Thursday, November 15, 2012

Samsung now manufacturing 10 nanometer 64GB flash storage chips

Samsung Flash Storage

The times, they are a changin'. Devices are getting thinner and thinner, meaning space between the battery and screen is a premium. Samsung has announced that its come to a new milestone in its flash memory division, dropping down to a 10nm (nanometer)-class manufacturing process for 64GB chips. That doesn't really mean much on the face of it, but the end result is a chip that's physically 20-percent smaller, and has nearly double the performance in terms of IOPS (input/output per second) at 2,000 write and 5,000 read. These new chips have sequential read and write speeds of 260MB/s and 50MB/s, respectively, which is over 10 times faster than an external Class 10 SDcard.

That's some serious performance improvements over external storage, and at the capacities that these chips are available in, you're not exactly making any compromises. Also remember that Samsung manufactures these components for more than just their own devices. Many different manufacturers utilize Samsung for device components, so we'll hopefully start seeing these new, faster chips in phones and tablets across the board soon.

Source: Samsung; Via: Engadget


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