Saturday, February 23, 2013

Sexting and bugging revealed at the FBI - CNN

(Reuters) - One FBI employee was fired for sleeping with a drug dealer and lying about it under oath, while another got the boot for bugging the boss's office.

The FBI suspended for 10 days still another employee for emailing a nude photograph of herself to her ex-boyfriend's wife - the bureau showed compassion for the woman after she sought help for depression.

Those cases over the past year were among 29 revealed by CNN on Friday after the cable news network obtained an October 2012 quarterly report the U.S. Federal Bureau of Investigation sent to all its employees that was meant to educate FBI staff but not to be disseminated publicly.

The so-called quarterlies summarized cases investigated by the bureau's Office of Professional Responsibility.

"We have seen a rash of sexting cases and nude photograph cases, you know, people misusing their BlackBerrys for this reason, and we hope getting the message out in the quarterlies is going to teach people you can't do this stuff," FBI assistant director Candice Will told CNN.

An employee who used a government-issued BlackBerry to send sexually explicit messages to another employee received a five-day suspension. Another who used a personal cell phone to send nude photographs to several other employees received a 10-day suspension, in part because the conduct created office gossip.

"When you're given an FBI BlackBerry, it's for official use. It's not to text the woman in another office who you found attractive a picture of yourself in a state of undress," Will said.

Many of the cases involved sex, such as that of the employee who visited a massage parlour and paid for a sexual favour from the masseuse. That resulted in a 14-day suspension instead of a more severe penalty because the employee had an exemplary work record and expressed remorse, the FBI documents said.

Others were more serious, such as the case of the employee who admitted purchasing and viewing video of naked boys. That person was summarily dismissed.

Two employees who were busted for driving under the influence of alcohol were fired because in each case it was a second offense.

Another who was cited for public intoxication while walking the street drunk and armed with a bureau-issued weapon received a seven-day suspension.

Improper handling of evidence resulted in suspensions of three and eight days. Shoplifting got a summary dismissal.

CNN posted the documents on

(Reporting by Daniel Trotta)


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