Sunday, November 25, 2012

Top Tips On Behavior Modification For Children - Ayushveda

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Top Tips On Behavior Modification For Children  Difficult children are defiant, stubborn and loud. They tend to complain, do not listen, throw temper tantrums and have irregular sleeping and eating habits. Difficult?behavior?may also include low self-esteem, sadness and discouragement. Some common life events like exam stress, sibling rivalry and peer pressure create these?behaviors?in children.

A child who engages himself in such?behavior?is definitely not a happy person. Children do show difficult?behavior?at times but these reactions are quite frequent in some children and cause many problems for themselves and others. Getting control of this kind of?behavior?is not always easy. Difficult children are not all the same.

They have different traits and temperament. They make others feel angry and have an ineffective discipline. However, they can be very creative and enthusiastic if managed well. Thus, follow the following steps for appropriate types of behavior modifications in children in the best possible manners without any conflicts or clashes, with their constant understanding and support:-

Tips on Behavior Modification for Children?


It is the first step to deal with an inappropriate?behavior.? Usually parents explode in anger when they see their children behaving like that. Patience is the key to handle it. Sometimes the child may be angry when he is asked to do a certain work. Don?t lose patience. Trying to justify yourself is nothing but a waste of time.

When he calms down, gently ask him to do the work. Don?t over react and try to be consistent. Your being patient is the biggest key here. He would see the way you are trying to put up with him and understand your situation. This would help you in putting up with him in a better manner.

Understand the Purpose

It is important to understand the reason of?misbehavior? There is always a purpose and one should try to understand it. Children usually misbehave in frustration when they feel like a failure. Try to?priorities?their problem by giving them proper attention. Focus on the issue of the present. Do not judge them or lash out on them.

Instead of doing so, try to see what they did and why they did what they did. They would have a valid reason or purpose for doing so. So, just ask them with a calm set of mind or just silently try to understand their actions before you come to any conclusions and do anything rash which you might repent at a later on stage.

Try Not to be Bossy

Bossiness ends up with children seeking revenge. Nobody likes being bossed around. One should always express to have a desire to maintain a good relationship with the child.

Top Tips On Behavior Modification For Children

Being bossy would just spoil all of your efforts in trying to modify your child?s behavior. So, just act friendly and act like their comrades would and do not under any circumstances be bossy around them. Being bossy would make them distant to you and they would rebel more just like they used to.

Have a Good Parent-Child Relationship

A regular, pleasant interaction with the children is a must and parents should listen to their problems and interests. They should have reasonable expectations from their children. It is very important to have a positive and negative action in response to their children?s?behavior? A parent is a friend, mentor and guide to a child.

Let them know you care and wish the best for them and it is because of that very reason that you have to be strict sometimes with them. Try to make your child see from your point of view. Have one on one talks with them where you listen to them and also let them know things that you go through or have gone through when you were of their age. This will help in strengthening your bond with your kid.

Also Read

6 Tips for Redirecting Child Behavior
How to Handle Difficult Child Behavior
How to Prevent?Voilent?Child Behavior
How to Handle Behavior Problems in Children

Provide Consistent Feedback

It is important to praise your child when he behaves well. Offering appreciation along with small gifts makes them realize the fact that good?behavior?is important in our everyday life. They try to change themselves and the change is long -lasting. Reasonable punishments may be given but should be used less often than positive response.

Top Tips On Behavior Modification For Children

Do not hesitate to ask for genuine opinion of your child on things that you do or say. But,?more?importantly, ask your child to truly state how they feel about things and offer true opinion of yours to what they do or say. Do not hesitate to provide tweaks to their actions, whenever you feel necessary. This will help them to improvise on their behavior and change it.

Do the Opposite of What they Expect

Sometimes when children misbehave, they anticipate others? reaction. It is better to do the unexpected. For example, if the child is doing something that is annoying you, he expects you to say ?stop?. It is better to show some positive response rather than scolding him. This would surprise him and he would stop doing that. This trick always works with children.

Whenever you are going to punish your child, try to bring them up first by talking to them politely. Make them realise that you were not expecting such?behavior?from them, deal with the issue, scold them and then again bring them up. Tell them that you know they won?t repeat it again. This makes them realise their mistake and they strive to maintain a good?behavior.

Exchange Roles

This is one of the effect methods of behavior modification where parents and children exchange roles. Here, the child becomes the parent and the parent becomes the child for a few hours or a whole day, as per desirous. As a parent, do all that the child does, be rebellious and adamant and let your child, as you, deal with things that you make them go through.

Ask them to do what they feel is the best to do in such situations. Mimic your child?s actions in order for them to see how impossible they were and how patient you have been up until then. This will help a lot in behavior modification of your child.

Top Tips On Behavior Modification For Children , 5.0 out of 5 based on 1 rating


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