think of companies like Facebook, they didn?t monetize until late in the game and are now the top social network, period.

These are the things you need to do to make money on the Internet.?

But, it?s not the end!

Over the last few years I?ve been teaching people how to make money using these tactics. However, about 8 months ago I decided I wanted to make something truly amazing to help people interested in building their very own business that they can make money online with.

Justin Lewis shared this vision with me and has a knack for modernizing the training and keeping it relevant. Plus, he is a pure master at social media and that is something we wanted to make sure we taught in great detail inside the course. So Justin Lewis and I got together and started laying out the ground work for what we call Niche Optimizer.

Inside of Niche Optimizer we remove the frustration that usually comes with making money on the Internet.? Not only do we provide hands-on help every step of the way, we make it step-by-step newbie friendly?.

Here is exactly what we created & teach on the inside:

  • Lesson 0:? Understanding The Basics
  • Lesson 1:? Finding Your Niche
  • Lesson 2:? Finding Your Audience
  • Lesson 3:? Creating Your Domain & World
  • Lesson 4:? Building Your Niche Website (with 20 easy WordPress tutorials)
  • Lesson 5:? Creating Awesome Content
  • Lesson 6:? Building & Growing Your Traffic (tons of sub-lessons here)
  • Lesson 7:? Making Money
  • Lesson 8:? Advancing

Each lesson has several sub?lessons that are organized in a step-by-step manner complete with easy to follow videos and text with image walk-throughs as well.

So if you love video and hate text, no problem!? Hate video and love text and screen shots?? We have that too.? Easy.

But, here is where the course gets really good.

After you understand the first segment of the course you can go on to our in-depth Facebook Fanpage course.

Inside this part of the course you?ll find 7 additional lessons:

  • Lesson 1: Facebook Basics
  • Lesson 2: Naming Your Fanpage
  • Lesson 3: Creating Your Page
  • Lesson 4: Facebook Sharing
  • Lesson 5: Growing Your Fanbase
  • Lesson 6: Using Paid Ads Effectively
  • Lesson 7: Automating

Using our easy-to-follow lessons on making money on the Internet with Facebook, you?ll be master social media in no time.

After you finish this segment up you can continue onto creating an email list.? An email list not only provides traffic on a regular basis to your site, but also sales.

Email List Profits

Lesson 1:? Setting Up Your First Email List/Form

Lesson 2:? Automating Your Emails

More lessons added soon to this area.

As we continue to grow the course we?ll be adding new lessons and new training to every segment. Which you?ll get immediate access to when available.

This course also includes what I believe sets us apart from anything else on the Internet:

Weekly live events.? These are sometimes Q and A and other times just straight training.? These events are great to meet us and get hands on feedback from real industry experts.

Weekly Podcasts:? Justin and I shoot these live and then share them with you.? These are typically created based on things our members ask us or are looking for.

You can see an example here:

These events are a great way to increase your knowledge will help you make more money online.

24/7 Support:? One of the things that online training tends to suffer from is lack of support.? Our community is extremely active.? Our members are on day and night and Justin and I are on several hours each day.

We will answer every single question that is submitted and our premium students and support team will as well.

We give you a NO-STUCK guarantee as our member.

A community is important while you?re learning to build your own online business.

We have several hundred more videos and training segments that will be coming over the next few years.? The training we provide will never become stale or out-of-date.

So rest easy, that everything we teach is always up-to-date and very useful to decreasing your learning time, increasing your success and keeping this course constantly relevant when other courses seem to fall out of date.

We also created an area where you can take the first 4 modules free and even ask us questions!? Get started by going to Niche Optimizer and click on the green button at the top labeled "Create Your Account".

We keep the atmosphere light and fun.? We want you to build a serious business online, but we also want you to enjoy yourself!

I want to thank Lynn Terry for the opportunity to share this with you today and if you have questions, please ask below.

By the way, since this is free to join, we ask that you just give us a chance to help you.? We know that even if you have prior training you?ll be pleasantly surprised by our premium training, attention to detail and understanding of exactly what you need to succeed.

Justin and I can?t wait to see you on the inside with us, but no matter what you choose to do; please keep working on your online business!? The Internet is an awesome place and we share your passion.

To your success,

Michael Brown


* This post was written by Michael Brown and sponsored by NicheOptimizer.


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